Написание эссе. Влияние технического прогресса на окружающую среду.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Рахработка урока по английскому языку в 10 классе.
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«Написание эссе. Влияние технического прогресса на окружающую среду»
(Разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе)
Учитель: Г.В.Шайхутдинова
2017-2018 учебный год
Тема урока: Написание эссе. Влияние технического прогресса на окружающую среду.
Цели урока: формирование у учащихся деятельностных способностей и способностей к структурированию и систематизации предметного содержания по теме сочинение «Ваше мнение», систематизировать знания учащихся о структуре сочинения;
-совершенствовать умение употреблять лексические единицы, используемые при написании сочинения;
- совершенствовать умение учащихся работать в группе и в парах;
-способствовать развитию творческих и познавательных способностей;
-воспитывать социокультурное сознание.
Оборудование: ноутбук, проектор, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал, мобильный телефон, презентация, оценочный лист.
Тип урока: урок применения знаний и умений
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент.
- Приветствие.
- Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
2. Рапорт дежурного.
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it today?
- Who is absent?
- What is the weather like today?
3. Обучающая структура “Take Off Touch Down” (Получение информации о классе).
- I want to get some information from you.
- Who is ready for today’s lesson?
- Who wants to get “the five”?
- Who wants to work in a group?
- Who wants to work in pairs?
II. Постановка проблемы урока.
- Look at the screen, you can see the statement “Progress is inevitable, its cessation would mean the death of civilization. Progress is possible and safe only under the control of the Mind”. (A.D.Sakharov)
Словарная работа: inevitable – неизбежный; cessation – прекращение; mind – разум
«Прогресс неизбежен, его прекращение означало бы гибель цивилизации. Прогресс возможен и безопасен лишь под контролем Разума».
- What do you think about it? What does this statement mean? (The influence of technological progress on the environment.)
- Yes, we live in a modern world, where there are a lot of technology that affects the environment. Do you agree with me?
- Some people say that technological progress help us to save our time, the others think that technological developments are always harmful to the environment. I’m interested in your opinion. Would you like to discuss this topic?
- Where can we express our opinion? (In opinion essays.)
- Today we are going to repeat the rules of writing essays.
III. Основная часть урока. Повторение правил написания эссе.
1) - You know opinion essays require your clear opinion on a topic, supported by reasons and examples. An opinion essay includes:
1. An introduction (stating the topic and your opinion).
2. A main body (several paragraphs each with a topic sentence presenting a separate newpoint supported by reasons/examples, and including a paragraph presenting the opposing newpoint. )
3. A conclusion (restating your opinion in other words.)
2) Работа в интерактивной доске.
- What points should be considered? Insert paragraphs of the essay in order.
1. Make an introduction (state the problem.)
2. Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it.
3. Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion.
4. Explain why you disagree with the opposing opinion.
5. Make a conclusion relating to your opinion.
3) Работа в парах с карточками. (Приложение 1)
- Work in pairs and decide which of the following statements are T (true) and which are F (false) when writing an opinion essay.
1Decide on your opinion before you start writing. T\F
2 Write in semi-formal style. T\F
3 Use present tenses. T\F
4 Include personal examples. T\F
5 State your opinion in the first paragraph only. T\F
6 Use the variety of linking words. T\F
7 State the topic and the introduction. T\F
8 When presenting a new viewpoint, begin a new paragraph. T\F
9 Never include a quotation. T\F
10 Present the opposing viewpoint first. T\F
11 Begin each paragraph however you like. T\F
12 You don’t have to support every viewpoint with reasons or examples. T\F
13 State your opinion again in the conclusion. T\F
(Взаимопроверка) .
4) Работа в группах. (Приложение 2)
- I give you the parts of essay. Read and put them in right order.
There is an opinion that new technical inventions have bad effects on the environment. However, some people think that technical progress is harmless and very useful for people.
In my opinion, almost all things people invent influence on the environment in a negative way. For example, a car. I think it is one of the most dangerous inventions for the nature. Cars throw harmful elements into the air and so pollute it. These element have bad effects on the nature and especially people's health. Besides, technical progress provides the growth of different factories. Most of them pollute the air and the water. Consequently, different fishes and animals die.
On the other hand, some people say that technical inventions are not very harmful for the environment because some of them can help the nature. Nowadays people invent different filters that make the air and the water clean.
I strongly disagree with this view. Technical inventions that destroy the nature are more than those that can save it because people are interested in their own benefits more.
To sum up, there are different points of view on this problem. Despite other people's opinion, I still believe that technical progress is very bad for the environment. It pollutes the nature, kills animals and makes people unhealthy.
5) Тест на сайте plickers.com.
- Let’s remember useful vocabulary for composition “expressing opinion”. Look at the screen, read and show me your right card.
1) Expression of opinion
a) I agree
b) However
c0 To sum up
d) Finally
2) Representation of argument
a) Some people say that
b) All in all, I believe that
c) Secondly
d) According to
3) Logical links
a) For this reason
b) It is said
c) Like
4) Examples
a) We must admit that
b) For example
c) Nevertheless
d) In my opinion
5) Conclusion
a) First of all
b) For instance
c) To conclude, I would argue that
d) On the one hand
6) Работа над готовым эссе (Прочитать, найти ошибки). (Приложение 3)
In our modern world is very real impact of technical progress on the environment. There are many opinions on the different estimate it.
