Test Spotlight 7_module 3
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Бурганова Ирина Вячеславовна

Test Spotlight 7_module 3


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 7 ( Module 3) .


I.What hobbies can you name? Which of them are popular with your friends?  (write the answers).

II. Choose the correct answer:

  1. There is a house in Nizhny Novgorod where/which a famous writer used to live.
  2. This is the  test  whose/which I’ve made for you.
  3. Giydie is a film director which/ who created great comedies.
  4. He is the boy whose/ who father is a famous scientist.

III. Insert  prepositions:

  1. She pays a lot of attention ____   details.
  2. James prefers hanging out _____   strange people.
  3. Antony is  ____  charge  _  a big company.
  4. It’s not good to be jealous   ____   your  friend’s success.
  5. When Ann was a little girl she was  afraid  _____  the dark.
  6. Can you introduce me   ____  your sister?
  7. What  is  Lomonosov famous _____ ?
  8. Don’t give  _ ! You can cope   ____  this problem.
  9. The house dates    _____  the 11-th century.
  10. You must stop your friend  _____  smoking.

IV. Which is correct?

  1. The book is really amazing/amazed.
  2. After such a long walk we were tiring/tired.
  3. It’s so boring/ bored to do one and the same thing.
  4. The boy looked into the box interesting/ interested.

V. Describe a person using this words. (build/age/hair/height/face/special features).

Spotlight 7 ( Module 3 “Profiles” ) . THE answers


II. Choose the correct answer:

  1. There is a house in Nizhny Novgorod where/which a famous writer used to live.
  2. This is the  test  whose/which I’ve made for you.
  3. Giydie is a film director which/ who created great comedies.
  4. He is the boy whose/ who father is a famous scientist.

III. Insert  prepositions:

  1. She pays a lot of attention to details.
  2. James prefers hanging out with strange people.
  3. Antony is in charge of a big company.
  4. It’s not good to be jealous  of your friend’s success.
  5. When Ann was a little girl she was afraid of the dark.
  6. Can you introduce me to your sister?
  7. What is Lomonosov famous for?
  8. Don’t give up! You can cope with this problem.
  9. The house dates back to the 11-th century.
  10. You must stop your friend from smoking.


V. Write the words similar in meaning:

1. grown-ups (adults)                                   7. Try out (test)

2.Give back(return)                                       8. Set up (organize)

3. to cope with smth.(manage)                   9. Staple (connect)

4. achieve (reach)                                         10. Daring (brave/bold)

5. exciting  (interesting/involving)                      11. Narrow (thin)

6. slender (slim)

V. Describe a person in the picture (build/age/hair/height/face/special features).(p.28 words)

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