Рабочая программа 11 класс
рабочая программа по английскому языку (11 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Пояснительная записка
Рабочая программа учебного предмета «Английский язык» для 11 класса на 2018-2019учебный год составлена в соответствии с учебным планом МБОУСОШ п.Зеленоборск на основе:
- примерной программы среднего (полного) общего образования;
- Федерального компонента государственного стандарта основного общего образования;
- УМК по предмету «Английский в фокусе» для 11 класса / «Spotlight 11». Автор: Быкова Н., Дули Д., Поспелова М., Эванс В. рассчитан на три 3 часа в неделю. Предлагаемая рабочая программа рассчитана на 102 часа.
I. Цели и задачи курса
Изучение английского в старшей школе на базовом уровне направлено на достижение следующих целей:
• дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции (речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной):
– речевая компетенция – совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме);
– языковая компетенция – систематизация ранее изученного материала, овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с отобранными темами и сферами общения: увеличение объёма используемых лексических единиц; развитие навыка оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях;
– социокультурная компетенция – увеличение объёма знаний о социокультурной специфике страны/стран изучаемого языка, совершенствование умений строить своё речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике, формирование умений выделять общее и специфическое в культуре родной страны и страны изучаемого языка;
– компенсаторная компетенция – дальнейшее развитие умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче иноязычной информации;
– учебно-познавательная компетенция – развитие общих и специальных учебных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению иностранным языком, удовлетворять с его помощью познавательные интересы в других областях знаний;
• развитие и воспитание способности и готовности к самостоятельному и непрерывному изучению иностранного языка, дальнейшему самообразованию с его помощью, использованию иностранного языка в других областях знаний; способности к самооценке через наблюдение за собственной речью на родном и иностранном языках, личностному самоопределению учащихся в отношении их будущей профессии; социальная адаптация учащихся, формирование качеств гражданина и патриота.
• На основе сформулированных выше целей изучение английского языка в старшей школе решает следующие задачи:
• расширение лингвистического кругозора старших школьников; обобщение ранее изученного языкового материала, необходимого для овладения устной и письменной речью на иностранном языке на Допороговом уровне (А2);
• использование двуязычных и одноязычных (толковых) словарей и другой справочной литературы;
• развитие умений ориентироваться в письменном и аудиотексте на иностранном языке;
• развитие умений обобщать информацию, выделять её из различных источников;
• использование выборочного перевода для достижения понимания текста;
• интерпретация языковых средств, отражающих особенности культуры англоязычных стран;
• участие в проектной деятельности межпредметного характера, в том числе с использованием Интернета.
Английский язык входит в общеобразовательную область «Филология». Язык является важнейшим средством общения, без которого невозможно существование и развитие человеческого общества. Происходящие сегодня изменения в общественных отношениях, средствах коммуникации (использование новых информационных технологий) требуют повышения коммуникативной компетенции школьников, совершенствования их филологической подготовки. Все это повышает статус предмета «иностранный язык» как общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины.
Основное назначение английского языка как иностранного состоит в формировании коммуникативной компетенции, т.е. способности и готовности осуществлять иноязычное межличностное и межкультурное общение с носителями языка. Английский язык как учебный предмет характеризуется
- межпредметностью (содержанием речи на иностранном языке могут быть сведения из разных областей знания, например, литературы, искусства, истории, географии, математики и др.);
- многоуровневостью (с одной стороны необходимо овладение различными языковыми средствами, соотносящимися с аспектами языка: лексическим, грамматическим, фонетическим, с другой - умениями в четырех видах речевой деятельности);
- полифункциональностью (может выступать как цель обучения и как средство приобретения сведений в самых различных областях знания).
Обучение английскому языку в старшей школе обеспечивает преемственность с подготовкой учащихся в основной школе. Степень сформированнности речевых, учебно-познавательных и общекультурных умений у школьников в 10–11 классах на базовом уровне изучения английского языка создает реальные предпосылки для учета конкретных потребностей школьников в его использовании при изучении других школьных предметов, а также в самообразовательных целях в интересующих их областях знаний и сферах человеческой деятельности (включая и их профессиональные ориентации, и намерения). В связи с этим возрастает важность межпредметный связей английского языка с другими школьными предметами.
Рассчитан на три 3 часа в неделю. Предлагаемая рабочая программа рассчитана на 102 часа.
