Test (Spotlight 3 / Module 4)
тест по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Modular TEST4 A (Units 7, 8)
1. Read and choose.
1. Who's he? A. He's my brother. B. It's my brother's.
2. What are these? A. It's a ball. B. They are balls.
3. Whose is this car? A. It's Bob. B. It's Bob's.
2. Translate into English.
1. парта
2. чайный набор
3. лошадка-качалка
4. телевизор
5. слон
6. компьютер
7. кресло
8. паровоз
9. музыкальная шкатулка
10. кукла
3. Read and fill in: a or an.
4.Choose the correct answer.
1. My box … green. a. is b. are
2. Larry and Lulu … in the garden. a. is b. are
3. It … a dog. a. is b. are
4. I … ice-cream. a. like b. likes
5. Ann … pizza. a. like b. likes
6. We … chicken. a. don’t like b. doesn’t like
7. Sam … chocolate. a. don’t like b. doesn’t like
8. Can I have … milk, please? a. some b. any
9. We haven’t got … cheese. a. some b. any
10. Is there … rice? a. some b. any
11. … is my doll. a. this b. those
12. … are my brother’s pens. a. this b. these
13. … is a train. a. that b. these
5. Read and match. (20 marks)
1. What’s this? ___ a. Yes, I do.
2. What’s your name? ___ b. It’s a school bag.
3. Does she like chocolate? ___ c. My name’s Lulu.
4. Do you like pizza? ___ d. It’s Larry’s.
5. Whose is this horse? ___ e. Yes, here you are
6. Can I have some milk? ___ f. Yes, she does.
6. Read and write the answers.
My name’s Ann. I’m in year 3 at school. My favourite subject is Art. I’ve got a sister, Kate, and a brother, Sam. I like pasta and burgers. I don’t like eggs and rice. My room is yellow. I’ve got many toys: a green train, a brown cat and a red mouse.
1. What year is Ann in at school?
2. What is her favourite subject?
3. What’s her brother’s name?
4. What is her favourite food?
5. What colour is her cat?
7. Look, read and complete: This, That, These, Those.
Modular TEST4 B (Units 7, 8)
1. Read and choose.
1. Whose is this car? A. It's Bob. B. It's Bob's.
2. What are these? A. It's a ball. B. They are balls.
3. Who's he? A. He's my brother. B. It's my brother's.
2. Translate into English.
1. кукла
2. кресло
3. лошадка-качалка
4. телевизор
5. слон
6. компьютер
7. чайный набор
8. паровоз
9. музыкальная шкатулка
10. парта
3. Read and fill in: a or an.
1._____ aeroplane
2._____ rose
4._____ elephant
5.______ desk
8.______ apple
4.Choose the correct answer.
1. I … ice-cream. a. like b. likes
2. Ann … pizza. a. like b. likes
3. It … a dog. a. is b. are
4. My box … green. a. is b. are
5. Larry and Lulu … in the garden. a. is b. are
6. We … chicken. a. don’t like b. doesn’t like
7. Sam … chocolate. a. don’t like b. doesn’t like
8. Can I have … milk, please? a. some b. any
9. We haven’t got … cheese. a. some b. any
10. Is there … rice? a. some b. any
11. … is my doll. a. this b. those
12. … are my brother’s pens. a. this b. these
13. … is a train. a. that b. these
5. Read and match. (20 marks)
1. Whose is this horse? ___ a. Yes, I do.
2. What’s your name? ___ b. It’s a school bag.
3. Does she like chocolate? ___ c. My name’s Lulu.
4. Do you like pizza? ___ d. It’s Larry’s.
5. What’s this? ___ e. Yes, here you are
6. Can I have some milk? ___ f. Yes, she does.
6. Read and write the answers.
My name’s Sam. I’m in year 3 at school. My favourite subject is History. I’ve got a sister, Ann, and a brother, Ted. I like pasta and burgers. I don’t like eggs and rice. My room is blue. I’ve got many toys: a green train, a brown cat and a red mouse.
1. What year is Sam in at school?
2. What is his favourite subject?
3. What’s his brother’s name?
4. What is his favourite food?
5. What colour is his cat?
7. Look, read and complete: This, That, These, Those.
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