презентация по теме Present Simple and Present Continuous
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме Present Simple and Present Continuous для 6 класса
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[s] walks, eats, makes, keeps [z] goes, finds, reads, smells [ iz ] watches, misses, washes, mixes [ ŋ] sleeping, singing, talking, wearing , watching, playing, making, writing .
Present Simple Tense
Children go to school every day. Действие происходит часто, обычно, время от времени повторяется
Действие происходит всегда или не происходит никогда I always ride my bike in summer. My sister never drinks cola.
Слова-спутники : usually – обычно always – всегда sometimes – иногда often – часто never – никогда every day – каждый день, etc
Present Simple образуется глагол + s если действие выполняют he she it
Nick swim s in the swimming bath every day. Ann ride s her bike in summer. The cat often sleep s on the bookshelf.
Present Simple образуется глагол без s если действие выполняют we you they I
We love English. They often write tests at school . You read at the lessons.
Вопросы и отрицание в Present Simple образуются при помощи Do Does I we you they he she it
They play football very well. Do they play football very well? Yes, they do . Do they play football very well? No, they do n’t. They do n’t play football very well.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple : At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o’clock. In the evening we (to watch) TV and (to talk ) . have is leaves watch talk
Present Simple and Present Cont Present Simple повторяющееся действие или факт We read every day. We have books. Present Continuous действие происходит сейчас , в данный момент, в момент речи We are reading now.
Present Simple Сигнальные слова: every day, often, usually, always, sometimes, never, on Mondays Present Continuous Сигнальные слова: now, at the moment, at 5 o’clock
Present Simple Образование В 3 л. ед.ч. добавляется - s/ - es I speak English He speak s English Present Continuous Образование Глагол to be + Ving (am, is are) I am speak ing English now. He is speak ing English now. She is speak ing English now. It is speak ing English now. We are speak ing English now. You are speak ing English now. They are speak ing English now.
Present Simple Отрицание do not/ don’t В 3 л. ед.ч. does not/ doesn’t I don’t speak English He doesn’t speak English Present Continuous Отрицание Глагол to be + not + Ving (am, is are) I am not speak ing English now. He is not speak ing English now. She is not speak ing English now. It is not speak ing English now. We are not speak ing English now. You are not speak ing English now. They are not speak ing English now .
Present Simple Вопросы Do подлежащее сказуемое ? В 3 л. ед.ч. Does подлежащее сказуемое ? Do I speak English? Does he speak English? Present Continuous Вопросы Глагол to be + подлежащее + Ving ? (am, is are) Am I speak ing English now ? Is he speak ing English now ? Is she speak ing English now ? Is i t speak ing English now ? Are w e speak ing English now ? Are you speak ing English now ? Are they speak ing English now ?
Правило добавления - ing Односложные глаголы оканчиваются на одну краткую гласную и одну согласную букву, удваивается согласная: Swim-swimming Sit-sitting Run-running Глаголы оканчиваются на -е , буква - e исчезает Write-writing Drive-driving Глаголы оканчиваются на буквосочетание - i е Lie-lying Die-dying Tie-tying В остальных случаях: Walk-walking Wait-waiting Open-opening
Категории глаголов, к которым не добавляется окончание - ing . Статические глаголы ( Stative verbs ). глаголы всех чувств ( like , love , hate , smell , see , hear , и т.д.) глаголы мыслительных процессов ( think , know , understand , believe и т.д.) все модальные глаголы.
Закончи предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола. Образец: What is John doing? He (is reading/reads) now. -He is reading now. 1.It is seven in the evening. Mum (is cooking/cooks) in the kitchen. Mum is cooking in the kitchen.
2.Nelly never (is eating/eats) apples. She doesn`t like them. Nelly never eats apples. 3.Is Jane drinking tea? – No, she (is drinking/drinks) coffee. She always (is drinking/drinks) coffee in the morning. – No, she is drinking coffee. She always drinks coffee in the morning.
4. Is John driving the car now?- No, his father (is driving/drives). John never (is driving/drives) in Moscow. No, his father is driving. John never drives in Moscow. 5. – Mum, Granny! Are you cooking dinner? –Yes, we (are/do). I (am cooking/cook) fish and granny (is cooking/cooks) a cake. - Yes, we are. I am cooking fish and granny is cooking a cake.
7. Where (are/is) the children? They (are playing/play) in the garden. 8. We sometimes (are riding/ride) bikes in the morning.
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