Содержание учебного предмета (105 часов)
Содержание курса отражает содержание примерной программы среднего (полного) общего образования по английскому языку (Базовый уровень). Весь учебный материал УМК “Spotlight” для 11‐го класса разделен на 8 блоков, каждый из которых включает в себя уроки из учебника, рабочей тетради и книги для чтения.
- МОДУЛЬ 1. Родственные отношения. Родственные отношения. Введение новых лексических единиц.
- МОДУЛЬ 2. Кто хочет, тот добьётся.
- Модуль 3. Ответственность.
- МОДУЛЬ 4. Опасность!
- Модуль 5. Кто ты?» Жизнь на улице».
- Модуль 6. Коммуникация. Наша Галактика.
- Модуль 7. Мечты сбываются.
- Модуль 8. Путешествия. Загадочные места.
- Повторение изученного материала.
Учебно-тематическое планирование
Содержание курса | Количество часов | Проверочные тесты/контрольные работы |
МОДУЛЬ 1. Родственные отношения. Родственные отношения. | 12 | 1 |
МОДУЛЬ 2. Кто хочет, тот добьётся. | 12 | 1 |
Модуль 3.Отвеетственость. | 12 | 1 |
МОДУЛЬ 4. Опасность! | 12 | 1 |
Модуль 5. Кто ты?«Жизнь на улице». | 12 | 1 |
Модуль 6.Коммуникация.Наша Галактика | 12 | 1 |
Модуль 7.Мечты сбываются. | 11 | 1 |
Модуль 8.путешествия.Загадочные места. | 9 | 1 |
Повторение изученного материала. | 13 | 1 |
Итого | 105 часа |
Учебно-тематическое планирование
Содержание курса | Количество часов | Проверочные тесты/контрольные работы |
МОДУЛЬ 1. Родственные отношения. Родственные отношения. | 12 | 1 |
МОДУЛЬ 2. Кто хочет, тот добьётся. | 12 | 1 |
Модуль 3.Отвеетственость. | 12 | 1 |
МОДУЛЬ 4. Опасность! | 12 | 1 |
Модуль 5. Кто ты?«Жизнь на улице». | 12 | 1 |
Модуль 6.Коммуникация.Наша Галактика | 12 | 1 |
Модуль 7.Мечты сбываются. | 11 | 1 |
Модуль 8.путешествия.Загадочные места. | 9 | 1 |
Повторение изученного материала. | 13 | 1 |
Итого | 105 часа |
Требования направлены на реализацию деятельностного, личностно ориентированного, коммуникативно-когнитивного и социокультурного подходов, освоение учащимися интеллектуальной и практической деятельности, овладение знаниями и умениями, востребованными в повседневной жизни и значимыми для социальной адаптации личности, ее приобщения к ценностям мировой культуры. Эти требования структурированы по трем компонентам: «знать/понимать», «уметь», «использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни».
• значение новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа обучения и соответствующими ситуациями общения, в том числе оценочной лексики, реплик-клише речевого этикета, отражающих особенности культуры страны/стран изучаемого языка;
• значение изученных грамматических явлений в расширенном объеме (видовременные, неличные и неопределенно-личные формы глагола, формы условного наклонения, косвенная речь/косвенный вопрос, побуждение и др., согласование времен);
• страноведческую информацию из аутентичных источников, обогащающую социальный опыт школьников: сведения о стране/странах изучаемого языка, их науке и культуре, исторических и современных реалиях, общественных деятелях, месте в мировом сообществе и мировой культуре, взаимоотношениях с нашей страной, языковые средства и правила речевого и неречевого поведения в соответствии со сферой общения и социальным статусом партнера;
• вести диалог, используя оценочные суждения, в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения (в рамках изученной тематики); беседовать о себе, своих планах; участвовать в обсуждении проблем в связи с прочитанным/прослушанным иноязычным текстом, соблюдая правила речевого этикета;
• рассказывать о своем окружении, рассуждать в рамках изученной тематики и проблематики; представлять социокультурный портрет своей страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка;
• относительно полно и точно понимать высказывания собеседника в распространенных стандартных ситуациях повседневного общения, понимать основное содержание и извлекать необходимую информацию из различных аудио- и видеотекстов: прагматических (объявления, прогноз погоды), публицистических (интервью, репортаж), соответствующих тематике данной ступени обучения;
• читать аутентичные тексты различных стилей: публицистические, художественные, научно-популярные, прагматические, – используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, поисковое/просмотровое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи;
письменная речь
• писать личное письмо, заполнять анкету, письменно излагать сведения о себе в форме, принятой в стране/странах изучаемого языка, делать выписки из иноязычного текста;
использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни:
• для общения с представителями других стран, ориентации в современном поликультурном мире;
получения сведений из иноязычных источников информации (в том числе через Интернет), необходимых в образовательных и самообразовательных целях;
• расширения возможностей в выборе будущей профессиональной деятельности;
• изучения ценностей мировой культуры, культурного наследия и достижений других стран; ознакомления представителей зарубежных стран с культурой и достижениями России.
