задание 10 и 11 - ЕГЭ - подготовка к ЕГЭ - 10, 11 класс
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)
Отработка задания 10 и 11 из ЕГЭ по английскому языку
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10. Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. The invention of a highlighter 5. An ancient writing tool
2. For drawing angles 6. Important properties
3. Three-ring binder 7. Regional differences
4. Shaped like breadbaskets 8. For carrying textbooks
A. An ancient Roman writing instrument, the stylus, gave rise to the modem pencil. Some early styluses were made of lead. When graphite was documented in Borrowdale, England, in 1564, the mineral replaced the heavy metal. Graphite left a darker mark on papyrus, but it was so soft that it crumbled easily. To protect the graphite, a holder had to be fashioned for it. The first holders were nothing more than string wound around graphite sticks. Later, hollow wooden sticks replaced the string.
B. In the United States and Canada, it’s an eraser. But in the United Kingdom, India, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, the object used to eradicate pencil or ink marks is known as a rubber. Before 1770, when erasers first appeared, many people used small rubber or wax slabs to rub out their penciled mistakes. To eradicate errors in ink, they employed sandstone or pumice. Japanese writers used soft bread to erase pencil marks.
C. Starting in 1888, when American tanner John Loud patented his version of a ballpoint pen to mark hides, over 350 other inventors began patenting additional designs for a ballpoint pen, but none of them saw production. The viscosity, or thickness, of the ink had to be just right: too thin, and it leaked; too thick, and it clogged. The ink’s viscosity was often at the mercy of the temperature. In 1935, Ladislas and Greg Biro set out to invent a better pen and made their Biro pen.
D. Before the 1960s, when Japanese inventor Yukio Horie invented a felt-tip pen that used water-based ink, students kept track of important textbook information by making marginal notes and underlining key words and passages. In 1963, Carter’s Ink produced the Hi-Liter, a marker similar to Horie’s pen. Both instruments rely on capillary action to draw ink into their tips. Fluorescent colours were introduced in 1978. Since then, polyethylene beads molded into porous heads have replaced felt tips, and there are retractable and scented models.
E. The protractor has been measuring angles for 500 years. Mapma- ker Thomas Blundeville first described the instrument in his 1589 monograph. By the early 17th century, protractors were commonly used by maritime navigators. By the 20th century, their use among students in elementary and intermediate schools became prevalent. The variety of uses for protractors dictates their range of shapes. Protractors made of brass, steel, ivory, and plastic appear in the forms of circles, rectangles, squares, semicircles and quarter-circles.
F. German inventor and office supplier Friedrich Soennecken invented the ring binder in 1886. Later, two holes in the side of the binder were added, 80 millimeters apart from one another, setting the standard distance between these openings. When loose-leaf paper appeared in 1854, Henry T. Sisson invented the two- and three- ring binders, but they weren’t mass-produced until 1899, when the Chicago Binder and File Company began to sell the product. The three-ring version remains the most favoured by today’s students.
G. Backpacks haven’t been around for very long. Before their advent, students strapped stacks of books together and carried them at the end of leather or cloth thongs. Alternatively, they carried them by hand, boys slung under their arms, girls cradling them as though they were babes in arms. In 1938, outdoor clothing and gear retailer Gerry Outdoors invented the first zippered backpack, but students weren’t interested in them at the time. They sold mostly to campers, hikers, and skiers. Students stuck with straps or used small briefcases called satchels.
11. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке лишняя.
1. naming the peak bloom date
2. the period when 20 percent of the blossoms are open
3. that are designed to please all ages and interests
4. friendship between the U.S. and Japan
5. that is provided by DC’s talented and creative guides
6. which is a celebration of contemporary art and music
7. which are popular for eating outdoors
Springtime celebration
When Washington DC's signature cherry trees bloom, it is a sure sign that spring has arrived. The National Cherry Blossom Festival runs over three weekends annually, marking each anniversary of the gift of the trees and celebrating the A _______.
The Festival is always packed with special events В _______. Families flock to the National Building Museum for Family Day and the Open Ceremony and to the southwest waterfront for impressive fireworks. DC's hip and artistic crowd even has a place on the Festival calendar with Cherry Blast, C_______. Visitors can catch free cultural showcases every day by nearly 100 performance groups at the Sylvan Theatre on the Washington Monument grounds.
It is also a prime time to check out a specialty tour D _______. You will learn about the history of the trees and brush up on your photography skills as you capture the Tidal Basin at its finest.
Although the Festival is planned to coincide with the blooming of the trees, the actual bloom dates depend on weather conditions and vary from year to year. The National Park Service monitors the blossoms throughout the year and releases its prediction, E _______, in early March. The peak bloom date is defined as the day on which 70 percent of the blossoms of the Yoshino cherry trees that surround the Tidal Basin are open. The Blooming Period is defined as F _______ until the petals fall and leaves appear. The blooming period can last as long as two weeks.
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