Презентация по английскому языку Spotlight 9 Charity
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Match the words related to the topic with their meanings 1. Charity 2. a volunteer 3. a charity 4. Voluntary work without any money kindness in giving help a person who helps without any money an organization that helps poor people
Look at the pictures. Which of the following can you see? -people helping out at an animal shelter -a woman visiting senior citizen -a woman helping a disabled senior citizen -children planting trees -people helping to clean up a pond -a person working with children -red cross giving supplies to victims of an earthquake A B C D E F
Watch the video and answer the questions: Click to watch What is the main aim of Wilco Regional Animal Shelter? What does the manager like about her job?
Do you agree?
Answer the questions about the text : 1. Who inspired Richard to help out at a local animal shelter? 2. What kind of work does he do at an animal shelter? 3. Why are the animals brought to the shelter? 4. Why do some animals need more care than usual? 5. Which season is usually the busiest time for shelters and why?
volunteer делать добрые дела безвозмездно charity support поддержка donate жертвовать encourage побуждать Get involved вовлекать
Speaking Work in pairs. You are a journalist and your partner is a member of animal shelter group. Prepare questions and interview your partner about his work in the local animal shelter.
Writing Prepare a leaflet about your local animal shelter and use the information in the text to persuade people to join you at the shelter.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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