Календарно- тематическое планирование
№ п/п | Раздел | Тема | Дата по плану | Дата по факту |
1 | МОДУЛЬ 1. Родственные отношения. | Родственные отношения. Введение новых лексических единиц. | ||
2 | Способы выражения жалобы, извинения, приглашения. Диалогические высказывания. | |||
3 | Формы настоящего, будущего и прошедшего времена глагола. Отработка грамматики. | |||
4 | Фразовый глагол come. | |||
5 | Дружба, отношения. Ирония: монологические высказывания. | |||
6 | Описание людей: внешность, черты характера. Алгоритм написания статьи о человеке. | |||
7 | Культура, национальности: составление тезисов устного сообщения. | |||
8 | Написание эссе на тему: «Моя семья». | |||
9 | Описание места проживания: монологическая и диалогическая речь | |||
10 | Экология места проживания «Мусор». Просмотровое чтение. | |||
11 | Тренировочные упражнения по теме Модуля 1 «Родственные отношения» | |||
12 | Проверочный тест по теме «Родственные отношения» | |||
13 | МОДУЛЬ 2. Кто хочет, тот добьётся. | «Стресс». Введение новых лексических единиц по теме. | ||
14 | «Влияние сверстников». Аудирование с выборочным пониманием полученной информации. | |||
15 | Идиоматические выражения. | |||
16 | Фразовый глагол put. | |||
17 | Придаточные предложения. Отработка грамматики. | |||
18 | Гипербола. Использование приёма в произведении Ш.Бронте «Джейн Эйр». | |||
19 | Формальные и неформальные письма. Электронные письма. | |||
20 | «Горячая линия для подростков». Краткое изложение отношения к проблеме. | |||
21 | Культурная жизнь России. Монологические и диалогические высказывания. | |||
22 | Составление анкеты; ответы на вопросы. | |||
23 | Экологическая упаковка. Практика аудирования. | |||
24 | Проверочный тест по теме «Кто хочет, тот добьётся» | |||
25 | Модуль3.Ответственость. | «Закон есть закон». Введение новых лексических единиц по теме. | ||
26 | Наши права и обязанности. Практика аудирования. | |||
27 | Инфинитив. Герундий. Повторение грамматического материала. | |||
28 | Фразовый глагол keep. Грамматический практикум. | |||
29 | Ч.Диккенс Большие надежды. Работа с текстом. | |||
30 | Структура и алгоритм написания сочинения-размышления на заданную тему. | |||
31 | Написание сочинения-размышления. | |||
32 | Острова Эллис и остров свободы. Работа с текстом. | |||
33 | Российская культура: Ф.М.Достоевский. Практика монологической речи. | |||
34 | Права человека. Практика монологической речи. | |||
35 | Экологический аспект гражданственности. Практика диалогической и монологической речи. | |||
36 | Проверочный тест по теме «Ответственность». | |||
37 | МОДУЛЬ 4. Опасность! | «Вопреки всему». Введение новых лексических единиц по теме. | ||
38 | Описание соматического состояния человека. | |||
39 | Идиоматические выражения. Практика аудирования. | |||
40 | Страдательный залог. | |||
41 | М.Твен Приключения Тома Сойера. Работа с текстом. | |||
42 | Запись в дневнике о событиях прошлого. Создание историй. | |||
43 | Способы выражения согласия / несогласия. | |||
44 | Вводные слова, сравнение, гипербола. | |||
45 | Флоренс Найтингейл. Великий Лондонский пожар. Практика монологической речи. | |||
46 | Праздники в России. Практика монологической речи. | |||
47 | Загрязнение воды. Практика диалогической и монологической речи. | |||
48 | Проверочный тест по теме «Опасность!» | |||
49 | Модуль 5. Кто ты?» | Жизнь на улице». Введение новых лексических единиц по теме. | ||
50 | Проблемы по соседству. Практика аудирования. | |||
51 | Модальные глаголы. Повторение грамматического материала. | |||
52 | Фразовый глагол do. Описание знаков. | |||
53 | Т.Харди Тесс из Арбервилля. Работа с текстом. | |||
54 | Доклад с предложениями и рекомендациями: структура и алгоритм написания. | |||
55 | Дом, милый дом. Урбанизация. Практика монологической речи. | |||
