Презентация на тему "Customs and traditions of different nations"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (11 класс)

Федунова Анастасия Александровна

Презентация к проектной работе по теме "Культура и традиции разных народов мира"


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Слайд 1

Customs and traditions of different nations

Слайд 2

Traditions / customs and culture are two inextricable characteristics of human life. The term "culture" refers to the totality of life experience accumulated by people. Tradition is a cultural feature; many rites, habits and skills of practical and social activities, passed down from generation to generation, acting as one of the regulators of public relations. Customs are generally accepted rules and norms that govern the behavior of people in a particular area of public life. Each country has its own customs and traditions, we will consider some of them.

Слайд 3

Traditions and customs in Russia Russian hospitality is an integral part of our cultural traditions. Guests were always welcome. We met guests with bread and salt. With the words: “Welcome!” The guest breaks off a small piece of bread, dips it in salt and ate it. Dear guests are welcomed with a round loaf.

Слайд 4

One of the traditions of the Russian people is the Russian national costume

Слайд 5

Round dances - summer entertainment for young people in a village, on the banks of a river or near a forest. Weaved wreaths of wildflowers, played games, sang and danced, and dances. The main figure was a good local accordion player.

Слайд 6

New Year celebration New Year in Russia is the most awaited, beautiful and fabulous holiday. Every year, Russians celebrate it on the night of December 31 to January 1. Already at the beginning of December in all cities of Russia streets are decorated with colored lights and lanterns, huge, green Christmas trees are being installed, which shine from a variety of colored light bulbs and Christmas tree decorations. It is customary to celebrate New Year in Russia with family. Fir-trees are set up and decorated in apartments and houses, everyone gives presents to each other, many guests are invited, and festive tables are laid with various treats

Слайд 7

At 12 o'clock at night, when the Kremlin chimes on Red Square in Moscow begin to beat the last minute of the outgoing year, everyone makes wishes for the next year and raises their glasses of champagne. At this last minute of the year ended, the President of Russia congratulates all Russians on the New Coming Year. People congratulate each other on the New Year in coming, wish for the fulfillment of desire and all the best in the New Year.

Слайд 8

English customs and traditions At all times the Englishmen were considered to be the most conservative nation in everything what they do and what they have. That is why they treat their traditions with respect and continue to save them during many years. Englishmen save all of their traditions faithfully over the centuries and consider following them with as the duty. С onsider some of them .

Слайд 9

England traditions Mandatory oatmeal for breakfast and tea at 5 o'clock. Medieval clothes have come down to our days, which are worn on special occasions, for example, members of the royal family put on medieval clothes during the coronation. Coronation of Elizabeth II

Слайд 10

At the end of spring it is possible to see the striking examples of the English national traditions. One of them is Flower-show where the best gardeners of England compose the best bouquets and it is finished by the performance of all the people with the joyful dances, festivals, competitions and carnival procession. This holiday is called May Day which is celebrated on the first Monday of May.

Слайд 11

One more traditional English holiday is Bonfire Night which is celebrated every year on the 5th of November. On that day children make the figures from the sackcloth material and the hay and in the evening burn them in the fireplace and spark the bonfires. This tradition came from the seventeenth century

Слайд 12

Traditions and customs of Iceland Iceland is one of the most unusual and distinctive countries on our planet. This island state, inhabited by the descendants of the Vikings at the end of the 9th century, is lost in the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. The isolation and solitude of the island influenced the customs and traditions of Icelanders, who are quite rare and unique.

Слайд 13

The inhabitants of Iceland love the beauty of the nature of their land. Adult residents of the island have SUVs and nature houses outside the city limits. The descendants of the Vikings love to travel. For their voyages, they often choose not other countries or resorts, but the territory of their own country. A good tradition has become an annual visit to historical places and natural monuments. Tradition to travel

Слайд 14

One of the traditional Irish holidays is Independence Day. Independence Day in Iceland is a public holiday. Residents of Iceland celebrate Independence Day annually on June 17, starting in 1944. This day was chosen on the occasion of the birthday of the 19th century leader Yone Sigurdsson, who led the country during the independence movement in Iceland. The day is celebrated by the whole nation, which demonstrates artistic dances and music in all its glory. The celebration also includes reading a poem by a traditionally dressed woman. It represents the cultural heritage and nature of the country. During the event, live music concerts are held, and for children huge carnivals are held with balloons, kites, sweets and traditional dances.

Слайд 15

Thus, each country has its own culture, that is, traditions and customs that unite people. Traditions organize the connection of generations; the spiritual and moral life of peoples is based on them. History, culture and traditions are inextricably linked.

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