Мода в России
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
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People have always wanted to look nice and socially accepted. fashion is a style of clothing that is popular at certain time. fashion is a habitual style not only in clothing, but also in footwear, accessories, hairstyle, make-up, fragrances and even hi-tech devices. The style we choose to maintain is largely influenced by media resources, such as TV, fashion magazines, blogs, posters and billboards, etc.
It is noteworthy that in old days fashion has reflected a person’s social class, more than his or her personality. But in our time everything has changed. Many young people prefer wearing bright, colorful items to get noticed and to show their subculture.
So why is fashion so popular? First of all, fashion makes people creative on everyday basis. To choose what to wear and what fits with it makes a person think and use creativity. fashion is an important part of different cultures and religions.
For example, in India women like wearing hijab. he history of fashion is rather interesting .
The modern industry of fashion houses has started not so long ago. The founder of the Haute Couture industry was Charles Frederick Worth. He was the first person, who in the 19th century designed the labeled pieces of clothing.
Today, Paris, Milan, New York and London are recognized capitals of fashion, so everybody follows the standards set by well-known fashion houses, situated there.
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История моды в России
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Мода – это уникальное и непостоянное явление, которое за время существования мира менялось бесчисленное количество раз. Каждая эпоха приносила новые требования, вынуждала модников носить строгие...