56 | Суеверия в разных странах. Практика монологической речи. | |||
57 | Сочинение на тему «Дом моей мечты». | |||
58 | Тренировочные упражнения по чтению и аудированию по теме Модуля 5 «Кто ты?» | |||
59 | Тренировочные упражнения по грамматике и письму по теме Модуля 5 «Кто ты?» | |||
60 | Проверочный тест по теме «Кто ты?» | |||
61 | Модуль6.Коммуникация. | Наша Галактика. Введение новых лексических единиц по теме модуля. | ||
62 | Различные виды СМИ. Практика диалогической речи. | |||
63 | Косвенная речь. Повторение грамматического материала. | |||
64 | Фразовый глагол talk. | |||
65 | Дж. Лондон «Белый клык». Работа с текстом. | |||
66 | Эссе «за» и «против». | |||
67 | Языки Британских островов. Практика монологической речи. | |||
68 | Покорение космоса. Практика монологической речи. | |||
69 | Способы получения информации в прошлом и настоящем. Работа с текстом. | |||
70 | Экология: шумовое загрязнение. Работа с текстом. | |||
71 | Тренировочные упражнения по грамматике и письму по теме Модуля 6 «Коммуникация» | |||
72 | Проверочный тест по теме «Коммуникация» | |||
73 | Модуль 7.Мечты сбываются. | Я мечтаю… Введение новых лексических единиц по теме модуля. | ||
74 | Высшее и профобразование. Практика диалогической речи. | |||
75 | Придаточные условные предложения Повторение грамматического материала. | |||
76 | Сослагательное наклонение. Повторение грамматического материала. | |||
77 | Р.Киплинг «Если…» Работа с текстом. | |||
78 | Электронные письма. Официально-деловой стиль. | |||
79 | Самый престижный ВУЗ нашей страны. Практика монологической речи. | |||
80 | Балет. Практика монологической речи. | |||
81 | Как изменить мир. Практика монологической речи. | |||
82 | Экологические проблемы. Тезисы устного выступления. | |||
83 | Проверочный тест по теме «Мечты сбываются» | |||
84 | Модуль 8.путешествия | Загадочные места. Введение новых лексических единиц по теме модуля. | ||
85 | Путешествия самолётами. Практика диалогической речи. | |||
86 | Инверсия. Единственное и множественное число имён существительных. Повторение грамматического материала. | |||
87 | Дж.Свифт «Путешествия Гулливера». работа с текстом. | |||
88 | Описание местности. | |||
89 | Британский и американский английский. практика чтения. | |||
90 | Порядок в употреблении прилагательных. | |||
91 | Поездка в США. Практика монологической речи. | |||
92 | Проверочный тест по теме «Путешествия». | |||
93 | Повторение изученного материала | Повторение лексики и грамматики по теме «Родственные отношения» | ||
94 | Повторение лексики и грамматики по теме «Кто хочет, тот добьётся» | |||
95 | Повторение лексики и грамматики по теме «Ответственность». | |||
96 | Повторение лексики и грамматики по теме «Опасность» | |||
97 | Повторение лексики и грамматики по теме «Кто ты?» | |||
98 | Повторение лексики и грамматики по теме «Коммуникация» | |||
99 | Повторение лексики и грамматики по теме «Мечты сбываются», «Путешествия» | |||
100 | Итоговая проверочная работа. | |||
101 | Работа над ошибками. | |||
102 | Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме «Планы на это лето» | |||
103 | Практика аудирования по теме «Мои планы на будущее». | |||
104 | Практика монологической речи по теме «Мои планы на будущее». | |||
105 | Обобщающее повторение всего лексического и грамматического материала по пройденным темам года. |
Учебно методическая литература:
УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.(авторы О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс) вошёл в Федеральный перечень учебников, рекомендованных Министерством образования и науки РФ УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 11 класса состоит из следующих компонентов:
- Учебник;
- Рабочая тетрадь;
- Языковой портфель;
- Книга для учителя;
- CD для работы в классе;
- CD для самостоятельной работы дома.
