Проект"Сленг" 8 класс
проект по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
XXIII-I of the school scientific - practical conference "Man.Nature.Society"
Youth slang in the UK and Russia
Author: Andrey Vyrva class 8A
MOAU school No. 4
Supervisor: teacher of English
Derevleva Olesya V.
Shimanovsk- 2020
1. Introduction. 3p.
2. The main part. 4-9pp.
2.1. Slang as a language unit . 4p.
2.2.Types of slang in the UK . 5p.
2.3.Youth slang in the UK. 6p.
2.4.Features of modern British slang of teenagers. 7p.
2.5.The use of slang among the youth of Russia. 8p.
2.6.The sphere of usage slang in Britain. 9p.
3.Work product and the practical part. 10-13pp.
3.1.Survey. 10p.
3.2.The product of the work. 11-13pp.
4.Conclusion 14p.
5.Sources. . 15p.
App. 16-18pp.
The theme for my project: "Youth slang in the UK and Russia”.
This topic is relevant for us, because in our days the boundaries between countries are blurred, people have the opportunity to travel, communicate with foreigners, to compare different spheres of life, and thus know yourself better. Project materials will help to master the English slang and use the information obtained from them in various spheres of life, such as: traveling in English-speaking countries.
The object of study: youth slang
Subject of research: forms, mechanisms of slang
The hypothesis of the study: Russian students familiar with English slang, partly know it and use it.
The purpose of the study to identify the characters and to find its borrowings in Russia
- to make the description of slang
- identify slang words
- find areas where you can use slang
- make a slang dictionary for tourists or other people
Research methodology:
The survey
2.The main part
2.1. Slang as a language unit
First we need to understand what constitutes slang.
Slang is a young concept, which originated around the beginning of the 21st century. It means a group of words used by a certain social group. We can say that slang is words that are simplified, modified both lexically and grammatically for ease and speed of transmission of information in various spheres of life. The concept, though young, but very popular today. Unfortunately, slang is a problem of modern language, especially in English-speaking countries, as is total cluttering the language with many new, sometimes unnecessary or repeated words, resulting in lost original language norms.
Slang originated as a special language designed for specific purposes and remains so to this day. However, a word coined as a slang, not necessarily and will remain so. Slang can be used in a certain period and can become obsolete, or becomes a standard word in the literary language. Over the centuries of its existence, some slang words that come from the "bottom", have infiltrated and entrenched in literary English. Such words as trip, bet, donkey, shabby, chap, bore, cab, kidnap and other was once used as a slang, but was later adopted into standard or formal English. History of the English language shows that 2% of the words standard English dictionary was derived from the slang.
2.2. The types of slang
Before to give examples of slang, you need to find a clear boundary between the types of slang.
Each person is a member of the particular social, age and professional groups. Depending on this, different and our language, particularly slang. There are various kinds of slang, such as professional (doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.), slang, social groups (the underworld, etc.). Slang is well-known and obscure, depending on the sphere of consumption. For example, the youth and student slang slang familiar to more people, since they were all young and students, respectively, used similar words.
2.3. Youth slang in the UK .
Youth slang - sociolect of people aged 12--22 years old, emerged from the opposition is not so much the older generation, how much formal system.
Youth slang, like any other, is only the lexicon on phonetic and grammatical basis of the national language and is spoken and sometimes rude-familiar color. For example, bruv - friend, duds - duds.
Youth slang has a number of peculiarities and differences from other existing slang. Among them, first of all, can be attributed to the rapid variability is due to the fact that does not stop "parish" in the youth of the younger children and "care" of her adult life young people. This is accompanied by the constant updatability of youth slang.
Youth slang will not impose, he simply exists. And in order to be included in the youth community, be it "their" young people will have not only to be young in age, but also to speak the language, typical of his age group, namely, to own and use youth slang. Youth slang is filled up by a kind of vocabulary related to areas of youth employment. These include school, University (bomb - to fail the drug test), informal youth associations (emo - gloomy, depressed), games on computers and the Internet (XP - XP), music (air guitar - imaginary guitar), sports (b-ball basketball).
2.4.Features of modern British slang of teenagers.
The most active age group of the users of slang are young people between 14 to 26 years. Slang is an integral part of vocabulary the most part young people who use slang all the time, regardless of emotional state. The degree of potrebitelei slang depends on the social environment, the different parameters of the communicative situation. Slang allows you to establish informal contact between the interlocutors, marks belonging to a particular social status, gives the opportunity for the expression of interests, ideals, needs of adolescents.
