сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку, посвященного Рождеству (6 класс)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку, посвященного Рождеству (6 класс)
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Разработка конкурса-игры «CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS» в рамках внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку
6 класс
1. Научить учащихся логическому построению устного высказывания на английском языке;
2. Учить учащихся правильно строить предложения на английском языке по данной теме;
3. Провести практику монологической речи в процессе творческого общения учащихся друг с другом на основе изученной темы;
1. Развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности;
2. Развивать межпредметную связь (с историей, литературой, музыкой, изобразительным искусством);
1. Воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного;
2. Воспитывать уважение к культуре и традициям других народов.
Оборудование: географические карты Великобритании и Америки, раздаточный материал, карточки, волшебный сундучок, звоночки, аудиозапись.
Оформление: классная комната украшена новогодней мишурой, гирляндами, рождественскими открытками, на окнах белые снежинки. На столе стоит рождественская ёлка, горят свечи. На доске цветной мишурой написана тема: Christmas – December 25th. Под темой висит плакат с изображением рождественской елки, на ветках которой написаны английские слова. (Рис. 1)
Класс делится на 2 команды: “Snowflakes” и “Snowmen”.
Звучит музыка.
Teacher: Good morning, dear children and guests! Glad to see you! Today we are going to have a contest. Last time we spoke a lot about holidays in Great Britain and in the USA. Today we’ll speak about Christmas – a beautiful holiday which is loved by children and adults. All the tasks will be connected with Christmas. I hope you’ll enjoy our English lesson. Please, be active, sociable and friendly to each other. Let’s start!
T: Look at the picture and guess the theme of the holiday we'll speak about.
(На картине изображение рождественской елки) (Рис.1) You can see the fir-tree and there is a nice red star on it. Well, this is а traditional “ Christmas Tree”. There are а lot of symbols and things which are connected with this holiday. What are they? What events and symbols are associated with the Christmas celebration?
And who tells me what kind of holiday Christmas is.
Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:
P1: Christmas is a favorite and happy holiday for English children.
P2: Christmas is a religious holiday. On this day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who was very kind and loved children very much.
P3: I think Christmas is a family holiday. Families come together to share their happiness and exchange gifts.
T: Children! I have prepared a surprise for you. Here is a magic box.
Let’s open it!
(Дети открывают волшебный сундучок по очереди и достают маленькие звоночки (bells), на которых привязаны ленточки. На ленточках задания):
1.What do you know about Christmas?
P1: The most popular holiday in Great Britain and America is Christmas. They celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Most families decorate their houses with a Christmas tree, buy gifts for the family and friends, write Christmas cards. In England almost every family receives more than 60 Christmas cards.
T: Предвкушение праздника порой приятнее, чем сам праздник! Чтобы растянуть это удовольствие, люди заранее готовят украшения к Рождеству. К празднику можно нарядить не только традиционные ёлки и венки, но и испечь какую-нибудь вкуснятину.
2. What traditional Christmas meals do you know?
P2: The traditional Christmas meals are roast turkey and Christmas pudding. In England people make Christmas pudding before Christmas. All the family stir the pudding and make a wish. It’s a traditional meal which people cook for Christmas party. They think that if they all take part in mixing it, they will be happy. When the pudding is hot they put 5-penny pieces in it, and sometimes little silver charms- a horseshoe, a button and a ring. A horseshoe means a happiness and good luck, a button-wealth, a ring-marriage. “рис.2” (ученик ставит пирог на стол и описывает технологию его приготовления).
3. What do you know about holiday crackers?
P3: If there are children in the family people usually have Christmas crackers. Inside them there are many surprising things. (Рис.3) ( ученик показывает изготовленные дома хлопушки). When you pull them they make a bang, and you’ll see a paper hat, a small toy or a piece of paper where the jokes or wishes are written on. Here are some jokes wishes:
1. “What is clean when it is black, and white when it is dirty?”
(A blackboard)
2. “What did one wall say to the other one?“ (Meet you at the corner).
T: Незатейливую игрушку можно использовать не только в качестве ёлочной, но и как футляр для небольшого подарка. Если подарки адресованы конкретным людям, на хлопушке обязательно напишите имена, а если предполагается лотерея - пронумеруйте.
4. Who decorated the first Christmas tree?
P4: No one knows for sure. The custom of bringing an evergreen tree indoors decorating it at Christmas started in Germany. One legend says that Martin Luther started the practice. Luther was an imported Christian leader. According to the story he noticed the starlit sky as he walked home one Christmas Eve. He thought the stars looked as if they were shining on the branches. When Martin Luther arrived home he placed a small fir-tree inside the house. He decorated it with lighted candles. Decorating Christmas tree became popular in Germany. Prince Albert took the tradition to England. Both German and English people brought it to America.
T: Предполагают, что первые неукрашенные ёлки появились в Германии в VIII веке. Ещё жители Древнего Египта в декабре, в самый короткий день в году, приносили зелёные пальмовые ветви в свои дома как символ победы жизни над смертью. Жрецы-друиды вешали на дубовые ветки золотые яблоки во время праздника зимнего солнцестояния. Первое упоминание о ели связывают с монахом Бонифацием, который читал друидам проповедь о Рождестве. Чтобы убедить их в том, что дуб не является священным деревом, он срубил один из дубов. А когда тот падал, повалил на своём пути все деревья, кроме молодой ели. Бонифаций представил это как чудо и воскликнул: “ Да будет это дерево деревом Христа!”.
5. Why do people celebrate Christmas?
P5: It is celebrated оп December 25. The holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Holy Bible. Oп that day, about 2000 years ago, Lesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. When Jesus was born wise men from the East came to worship him. They gave the Child present – gold, frankicense and myrrh. That's why people nowadays try to please their friends and relatives giving them Christmas presents.