Приложение №1
Module 1
Read the text and fill in the gaps (1-6) with the phrases (A-G). There is one phrase that you do not need to use.
New York City Neighbourhoods – Upper West Side
One of the most famous and most frequently visited neighbourhoods in New York is the Upper West Side. It stretches from 59th Street and Central Park West to Riverside Park, and is considered by many to be the most typical Manhattan neighbourhood.
The Upper West Side has had many famous residents in the past, including a member of the Beatles, John Lennon, (1) ___________, a big castle-like structure which borders the west side of Central Park.
With generations of high-profile tenants putting down roots in the Upper West Side, it’s no wonder rents and real estate prices continue to rise! However, bear in mind the benefits of living in this charming neighbourhood. Elegant buildings, (2) ___________, line the quiet streets and house the city’s rich, intellectual and creative community. Many people are attracted by the suburban feel of the area, and it is especially popular with families, young professionals and actors.
Much of the area is protected by landmark status, (3) _________ . It includes a jumble of chic spots, glamorous concert halls and the famous Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts where can you see fabulous theatre, ballet and opera productions. The famous Juilliard School of Music is also located in the Upper West Side, (4) _____________ .
This area of New York is busy by day, with performers rushing to auditions and families taking strolls along the pavements. It is also an exciting place at night (5) __________ .
Don’t worry about the kids because there are lots of things for them to do in this neighbourhood, too! The American Museum of Natural History is a fantastic place, (6) ________ . They can also enjoy a trip to the Children’s Museum of Manhattan. So, whatever you are looking for, you are looking for, you will certainly find it in the Upper West Side!
A who lived in the Dakota building
B because everyone loves living there
C where our young visitors can see dinosaur fossils
D with its many restaurants and ethnic bars
E which means that the buildings cannot be changed
F so there is plenty to satisfy the music lover
G which are known as brownstones
Listen and choose A, B or C, for statements 1 to 7.
- East Swinton residents can receive free plant bulbs.
A False B Not stated C True
2. The man already has lots of flowers in his garden.
A Not stated B False C True
3. They are going to plant the flowers all over the park.
A Not stated B True C False
4. The man can choose from three types of bulbs.
A False B True C Not stated
5. The man thinks he will need more than five hundred bulbs.
A True B Not stated C False
6. The bulbs will probably arrive in seven days or less.
A Not stated B False C True
7. The man has some friends who want some bulbs too.
A False B Not stated C True
Choose the best word (A-D) for each gap (1-7)
Alla Pugacheva was born in 1949 in Moscow, Russia, where she (1) ___________ her first public appearance at the age of five. She studied piano and singing and in 1965 she was heard (2) __________ the radio for the first time, performing one of the most popular songs, “Robot”. Her victory at an international contest in 1978 made her a Russian star. Pugacheva has performed and recorded (3) ____________ 300 songs. Through (4) ____________ work, she became the biggest star of the (5) ______________Soviet Union. Not only is she loved by young pop music fans, but (6) _________ generations also respect and listen to her. She is so admired in Russia and around the world that her name has been given to an ocean liner in Finland, a (7) _____________ of French perfume and a magazine, as well as to many little girls all over Russia.
1 A did B had C made D gave
2. A at B from C on D in
3. A over B after C above D up
4. A tough B firm C hard D difficult
5. A former B previous C earlier D past
6. A aged B older C elder D later
7. A name B brand C type D mark
Read the extract from your pen friends Sue’s letter. Write a letter to Sue. In your letter:
- ask her about her neighbourhood
- ask three questions about her new friends.
Write 60-80 words.
I really like my new neighbourhood. The people here are great and I have made some new friends. Still, I miss you a lot.
Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:
Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 6 баллов
Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов
Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH - 7 баллов
Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов
Всего: 30 баллов
30 - 28 баллов - оценка «5»
27 - 25 баллов - оценка «4»
24 - 20 баллов - оценка «3»
<20 баллов - оценка «2»
Module 2
Listen to the radio interview. For each question (1-7), choose A, B, or C
- Dr Hunt says that plastic surgery nowadays
- is changing.
- is not as popular as it was.
