Учебно-исследовательская работа на тему: «Влияние английских песен на изучение английского языка»
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку

Смолякова Ирина Александровна

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Учебно-исследовательская работа

на тему: «Влияние английских песен на изучение английского языка»

Исполнитель:                                 Олесов Никита Сергеевич

10 класс


учитель английского языка        Смолякова Ирина Александровна

Тамбов- 2020


-Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….2

-Research work and its relevance…………………………………………………..3

-The role of music and songs in learning English …………………………………4

-Authentic songs are one of the elements of the national-cultural component of the content of teaching a foreign language at the initial stage. ………………………..5

-The role of a song in teaching English pronunciation and vocabulary and grammar. …………………………………………………………………………..5

-The role of song in improving knowledge of a foreign language in modern society. ……………………………………………………………………………..6

-The results of the survey ………………………………………………………….6

-Experiment 1 ……………………………………………………………………...7

-Experiment 2 ……………………………………………………………………...8

-Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………..9

A book is a story for the mind.

A song is a story for the soul.

- Eric Pio


In modern school education, there is almost no full-fledged training in oral communication. There are usually too many students in classes, so sometimes there is not enough time to do more than learn the right words and expressions.

At best, this is a preparation for mastering oral speech. Our school methods with such familiar techniques as periodic oral interviews, memorization, and short dialogues are most often designed for such training.

 As a result, students have certain difficulties in using spoken language.

 Spoken English can be learned in various ways:

  1. courses, classes with a tutor.
  2.  the most effective way is, of course, immersion in the language environment, a trip for a few months, or better, for a few years in England or the United States.

What should I do if I don't have enough money to pay for courses or a tutor, or to travel abroad? If you take any English textbook and open the table of contents, you will see such sections as Infinite, Gerund, Past Perfect, Future Indefinite Tense, and so on. And here you are invited to learn grammar rules and phrases page by page until you learn them all.

 But as practice shows, only a small percentage of people are able to remember what was written in the beginning. But even if you belong to this happy percentage – one day, after learning the last lesson of English, you may suddenly find that knowing all these grammatical, syntactic, morphological and all other forms does not help to understand the live speech of native speakers

When I start learning spoken English, I want it to be not only useful and effective, but also interesting. I also want my knowledge to be useful to me in live communication, in spoken English.

To do this, first of all, you need to use such material for learning English, which is originally intended not for studying, but for native speakers. This material is referred to as authentic. This can be articles from newspapers and magazines, advertising labels, movies, TV shows, and modern songs.

The song is interesting because it is intended for a wide range of people. In addition to the words, there is a melody that we can hum, and when you listen to it repeatedly, as you know, the words are remembered automatically, by themselves.

                                   Research work and its relevance

My goal: learn the meaning of song material when teaching spoken English


1. Study the scientific literature on this topic;

2. Evaluate the role of songs in learning spoken English;

3. Find out whether the songs really help in improving the knowledge of a foreign language (conduct a survey in the social network "Vkontakte»);

4. Define the stages of working on the content of the song;

5. Conduct an experiment on the research topic;

6. Develop exercises for developing listening skills

The hypothesis of the study: Through songs the language is easy to learn and effective

Method of research: 

  • theoretical research;
  • student survey;
  • experiment.

Object of research: songs in English

Subject of research: learning spoken English through songs.

Study participants: society.

Scope of application : English lessons in our school.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that a song in a foreign language goes far beyond the educational process and is a link between learning, mental development and personal education. Especially the relevance of this topic increases in our days, when the desire of young people to learn, intellectual development has increased greatly.

Children evaluate their skills and abilities, and through a foreign language begins the formation and development of bilinguistic competence, creates psychological and didactic conditions for the development of the desire to learn English, provides mastery of the English language through conscious operation of language tools, i.e. the development of theoretical thinking.

 Developing skills for using authentic materials, developing the ability to assess their knowledge and skills . Students should have positive attitudes to the foreign language and culture of the other people who speak it, as well as broad ideas about the achievements of national cultures in the development of public culture.

                         The role of music and songs in learning English

One of the most effective ways to influence people's feelings and emotions is music, which is " the strongest psychic stimulus that penetrates into the underlying depths of consciousness". The famous teacher Jan Amos Komensky wrote that the one who does not know music is likened to the one who does not know how to read and write. In schools in Ancient Greece, many texts were learned by singing , and in primary schools in India, the alphabet and arithmetic are still learned by singing . Music and songs can be an invaluable aid in learning a foreign language at school.

Songs contribute to the improvement of foreign language skillspronunciation, development of musical hearing. It is established that musical hearing, auditory attention and auditory control are closely related to the development of the articulation apparatus. Learning and performing short, simple melodic songs with frequent repetitions helps to fix the correct articulation and utterance of sounds, the rules of phrasal stress, and rhythm features.