6. Where did Santa Claus come from?
T: Прообраз Санта Клауса – святой Николай, даритель подарков, “приехал” в Америку, в частности в Нью-Йорк, вместе с голландскими переселенцами в начале XIX века. Именно они ежегодно, в день святого Николая, выносили на улицу статую святого в длинной краснобелой мантии и пели песню о святом Николае – Занкта Клаусе (по-голландски Sinterklaas). Этот праздник сопровождался раздачей небольших сувениров и привлекал всегда много народу. В 1822 году житель Нью-Йорка Клемент Кларк Мур написал серию сказок, где описал, как Санта Клаус прибывает в Америку на восьми северных оленях, а в дома попадает через дымоход и рядом с кроватью детей кладёт свои подарки (рождественские чулки).
P6: Traditionally, English children hang a long stocking at the end of the bed on Christmas Eve. In the morning they check whether the stocking has been filled with small toys, fruit and sweet. Larger toys will be near.
They enjoy Christmas presents.(Учащиеся показывают рождественские чулки, изготовленные дома).
T: And now it’s time to have a contest. First I’d like you to guess riddles!
Group 1 “Snowflakes”
- They run upon the ground with upturned noses. (Skis)
- You can’t hear me, but you can see me all around. What am I? (Snow)
- He comes at night
(or so they say!)
Then does his job
And goes away. Who is he? (Santa Claus)
- By day it is white,
cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky. (Snow)
- A little old woman with 12 children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is it? (A year)
- It is decorated with lights, and toys, and tinsel, and it is in all the houses and in squares. ( Green Tree)
- It is a thing which is very dear to children at Christmas, as they find presents in it in the morning. (Stocking)
Group 2 “ Snowmen”
- What often falls but never hurt? (Snow)
- What goes whithout moving from its place? (A clock)
- Whether I am coming, or whether I am going, I sing a song when I’m blowing. What am I? (The wind)
- This is the season when morning are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the wood and the park.
This is the season When children ski
And Santa Claus Brings the Christmas tree.
What season is it? (Winter) - What man cannot live inside the house? (Snowman)
- It is a thing which people hang on the door of the house or a flat. (Wreath)
7. It is a traditional meal which people cook for Christmas party. (Pudding)
T: Well done! I hope you can solve my puzzles as well. The task is to make up the sentences with the help of these words.
/owns/ /lcod /
( keys: snow, cold)
( Учащиеся составляют предложения с данными словами).
T: Now I want to see which of you is the best at finding a treasure. Get these secret messages and start your treasure hunt:
The 1st group: / It is in the classroom on the bookshelf. /
The 2nd group: / It is in the classroom behind the board. /
(Дети находят клад - конверты с заданием: ”Guess what Santa Claus wishes boys and girls оп Christmas Day. Snowflakes will help you to find the answer. “ (Рис.4)
T: Yesterday I received a letter from England. The English girl Mary described Christmas Day in her letter. But she has made some mistakes and left out the verb to be. Please, read the letter and correct the mistakes:
“ Today____ Christmas Day and my family and I _____ at home. It ___ Christmas Eve yesterday and we _____ in town shopping for presents. It____ not cold yesterday but it _____ snowing outside. We ____ not cold because there ______ a big fir-tree in the living-room and we _____ all nice and warm. I like Christmas and I _____ very happy today!”
( Keys: is, are, was, were, was, was, are, are, am)
T: And now you see groups of words. In each group there is a word which does not go with others. Find this word, please!
- Turkey, goose, pudding, nuts, oranges, pears, eggs.
- Sleigh, Santa Claus, snowflake, winter, Christmas tree, butterfly.
- Christmas pudding, turkey, cracker, tinsel, sleigh, wreath, Easter.
- Tinsel, stocking, mistletoe, gift, sleigh, decorate, pumpkin.
(Keys: 1. Eggs 2. Butterfly 3. Easter 4. Pumpkin)
T: If you solve the rebuses you’ll find what presents Santa Claus has in his
bag. (Рис.5)
Keys: a) в слове сook опускаем букву “c” , получаем слово books;
b) в слове boys опускаем букву “b”, получаем слово toys;
c) в слове clock опускаем первые две буквы “c” и “l”, в слове
rings – букву “r”, получаем слово stockings;
d) в слове press опускаем первые две буквы “p” и “r”, получаем
слово chess.
7.Time for fun
T: It’s time to play a little.
Game1. ” Pin the Tail on the Donkey”
Here is a Donkey but it has no tail. Everybody has a chance to pin the tail on the Donkey. It’s not so easy, because you cannot see – you have a scarf over your eyes. The person who puts the tail to the right place is winner.
Game2. “Pass the Parcel”
Here is something wrapped in a lot of the papers. You’ll stand in a circle and pass the parcel to the person next to you. There is music playing. When the music stops, you take off one of the papers. Then music starts again. The person who takes the last piece off wins the prize.
Game3. “Presents”
You know that children get presents from socks or stockings. You must guess what presents are in them. If you are right then you’ll take the presents. ( Предполагаемые вопросы детей: Are there a CD there? Are there sweets? Is there chocolate?)
T: And now let’s sing a song about Christmas.
Jingle Bells
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bob-tail ring,
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight!
Refrain: Jingle bells, jingle bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh! What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh! Oh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh! What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh! Hey!
(В конце урока дети читают стихи о праздновании Рождества на русском и английском языках.)
T: So, it’s time to finish our lesson. Thank you for taking part in the holiday celebration. I hope you’ve learned much about Christmas tradition. I wish you good luck and a Merry Christmas!
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