Презентация по теме "Human qualities and appearance"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Мартюкова Юлия Вадимовна

Презентация для введения и отработки новой лексики по теме "Внешность и характер".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Human qualities and appearance

Слайд 2

Good qualities

Слайд 3

Choose the correct word Ambitious Calm Sweet Ambitious Loyal Reliable Charming Charming Mature Modest Hard-working Hard-working Helpful Calm Open Calm

Слайд 4

Translate the word obedient послушный strong-willed решительный, волевой neat аккуратный, опрятный scrupulous щепетильный, добросовестный humble скромный sympathetic сочувствующий trustworthy надёжный decisive решительный reserved скрытный credulous доверчивый

Слайд 5

Find the synonym Gentle tolerant forgiving credulous humble outgoing intelligent brave sincere Modest bright soft merciful naïve sociable courageous liberal frank

Слайд 6

Describe the person in your group using all these adjectives

Слайд 7

Bad qualities

Слайд 8

Think of the proper adjective Bossy Messy Cruel Boring

Слайд 9

Mean, stingy Envious Lazy Impatient

Слайд 10

Make negative adjectives Modest Immodest Decisive Indecisive Mature Immature Tolerant Intolerant Polite impolite

Слайд 11

Secure Insecure Considerate Inconsiderate Patient Impatient Responsible Irresponsible Partial Impartial

Слайд 12

Translate the words Arrogant Big-headed Careless Conceited Dishonest Greedy Idle Nasty Quick-tempered Stubborn Unpredictable

Слайд 13

Appearance tall short He is very tall. He is quite short. He is medium height/about average height

Слайд 14

Type of hair long hair short hair no hair bold red

Слайд 15

black blonde straight curly wavy

Слайд 16

She has medium length, straight, blonde hair. She has medium length, wavy, red hair. She has short, curly, blonde hair.

Слайд 17

Type of face and complexion He is Asian. He has light-brown skin and a round face. She is black. She has a square dark-skinned face. He is white. He has fair skin and a round face. She has slightly tanned skin and a heart-shaped face. She is white. She has very pale skin and an oval face.

Слайд 18

Build She is skinny. (negative ++) She is fat. (negative) She is thin. (negative +) He is overweight. (neutral) She is slim. (positive) She is (a bit) plump. (neutral) He is well-built. (positive) She is heavy-set. (neutral)

Слайд 19

Age She is young . He is a teenager . She is in her teens. She is middle-aged . She is in her thirties . She is about forty . He is a man of fifty-five years old . She is not very old . He is old .

Слайд 20

Examples Mary is a young woman of 25 years old. She is not very tall but rather slim. She’s got long, curly, red hair and an oval face with big green eyes. Mary is really good-looking; she is also kind and friendly. Tom is a middle-aged man. He is rather short and a bit overweight. He has short, straight, brown hair and dark brown eyes. He also has a moustache, but not a beard. His face is square and slightly tanned. Tom is a very attractive person, because he is generous, sociable and very hardworking.

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