A well-chosen piece of music can better than words set up students to perceive and reproduce texts of a monological and dialogical nature, to formulate the theme of an unprepared utterance and the genre of the scene being played. By studying song lyrics in English, we can enrich our knowledge with the diversity and complexity of foreign culture in different social, economic , and historical contexts.

Authentic songs are one of the elements of the national-cultural component of the content of teaching a foreign language at the initial stage.        

A special role of introducing students to the cultural heritage and spiritual values of their people and other peoples of the world belongs to a foreign language, which is used for direct and indirect dialogue.

Since the purpose of teaching a foreign language is not only the acquisition of knowledge , the formation of students ' skills and abilities, but also the assimilation of information of a regional, linguistic, cultural and aesthetic nature, the knowledge of the values of another for them when determining the content of training, the question of the cultural component undoubtedly arises.

In the life of any family, there is often a musical background that is created by TV and radio broadcasts . In addition, due to the wide distribution of sounds and videos, as well as the avant-garde position of English-language music mass culture, songs in English are most popular among students and are the object of their special interest.

Through songs, the soul of the people and their culture are revealed , and the teacher acts as an intermediary in the process of learning this culture by students, as a commentator, as a stimulator of their cognitive activity.

The role of a song in teaching English pronunciation and vocabulary and grammar.

English pronunciation of native Russian speakers may be inadequate due to the volume , with all possible auditory, visual and spatial associations, and the inability of students to convey the timbre of English vowels. In order for a vowel to acquire an English sound, the student must "see", "feel" this vowel, imagine it in everything .

Sometimes, we identify events that occur in our lives with the lyrics of a song, and listen to the song again and again just because it reminds us of us or something that happened to us. This can serve as a good incentive for learning new words or grammar of the English language. To our convenience, now we can find any information using search engines in the Internet, we can go to the website of our favorite artist and listen to the songs we like or download the words. For example, every time I hear a new song on the radio that I like, I try to find words on the Internet to better understand its meaning and hum it the next time I hear it on the radio.

The role of song in improving knowledge of a foreign language in modern society.

I conducted a survey to find out the opinion of the society about the role of songs in improving knowledge of a foreign language. In the social network "Vkontakte" I posted 3 questions:

“Have you tried to learn English from songs?”

“Is it easier for you, in your opinion, to learn English from songs?“

 “Are you successful in learning English strictly from a textbook?”

The results of the survey

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In the first survey, 36 people took part.
94% of them both tried and did not try to learn English from songs, and only 6% did not try .

In the second survey, 31 people took part.
84% of them think that learning English from songs
significantly easier. But 16% of them do not think so.

In the third survey , 33 people took part. 9% of them believe that they are successful in learning a language strictly from a textbook , 55% do not think so, and 36% of respondents are not always successful in learning a language from a textbook.

Experiment 1

I worked with the song “Nothing Breaks Like A Heart". For the first time, I listened to the song without thinking about the words or the melody. The second time I listened, I tried to beat the rhythm and remember the melody.

 When I listened to the song in fragments for the third or fifth time, I tried to understand the words and write them in English, and then made a rough translation. After that, I found the lyrics and translation of the song on the Internet and compared them and corrected the errors. And I started purposefully learning the words of the song. I listened to the song, reading the words. After listening to it five times, I knew most of the words by heart. And after nine times I sang a song without words. Now I'm working on the selection of song material for further work, where I look for certain phrases that are necessary to maintain a dialogue.

Experiment 2

I conducted an experiment with a group of people of our class also in order to confirm or disprove my hypothesis. I developed my exercise, which consisted of several stages:

-  The first stage was listening to the song;

-  In the second stage, I handed out the lyrics, and while listening to the song, everyone said the words to themselves;

-  In the third stage, we tried to translate the song and understand its meaning. After that, I distributed the translation sheets from the Internet, and we identified errors in our version. Then I collected all the leaves;

-  At the fourth stage, the children were given a task, which consisted in the fact that some words were omitted in the English version of the song. After listening to the song 2 times, you had to fill in the gaps. For the purpose of self-checking, we gave them the original.

-  At the fifth stage, we collected the English version and distributed the Russian one. The task of the guys was to translate the Russian text into English and write it down. And just like in the fourth stage, we distributed the English version of the song for testing;

The result of our experiment was a confirmation of my hypothesis that learning English through songs is fast and easy, because many scientists define that the human brain has different areas for perceiving speech and music.



After analyzing a large amount of scientific literature and Internet resources, I found that songs play an important role in learning spoken English.

After studying the methodology of working with song material, I determined the stages of working on the content of songs and conducted three questionnaires, two experiments, developed exercises for developing listening skills, and summed up the results.

I think that it is necessary to work with song material in English lessons or out of school, because songs help to develop spoken English, and the ability to speak well in the language being studied is very important in today's society.

 Returning to the hypothesis put forward, based on the study, we can conclude that learning spoken English through songs is not only easy, but also effective.

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