2.5.The use of slang among the youth of Russia
Currently we have a widely used English slang words,such as: easy peasy, ace, nice etc. this happens due to the close contact of cultures of different countries, contact languages, a constant borrowing of new words.These words are quickly implemented into our speech and become everyday and ordinary. Most likely, with the passage of time we learn more and more slang words and include them in your speech .
2.6. The sphere of usage slang in Britain.
Though the slang and appeared recently, but he has already managed to participate in the various spheres of life and, in particular, is widely spread among young
people as well as people connected with the culture of the UK.
In the example we can cite many areas:
- street culture (most words)
- eSports (such words refer mid etc.)
ghetto culture (the criminal layers of the gang)
- Internet community (abbreviations such as LMAO etc.)
- as well as other spheres of everyday life
In General, slang is used literally everywhere.
Fortunately, slang is not able to penetrate everywhere, because cluttering native linguistic norms would lead to the deaths of some of the areas that often happens as a result of its use, although it is really useful in some cases.
3.The practical part
3.1.A survey among students
I have conducted a survey among students of 7-11 grades of the Lyceum to find out how well they know the slang of British teenagers In the survey involved 50 people: 7 classes (15 people), 9 classes (15),11 classes (20 people). They were asked to answer 8 questions. If correct answers 7-8, the result is good, 4-6 is a medium, 1-3 - poor.
The results showed that more than half of the students are unfamiliar with the slang of British teenagers. The most recognizable is the acronym OMG (Oh my god), half not troubled the words "my b" and "chilin'". Other words, many are unfamiliar. Therefore, a dictionary of modern slang teenagers can be useful for them if they want to chat online in English, watch youth TV shows, read magazines in English or are planning a trip to the UK.
3.2.Product of work
In the course of this work we compiled a dictionary of slang words, which may be useful to you :
Diss– hate to speak negatively about anyone
Easy peasy – something very easy (business or work)
Lmao – very funny
Ace the highest grade win
Mate– a teammate, a companion
All right? – is everything all right?
Unrealsomething good, excellent
Props– respect
Grub– food
Geek – the person who communicates little, spends more time at the computer, or bent on learning
On fleek – to do something very well, be a professional
Chillrelax, relax
Ex ex - boyfriend, girlfriend
Dunno - I don't know
Hood - district
Awesome - impressive, incredibly
Cool - cool, cool
Banter - fun conversation
Bate - obviously
Beast - very good
Bear/bare - the very
BFF (Best Friends Forever) - best friends
Blad / blood - family or close friends
Blem - cigarette
Blemboss - a person who smokes for show
Blood-waggon - ambulance;
Bookie - strange/disgusting
Bounce - go
Bruv - each
Buff-very attractive
Butters-ugly girl
Withraic - fun
Crashy(Crazy and trashy)- mad, bad
Dope - cool
Duds - the duds
Emo - dark, depressing
Fam-a good friend
Fly -cool (the girl)
Ghetto - junk
Hardcore - tin
Jack - steal
Hench a muscular, attractive
Kisser - a person
Mandem -friends
My bad -my error
Owned to lose
Piff - attractive
Proper - indeed
Requestion ( request and question) - please
Raw hungry
Safe - Yes, I agree
Savage - cool
Sick- excellent
Skeen- Yes, I agree
Smiler - a person
Sound good
Swag - arrogance
Tidy good
Tight -close (of relationship)
Tool - stupid people
Tope (tight and dope) - cool
Trolling -joke
Wasteman - a stupid guy
Based on this work, we found out that Russian teenagers know English slang (albeit partially)and apply it in different areas quite often.As well as, was discovered borrowed slang units.
In the course of activities, a study was conducted, which gave us interesting statistics and also compiled a dictionary of slang words.
Today, slang is an integral part of society and companionship, because quick and easy transfer of information gives us more time to different things. Yes, slang is not always useful, but its role in language development can not be denied in any case.
