учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

Родичев Марк Эдуардович



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London is the capital and the largest city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and a real dream destination for tourists from all around the world. The population of London is 8 825 000 people and its territory is 1 572 square kilometers. It is one of the biggest cities in the world. London is situated on the river Thames and it is the political, cultural and economic center of the UK.

London is an old and beautiful city. It was founded in 43 AD by the Romans and was named Londinium. London is traditionally divided into several parts: Westminster, the West End, the East End, and the City.

The oldest part of London is the City. It is also the business center of London.

The Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, is situated in Westminster. It`s the aristocratic part of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British government are also situated in this part of London. It is the main tourist attraction of London.

But the most beautiful part is the West End. The best shops, hotels, clubs, restaurants, houses, and parks are situated there. West End is a nice place to chill out for everyone.

There are a lot of places to do sightseeing in London. One of them is the famous Tower Clock Big Ben. It is the main symbol of London. Big Ben is a real bell and it strikes every fifteen minutes. Buckingham Palace is the Queen`s residence. There are so many other places of interest in London are: The Regent's Park, the British Museum, Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey. You definitely will be fascinated by each of them!

In London the weather is cool, humid and rainy. Atlantic fronts bring variable weather, with cloudiness, rains and showers, which changes, at least in spring and summer, with a few hours of sunshine.

However, the climate is a bit milder than in the rest of Britain: in this area it is slightly warmer than in the surrounding region, except perhaps only winter months.

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