Экологический КВН
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Открытое мероприятие
по английскому языку, посвященное
защите окружающей среды
«Nothing is Forever»
Подготовила и провела: учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ №1 с. Верхние Татышлы Сафиуллина Е.С.
Цели мероприятия:
- актуализация изученного лексического и грамматического материала;
- тренировка навыков монологической речи;
- тренировка умений выразительного чтения;
- развитие мышления и внимания;
- развитие творческих умений;
- развитие социальных умений.
Оборудование: плакаты для оформления зала, по две пары карточек с заданиями для конкурсов, два набора букв английского алфавита, чистые листы бумаги и маркеры.
Ход мероприятия
Ведущий: Good afternoon, dear teachers, pupils and guests. We are very glad to see you. Welcome to our Club of the Merry and Quick-witted. Today we will have a very interesting competition – “Ecological KVN”. We will speak about ecological problems and we’ll see how we can protect our nature. Our teams will do different tasks and you must support them by clapping. And now let me invite our teams.
На сцену выходят участники двух команд.
Ведущий: Let me introduce our judges. (Представляет членов жюри.) We ask you, judges, not to be too critical and forgive our participants the mistakes they may make.
1.Приветствие команд. Now let’s begin our competition. The first task is called “Introduction”.
2.Поэтический конкурс.
Ведущий: The next task is called “Reciting poems”. The teams must recite English poems about nature. Teams, you are welcome.
The Dandelion
A dandelion yellow as gold,
What do you do all day?
I just wait here in the tall green grass
Till the children come to play.
A dandelion yellow as gold,
What do you do all night?
I wait till the cold dew falls
And my hair grows long and white.
And what do you do when your hair is white?
And the children come to play?
They take me into their little hands
And blow my hair away.
Yours and mine
The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,
The silver moon that’s sailing by,
The rain and dew and snowflakes white,
The flowers sweet and stars of night!
The songs of birds, wind whispering,
The autumn leaves, the buds of spring –
Such lovely things to hear and see
Belong to you, belong to me!
(Karen Steven)
Eagles strike
And eagles seize
Eagles fly
Wherever they please
They catch the wind
And high they soar
They reach for life
And reach for more.
We together schooled
Are eagles flown?
We reach to life
To find our own
Strong winds we spread
To catch the winds
Wherever we go
Let us stay friends.
(Terry Hazel)
My little dog
I’ll never hurt my little dog,
But stroke and pat his head
I like to see him wag his tail,
I like to see him fed
No, I will never hurt my dog,
And never treat him ill,
But treat him kindly every day,
And he will love me still.
3. «Find the words». «Найди слово».
Find the English equivalents for the Russian words: заяц, попугай, слон, лиса, крокодил, ворона, сова, осел, аист, олень.
a | w | e | p | h | o | r | e | l | k | s | b | t | c | m |
s | r | o | a | n | t | e | l | o | p | e | a | i | w | S |
o | w | l | r | p | a | r | r | o | t | y | b | g | f | q |
u | n | o | t | o | x | w | i | p | z | d | e | e | r | u |
r | e | c | r | o | c | o | d | i | l | e | a | r | s | i |
t | a | p | i | d | e | l | m | t | i | c | r | o | w | r |
a | g | a | d | i | m | f | o | x | a | h | a | r | e | e |
z | l | a | g | o | a | t | d | o | n | k | e | y | v | e |
d | e | l | e | p | h | a | n | t | s | t | o | r | k | l |
4. Homework.
Ведущий: Your homework was to make a poster for the Protection of nature. Are you ready to check your homework? (Команды представляют свои плакаты)
Let’s have a rest. (Музыкальная пауза)
5. English sayings.
Ведущий: Thank you. It was very nice. Let’s continue our competition. You must match the two columns and you’ll get some English sayings.
1. as white as … 1. an ox
2. as busy as … 2. a sheet
3. as brave as … 3. a lion
4. as strong as … 4. a pig
5. as fierce as … 5. a bee
6. as fat as … 6. a wolf
7. as good as … 7. gold
8. as sly as … 8. a mouse
9. as quiet as … 9. a fox
Fresh –чистый Sly – хитрый
Quiet –тихий Strong –выносливый
Fierce –злой
6. “Riddles”(Загадки)
- Long ears, long ears,
Hop, hop, hop,
Long ears, long ears,
Never stop
They like carrots
They like hey
Their ears grow longer
From day to day.
(a rabbit)
- He lives in a forest. He is the king of the jungle because he is very strong. When he is hungry, he begins to roar very loudly. What is it? (a lion)
- How long does the mouse live? (it depends if there is a cat)
- This animal lives in the house. It likes milk, meat and fish. (a cat)
- This animal is a man’s friend. He lives in the garden. It likes bones. (a dog)
- It is an animal with red bushy tail. (a fox)
- It is an insect. It gets up early. It works all day. It likes flowers. It collects honey. (a bee)
- Hopper, hopper
In the grass,
Please, don’t hop
And let me pass
But it hops
Hops, hops, hops, hops
Hops and hops
And never stops. (a grasshopper)
- It is a tree. It is always green.(a fur-tree)
- It can be big or small
It is white or bright
It has a smell
There are many of them in
Spring and summer
It is a good present
Girls and women like them very much.
What is it? (a flower)
7. “Words”
Each team will get letters. I will name the words in Russian and you must make up the words in English. (Учащиеся должны выстроиться по порядку букв в словах)
Слова: кошка, цветы, кролик, вода, деревья.
8. “Domino”
Let’s play the game “Domino”. Here are some cards for each team. If you are able to arrange them in a proper way you’ll be able to read the names of animals and flowers. Write the words on the sheet of paper and then you will read them. The team who finds more words is the winner.
roo | ha | re | be | ger | Ele |
on | wo | phant | li | ress | Kanga |
lf | tig | ar | ti |
lip | se | Water | me-not | Tu | ||
lily | Forget- | Vio | flower | Corn | ||
dil | Ro | bell | Sun | let | Blue | |
drop | Daffo | flower | Snow |
Let’s listen to a very interesting information.
Tortoises live 140 years.
Fish live 60 years or longer.
Insects live only one year or even one day.
A bee flies 10 km an hour for nectar.
Fish sleep under water, but they don’t close their eyes. Why? Because they don’t have eyelids.
The horse and the dog are the cleverest among the domestic animals.
English for «полосатая кошка» is a tabby-cat.
English for «кот» is a tom-cat.
9. “Save our planet”.
Ведущий: Dear friends, we must do everything to protect our nature! Let’s see what we can do to save our planet.
You must make a picture for the phrases:
Plant trees and flowers.
Place bird houses in your yard.
Leave food for birds.
Be a friend to fish. Don’t throw rubbish into their homes.
Don’t throw cans, plastic bottles and glass.
10.Подведение итогов.
Ведущий: Thank you, teams. It was a very good work. You did the tasks very well. And now while the jury is counting the results we’ll sing our song.
Исполнение песни.
Ведущий: And now the word is given to the jury.
Слово предоставляется жюри.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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