History of St Petersburg
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)
Задания к занятию по внеурочной деятельности "История Санкт-Петербурга"
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- What are the duties of a tour guide?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of this job?
- What sort of a person can become a good tour guide? Describe his/her qualities.
The History of St. Petersburg
Vod, Izhora, Korela
Kievan Russia
the Gulf of Finland
the Neva
Lake Ladoga
the Varagians
the Baltic Sea
Novgorod Feudal Republic.
One and a half thousand years ago the territory of today’s St. Petersburg and the adjacent lands were inhabited by different tribes. They were Vod, Izhora and Korela. Then in the middle of the 8th century Slavic tribes came to these lands. In the 10th century these lands became part of Kievan Russia.
The geographic location of these lands was very convenient. The major trade route lay across the Gulf of Finland, along the Neva and Lake Ladoga. That route was called ‘from the Varagians to the Greeks’. That trade route linked Northern Russia to Southern and the Baltic lands and Scandinavia to Byzantium.
In the 12th century Kievan Russia broke up. These lands became a constituent of the rich Novgorod Feudal Republic.
From the 13th to the 16th centuries Sweden attempted to occupy these lands since they were tempted by the convenience of the geographic position of these lands. The Novgorodians tried to protect their territory. In 1323 they built the fortress of Oreshek. But soon this fortress was taken by the Swedes. In 1617 the Swedes constructed the fortress Nienschantz at the mouth of the river Okhta.
Thus Russia was cut off from the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea was an important waterway leading to the countries of Western Europe. In 1700 the war between Russia and Sweden for the age-old Russian lands and for an outlet to the Baltic Sea began. We know this war as the Northern War which lasted 21 years. It ended in 1721 with Russia’s victory.
The beginning of the war wasn’t successful. But the fortress Noteburg (former Oreshek) was seized by the Russian Army on the 11th of October in 1702. In May of 1703 the important strategic point was taken by the Russian Army. It was the Nienschantz Fortress.
“The Window to Europe” was opened. And Peter the Great ordered to construct a fortress. The foundation stone of the city was laid by Peter I on the 16th of May (the 27th of May by new style) on Zayachy Island. The city began as a fortress and a port.
Peter I decided to move the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg. In 1712 St. Petersburg was declared the new capital of Russia. The new city went up amazingly fast. Peter I ordered to build houses only along the streets according to the plan and not at random. The tsar himself supervised the construction of the new city. The best architects, sculptors and artists created it. And some 20-30 years later it could compare with Europe’s largest cities. St. Petersburg received the poetic name of “Northern Venice” by its remarkable architectural ensembles.
At present St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Agree or disagree:
- In the 10th century the territory of today’s St. Petersburg became part of the rich Novgorod Feudal Republic.
- From the 13th to the 20th centuries Sweden attempted to occupy these lands.
- In 1617 the Swedes constructed the fortress of Nienschantz at the mouth of the river Neva.
- In 1821 St. Petersburg was declared the new capital of Russia.
- Peter I ordered to build houses at random in St. Petersburg.
- In the 16th century Kievan Russia broke up.
- In 1800 there was the Northern War between Russia and Sweden for the age-old Russian lands.
- The fortress Noteburg was seized by the Russian Army on the 11th of July in 1702.
- The foundation stone of St. Petersburg was laid by Peter I on the 16th of May in 1703 on Zayachy Island.
Answer the questions:
- Who inhabited the territory of today’s St. Petersburg and the adjacent lands one and a half thousand years ago?
- What tribes came to these lands in the middle of the 8th century?
- What state did these lands belong to in the 10th century?
- How good was the geographic location of these lands?
- What route lay across these lands? What was that route called? What lands did that route link?
- When did Kievan Russia break up?
- What state did these lands belong to from the 12th to the 14th centuries?
- What state attempted to capture these lands from the 13th to the 16th centuries?
- Who tried to protect these lands?
- When was the fortress Oreshek built? Who seized the fortress of Oreshek?
- Who constructed the fortress of Nienschantz? Where was the fortress of Nienschatz constructed?
- Why was Russia cut off from the countries of Western Europe?
- When did the Northern War begin? How long did it last? When did it end? Who was the victor of the Northern War?
- When was the fortress Noteburg (former Oreshek) seized by the Russian Army?
- When did the Russian Army take the Nienschantz Fortress?
- When and where was the foundation stone of the new city laid?
- When was St. Petersburg declared the new capital of Russia?
- What poetic name did St. Petersburg receive?
- How did Peter I order to build houses in the new city?
- What architects, sculptors and artists created the new city?
Choose the correct verb for each gap:
became, was, broke up, attempted, was laid, went up, received, decided, supervised, lay
- In the 12th century Kievan Russia …
- The geographic location of these lands … very convenient.
- The foundation stone of the city … by Peter I on the 16th of May on Zayachy Island.
- The new city … very fast.
- St. Petersburg … the poetic name of ‘Northern Venice’.
- Peter I … to move the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
- From the 13th to the 16th centuries Sweden … to occupy these lands.
- The tsar Peter I himself … the construction of the new city.
- In the 10th century these lands … part of Kievan Russia.
- The major route … across the Gulf of Finland, along the Neva and Lake Ladoga.
Choose the correct item:
- In May 1703 the important strategic point … by the Russian Army.
was built, was taken, was received
- Peter I … to build houses only along the streets according to the plan and not at random.
ordered, found, constructed
- In 1700 the war between Russia and Sweden …
protected, was cut off, began
- Thus Russia … from the Baltic Sea.
was cut off, was captured, came
- ‘The Window to Europe’ …
supervised, decided, was opened
- In 1712 St. Petersburg … the new capital of Russia.
was declared, was constructed, attempted
- That trade route … northern Russia to Southern and the Baltic lands and Scandinavia to Byzantium.
was, became, linked
Which historical event corresponds to the date?
- 16th May 1703
- 1700
- 1617
- 1721
- 1323
- 12th century
- Middle of the 18th century
- 10th century
- 11th October 1702
- 1712
Translate from Russian into English:
- Близлежащие земли
- Земли были населены различными племенами
- Географическое положение
- Большой торговый путь
- «из варяг в греки»
- Пытаться захватить
- Крепость была захвачена
- Важный водный путь, ведущий в страны Западной Европы
- Важный стратегический пункт
- «Окно в Европу»
- Получил поэтическое имя «Северная Венеция»
- В соответствии с планом, не беспорядочно.
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History of St Petersburg
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Ссылки YouTube-канал школы, группы Медиа7 Когалым (vk.com), History Team (vk.com), History Team Dzen
С целью обобщения, распространения и освещения деятельности школы веду YouTube-канал школы, группы Медиа7 Когалым (vk.com), History Team (vk.com), History Team Dze...