1. BES collegiate dictionary. Linguistics. Moscow: Russian encyclopedia, 1988
2. Zhirmunskii V. M. national language and social dialects. - Leningrad, 1936.
3. Khomyakov V. A. introduction to the study of slang - the main component of the English vernacular. Moscow: Book house "LIBROKOM", 2009
4. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/read-uk/slang
5. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/
6. http://www.livestrong.com/article/1002990-common-teen-slang-phrases/
7. http://lasola.ru/career/professionalnyy-sleng-chto-eto.html
8. http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/family/parenting-tips/test-teen-slang-quiz
9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8551273.stm
10. http://www.ego4u.com/en/chill-out/curiosities/sms-english
11. http://www.englishinrussia.ru/ru/blog/language
Предварительный просмотр:
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Introduction The theme for my project: "Youth slang in the UK and Russia”. This topic is relevant for us, because in our days the boundaries between countries are blurred, people have the opportunity to travel, communicate with foreigners, to compare different spheres of life, and thus know yourself better. Project materials will help to master the English slang and use the information obtained from them in various spheres of life, such as: traveling in English-speaking countries.
Introduction The hypothesis of the study: Russian students familiar with English slang, partly know it and use it. The purpose of the study to identify the characters and to find its borrowings in Russia
Tasks - to make the description of slang - identify slang words - find areas where you can use slang - make a slang dictionary for tourists or other people
Slang as a language unit First we need to understand what constitutes slang. Slang is a young concept, which originated around the beginning of the 21st century. It means a group of words used by a certain social group. We can say that slang is words that are simplified, modified both lexically and grammatically for ease and speed of transmission of information in various spheres of life. The concept, though young, but very popular today. Unfortunately, slang is a problem of modern language, especially in English-speaking countries, as is total cluttering the language with many new, sometimes unnecessary or repeated words, resulting in lost original language norms.
Types of slang Each person is a member of the particular social, age and professional groups. Depending on this, different and our language, particularly slang. There are various kinds of slang, such as professional (doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.), slang, social groups (the underworld, etc.). Slang is well-known and obscure, depending on the sphere of consumption. For example, the youth and student slang slang familiar to more people, since they were all young and students, respectively, used similar words.
Youth slang in the UK Youth slang - sociolect of people aged 12--22 years old, emerged from the opposition is not so much the older generation, how much formal system. Youth slang, like any other, is only the lexicon on phonetic and grammatical basis of the national language and is spoken and sometimes rude-familiar color. For example, bruv - friend, duds - duds. Youth slang has a number of peculiarities and differences from other existing slang. Among them, first of all, can be attributed to the rapid variability is due to the fact that does not stop "parish" in the youth of the younger children and "care" of her adult life young people. This is accompanied by the constant updatability of youth slang.
The use of slang among the youth of Russia Currently we have a widely used English slang words,such as: easy peasy , ace, nice etc. this happens due to the close contact of cultures of different countries, contact languages, a constant borrowing of new words.These words are quickly implemented into our speech and become everyday and ordinary. Most likely, with the passage of time we learn more and more slang words and include them in your speech .
The sphere of usage slang in Britain Though the slang and appeared recently, but he has already managed to participate in the various spheres of life and, in particular, is widely spread among young people as well as people connected with the culture of the UK . In the example we can cite many areas : - street culture (most words) - eSports (such words refer mid etc.) ghetto culture (the criminal layers of the gang) - Internet community (abbreviations such as LMAO etc.) - as well as other spheres of everyday life In General, slang is used literally everywhere .
Survey I have conducted a survey among students of 7-11 grades of the Lyceum to find out how well they know the slang of British teenagers In the survey involved 50 people: 7 classes (15 people), 9 classes (15),11 classes (20 people). They were asked to answer 8 questions. If correct answers 7-8, the result is good, 4-6 is a medium, 1-3 – poor The results showed that more than half of the students are unfamiliar with the slang of British teenagers. The most recognizable is the acronym OMG (Oh my god), half not troubled the words "my b" and " chilin '". Other words, many are unfamiliar. Therefore, a dictionary of modern slang teenagers can be useful for them if they want to chat online in English, watch youth TV shows, read magazines in English or are planning a trip to the UK.
Conclusion Based on this work, we found out that Russian teenagers know English slang (albeit partially)and apply it in different areas quite often.As well as, was discovered borrowed slang units. In the course of activities, a study was conducted, which gave us interesting statistics and also compiled a dictionary of slang words. Today, slang is an integral part of society and companionship, because quick and easy transfer of information gives us more time to different things. Yes, slang is not always useful, but its role in language development can not be denied in any case.
Thank you for attention!
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