урок по теме "Foreign language learning"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Полякова Екатерина Владимировна

Конспект бинарного урока на английском и немецком языках для 8-9 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

5 th , February Der 5. Februar

Слайд 2

A new language is a new life Eine neue Sprache ist ein neues Leben The limits of the language are the limits of the world Die Grenzen der Sprache sind die Grenzen der Welt

Слайд 3

Foreign language learning Fremdsprachenlernen

Слайд 4

The objectives Speak about the reasons of foreign language learning Develop speaking, reading, listening, writing skills Practice English and German

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

What is the most widely-spread language? How many people speak it? German

Слайд 7

What place is the German language on? How many people speak it? German

Слайд 9

Education opportunities Career opportunities International travelling Bildungschancen Karrierechance Internationale Reisen

Слайд 10

International travelling I have a reservation. How can I get to…? Do you take credit cards? Do you speak English? How much is this ? Internationale Reisen Dankeschön Entschuldigung Wie viel Kostet das?

Слайд 11

An application form Vorname ____________________ Familienname ________________ Straße ______________________ Wohnort ____________________ Postleitzahl (PZL )______________ Land _______________________ Hi! I’m David Alford.I am 33 years old. I was born in England . I live in USA now.I’m single. I graduated from the university with a specialty in computer science. I received my master’s degree in Economics in 2001.I workes as a manager for 5 years. My position was a credit control manager. I worked in the main office.I am often sent on business trips.I am often sent on business trips. I have to go to Germany this month . Write to me a little later and I'll tell you about my trip. Attorney at Law 1556 Broadway, suite 416 New York, NY, 10120, USA. David Alford Broadway New York 10120 USA

Слайд 12

Karrierechance Job and career opportunities

Слайд 13

If I know a foreign language, I can … go on business trips abroad communicate with foreigners work in foreign companies share experiences with foreign colleagues have good salary get information from original magazines , newspapers, books, sites w ork abroad

Слайд 14

E ducation opportunities Bildungschancen

Слайд 15

Person University Reasons Khristina Dima Denis Mihail Mary (1) University of Cambridge Research laboratories, 18 , C1 (4) University of Munich B2, free, 19 (3) The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences 20, B1 (2) King's College London B1, age 17+, London, discount - 17, A2

Слайд 16

W hy people study foreign languages? International travelling Job and career opportunities Education opportunities Meeting new people Reading in original

Слайд 17

The objectives Speak about the reasons of foreign language learning Develop speaking, reading, listening, writing skills Practice English and German

Предварительный просмотр:

The 5th of February/ Der 5. Februar

Class work/ Klassenarbeit


«Eine neue Sprache ist ein neues Leben /A new language is a new life»

«Die Grenzen der Sprache sind die Grenzen der Welt/The limits of the language are the limits of the      


The theme: Foreign Language Learning / Fremdsprachenlernen


  • Speak about the reasons of foreign language learning
  •  Develop speaking, reading, listening, writing skills
  •  Practice English and German

Task 1. Read the text and match English equivalents from the table and German equivalents from the text.

         Foreign languages are absolutely necessary nowadays because of growing international contacts with foreign countries. There are many reasons why people begin to study foreign languages.

         Knowing a foreign language makes Internationale Reisen easier and more pleasant. If you travel to a country which language you can speak, you can communicate with people there and understand them. Without any help you can order food, ask for directions, buy tickets or book a hotel room.

         Learning a foreign language opens a ton of Karrierechance. Knowing a foreign language lets people work with foreigners and in foreign companies, have good salary, go on business trips abroad, share experiences with foreign companies, negotiate. If you work in any branch of science, you can read scientific books and magazines in other languages to raise your professional level. Making business nowadays also means the ability of speaking foreign languages.

         Knowing a foreign language opens the Bildungschancen. You can get a degree in another country. 

        The ability of speaking one or two or even more foreign languages gives the opportunity for meeting new interesting people and helps people from different countries to develop mutual friendship and understanding.

         It is also very interesting to read foreign literature in its original form. We can also read foreign newspapers and magazines and understand films in foreign languages without any help and translation.

        Foreign languages are our passport to another world full of breathtaking places, interesting people, new culture and way of life. Learning foreign languages is essential if you want to explore the world and develop your personality.

Education opportunities

Career opportunities

International travelling


Task 2. Read the English text and fill in an application form.

An application form.

Vorname ___________________






Hi! I’m David Alford. I am 33 years old. I was born in England. I live in USA now. I’m single. I graduated from the university with a specialty in computer science. I received my master’s degree in Economics in 2001.I workes as a manager for 5 years. My position was a credit control manager. I worked in the main office.I am often sent on business trips.I am often sent on business trips. I have to go to Germany this month . Write to me a little later and I'll tell you about my trip. Attorney at Law 1556 Broadway, suite 416  New York, NY, 10120, USA.

Task 3. Arrange pairs with the same jobs. Match English and German equivalents.



An engineer

ein Geschäftsmann

A programmer

eine Sekretärin

A secretary

ein Fotograf

A doctor

eine Stewardess

A photographer

ein Programmierer

A journalist

ein Manager

A stewardess  

ein Arzt

A scientist

ein Wissenschaftler

A manager

ein Journalist

A businessman

ein Ingenieur

Task 4. Match teenagers to the Universities.









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