Презентация " New Year's gifts in Great Britain"
творческая работа учащихся (6 класс)

Павлюк Надежда Аркадьевна

Презентация " New Year's gifts in Great Britain"


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New Year's gifts in Great Britain

Слайд 2

New Year's cards The card , presented for New year in England , is considered especially valuable. The tradition to exchange colourful pictures has arisen at the beginning of the 19th century and it is loved still.

Слайд 3

New Year's gifts British like to give each other New Year's gifts. But expensive gifts for New Year can't be given. Usually it is souvenirs with an emblem of year, a mug, the book, a toy, magnets, charms. Gifts to family members are given on a lot. There is such interesting English tradition.

Слайд 5

Gifts to children for New Year Children look forward Santa Claus's arrival. They hang out at a fireplace socks for gifts. On a legend, once Santa got through in a flue and at him from pockets gold coins fell down. Coins haven't fallen in coals, and have got to a sock that dried at a fireplace. Since then children hang up socks for Santa. Before New Year children write letters with the desires and burn in a fireplace. Then smoke from a pipe gets directly to the kind old man, and that grants desires of the little friends .

Слайд 6

Gifts to children for New Year . Children believe that Santa comes on a burro therefore prepare for him an entertainment and put in wooden boots. If Santa doesn't want to put a gift in a sock, or he won't be located there, then on such case kids put a plate on a table before going to bed.

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