Technological progress always affects the environment. Because people are creating new types of industry, the factors of production. For example: in the 18-19 centuries was the rapid creation of plants and factories that are painted in London, capital of the UK in black. Secondly, you can cite as an example the development of cars that emit carbon dioxide into the environment, and because of this can melt the glaciers and mankind will perish. Others suggest that technological progress is not always harmful to the environment. They cite the example of creating a new factor prevalent in today's society, the scope of services. After all, this technical progress which provides no exemption is not likely to harm the environment.
Yes indeed they might be right, but even the service sector and information may cause damage to the environment. For example, we take a bank loan, we provide the service, and then with the money
In conclusion, I would like to say that technical progress influences the environment negatively. People devastate nature for their own benefits. But humanity should think about this activity or one day because of technical progress our planet will become an enormous, lifeless desert.
7) Работа в группах (парах).
- Now I want to listen to your personal opinion. The first will express their personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it.
- The second group will express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion.
IV. Заключительная часть урока.
1) Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.
- We have done a lot today. We have revised some theory, worked in group and practiced writing opinion essays.
Where are you?
1. I haven’t learned anything.
2. I have learned the rules of writing essay but I think I still have some problems with writing essay.
3. I have learned all the rules and I can write essay by myself.
2) Оценка деятельности учащихся. Выставление отметок.
3) Домашнее задание: Your homework for the next lesson is to write the essay on the problem we have discussed today.
Приложение 1
Work in groups and decide which of the following statements are T (true) and which are F (false) when writing an opinion essay.
1Decide on your opinion before you start writing. T\F
2 Write in semi-formal style. T\F
3 Use present tenses. T\F
4 Include personal examples. T\F
5 State your opinion in the first paragraph only. T\F
6 Use the variety of linking words. T\F
7 State the topic and the introduction. T\F
8 When presenting a new viewpoint, begin a new paragraph. T\F
9 Never include a quotation. T\F
10 Present the opposing viewpoint first. T\F
11 Begin each paragraph however you like. T\F
12 You don’t have to support every viewpoint with reasons or examples. T\F
13 State your opinion again in the conclusion. T\F
Приложение 2
There is an opinion that new technical inventions have bad effects on the environment. However, some people think that technical progress is harmless and very useful for people.
In my opinion, almost all things people invent influence on the environment in a negative way. For example, a car. I think it is one of the most dangerous inventions for the nature. Cars throw harmful elements into the air and so pollute it. These element have bad effects on the nature and especially people's health. Besides, technical progress provides the growth of different factories. Most of them pollute the air and the water. Consequently, different fishes and animals die.
On the other hand, some people say that technical inventions are not very harmful for the environment because some of them can help the nature. Nowadays people invent different filters that make the air and the water clean.
I strongly disagree with this view. Technical inventions that destroy the nature are more than those that can save it because people are interested in their own benefits more.
To sum up, there are different points of view on this problem. Despite other people's opinion, I still believe that technical progress is very bad for the environment. It pollutes the nature, kills animals and makes people unhealthy.
Приложение 3
In our modern world is very real impact of technical progress on the environment. There are many opinions on the different estimate it.
Technological progress always affects the environment. Because people are creating new types of industry, the factors of production. For example: in the 18-19 centuries was the rapid creation of plants and factories that are painted in London, capital of the UK in black. Secondly, you can cite as an example the development of cars that emit carbon dioxide into the environment, and because of this can melt the glaciers and mankind will perish. Others suggest that technological progress is not always harmful to the environment. They cite the example of creating a new factor prevalent in today's society, the scope of services. After all, this technical progress which provides no exemption is not likely to harm the environment.
Yes indeed they might be right, but even the service sector and information may cause damage to the environment. For example, we take a bank loan, we provide the service, and then with the money
In conclusion, I would like to say that technical progress influences the environment negatively. People devastate nature for their own benefits. But humanity should think about this activity or one day because of technical progress our planet will become an enormous, lifeless desert.
Score sheet
№ | Вид работы | +/- |
1 | Тэйк оф – Тач Даун | |
2 | План написания эссе | |
3 | Работа в парах. Тест | |
4 | Работа в группе. Эссе. | |
5 | Тест на сайте plickers.com | |
6 | Работа над готовым эссе (найти ошибки) | |
7 | Аргумент |
Score sheet
№ | Вид работы | +/- |
1 | Тэйк оф – Тач Даун | |
2 | План написания эссе | |
3 | Работа в парах. Тест | |
4 | Работа в группе. Эссе. | |
5 | Тест на сайте plickers.com | |
6 | Работа над готовым эссе (найти ошибки) | |
7 | Аргумент |
Score sheet
№ | Вид работы | +/- |
1 | Тэйк оф – Тач Даун | |
2 | План написания эссе | |
3 | Работа в парах. Тест | |
4 | Работа в группе. Эссе. | |
5 | Тест на сайте plickers.com | |
6 | Работа над готовым эссе (найти ошибки) | |
7 | Аргумент |
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