Контрольная работа
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
- Выберите правильный вариант ответа:
1 The police (have/has) been here for an hour already.
2 This data (are/is) very important to create a new programme.
3. The news about the coming storm (is/are) threatening.
4. Radio as well as television (is/are) media that form public opinion.
5. My pyjamas (have/has) been washed by my mum.
6 This advice (sound/sounds) really cruel.
7. The information on Channel Six (are/is) not always reliable.
8. The Internet (have/has) a lot of influence on people.
9. These data (are/is) wrong, there are a lot of mistakes here.
- Прочитайте тексты и подберите к ним названия:
a) The Internet and Shopping
b) A Habit Leading to Isolation
c) A Threat to Firms and Companies
d) The Possibilities of the Net
e) Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet
1. The Internet has lots of users. It has lately become extremely popular and is being applied by people of all ages and professions. With its help you can easily get the information you need for academic studies as well as for other purposes, shopping, for example. Besides you can get in touch with your friends in no time and socialize as long as you like. The Internet is also a source of entertainment. You can play games, download films and music either for free or at a very low price.
2. When you work on the computer, you are aware of all these advantages. But have you ever thought that for some people the same things may lead to great problems? Instead of going out to meet friends and relatives, such individuals prefer to stay at home and sit before their computers for hours often just wasting time. These people have little or no exercise and some of them even develop computer dependence. They prefer to chat online and have difficulties in real communication often leading to loneliness and psychological problems.
3. Thus we have to agree that the world of the Internet is not so perfect as it seems to be and as the advertisements say. It is true that on the Net the latest news and the information you need is available to you when you are at home at any time. This is very convenient and fast. But with so much information available, it can take you quite a while to find what you really need. Besides there is so much advertising instead of real facts and true information. On the other hand, online shopping helps to save both time and money but often leads to the result you did not expect.
4. Nevertheless millions of people enjoy using the Internet. It’s real fun to play computer games, to find new friends and to chat with old ones. But these are not the things people should do during their working hours. Yet, many Internet users do them. Computers have been installed in a great number of offices and it is next to impossible to make sure that all people there use their time properly. However, we all understand that modern life is not possible without the Internet.
- Скажите то же самое одним предложением, используя герундий. Переведите полученное предложение.
1. I want to read this book. I look forward to it.
2. My friends dance a lot. They enjoy doing it.
3. Anna plays the piano. She started her music lessons when she was five.
4. Tom talks about his hobby all the time. He keeps doing it.
5. Read the novel to the end. Go on.
6. Mary gets up early. She hates it.
7. Philip cooks breakfast himself. He prefers it.
8. Dorothy played tennis. She stopped doing it long ago.
9. My older brother drives our car. He loves it.
10. Tell us the whole story. Go on.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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