- is popular with teenagers.
- According to Dr Hunt, today’s society
- places more emphasis on beauty than before.
- helps teenagers to have a positive body image.
- places too much importance on appearance.
- According to Dr Hunt, the two types of plastic surgery
- are similar.
- are different.
- repair injury.
- Dr Hunt believes teens should have cosmetic surgery
- if a therapist agrees.
- for the right reasons only.
- to cure low self-esteem.
- According to Dr Hunt, patients under the age of 18
- need a certificate.
- may have a problem finding a suitable surgeon.
- need their parents’ permission.
- Dr Hunt believes our teenage years are a time to
- discover who we are.
- find out what makes us happy.
- change who we are inside.
- According to Dr Hunt, the decision to have plastic surgery
- needs careful consideration.
- must be supported by a doctor.
- can make us happier.
Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use.
A Unrealistic expectations
B Relationship ups and downs
C Feeling the pressure
D Dealing with bulling
E Generation gap
F Fashion conscious
G Solving problems
H Meeting the costs
- Participants in peer mediation schemes have the opportunity to talk through their conflicts with the help of trained student mediators. Peer mediators do not take sides or blame anyone. They listen to all participants and help them to develop their own solution to the conflict. If you are feeling frustrated or angry with a friend but have not approached them about your feelings, mediation can help! It gives you the opportunity to confront a person you are in conflict with, in a non-violent way.
- Most teenagers would claim that their parents don’t understand their needs, while most parents believe that it is impossible for them to get through to their teenage children. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Both sides should try to be more understanding and open to the other’s ideas and feelings.
- Being picked on at school is becoming more and more common and it has nothing to do with the kind of school you go to. It can happen at schools with both good and bad reputations. The difference lies in how schools deal with the situation. Some schools place a lot of emphasis on finding solutions to the problem, while other schools tend to ignore it and pretend it is not happening.
- There are lots of things that teenagers are tempted to buy; CDs, mobile phone top-ups, computer games etc. But how can they afford all these things? More and more teenagers are getting part-time jobs in order to cover their expenses, and this gives them a feeling of independence. Of course, some teenagers get paid on a regular basis by their parents in return for doing chores around the house.
- Making and maintaining friendships can be one of the most fulfilling things in your life. It can also be really difficult to do, especially for teenagers, who are still not sure about what they are looking for or what they need in a friend. One thing is for certain, though. If you form a close friendship with someone, it can be very upsetting if things go wrong.
- More and more teenagers are becoming unhappy with the way they look, especially when they regard tall, thin, beautiful celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, as role models. It is very difficult, of course, for teenagers to be happy with their bodies when they feel they have to meet such unattainable standards.
- Young people nowadays feel under so much stress that they sometimes find it hard to cope. Exams are a major cause of concern for teenagers because the career they choose depends on the marks they get in their final school examinations. Therefore, teenagers need to learn how to deal with this kind of stress, which will prepare them for other kinds of pressures they will face in later life.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Fill in the gaps (1-7) with a derivative of the words in bold.
Tverskaya Ulitsa, Moscow’s main street, has seen many changes over the years. About three hundred years ago it was a narrow street where you would find beautiful buildings with great 1) ________________ (ARCHITECT) and the residences of the rich. In the 20th century, the government decided to 2) _________________ (WIDE) the street and long queues outside state-run shops were a common sight. Today it is still known as one of the capital’s most expensive 3) _____________ (RESIDENCE) districts, but it is also a hub of 4) ___________________ (ENTERTAIN) with clubs, cafes, restaurants and 5) ____________________ (DESIGN) boutiques. Since 1990, the statue of literary figure Pushkin in nearby Pushkinskaya square has stood alongside the American fast food restaurant McDonalds. However, there is a price to pay for all this 6) ______________________ (DEVELOP). The quiet areas around Tverskaya could be under threat due to the 7) __________________ (CONSTRUCT) of new shopping centres.
Read the extract from your pen friend’s letter. Write a letter to Fiona. In your letter:
- tell her about the anti-bulling week
- ask three questions about the party
Write 100-140 words
So, you said you’ve just had an anti-bulling week at school. How did it go? What did it involve?
I’d better go now. I’m going to a party to night to celebrate the end of exams!
Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:
Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 6 баллов
Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов
Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH - 7 баллов
Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов
Всего: 30 баллов
30 - 28 баллов - оценка «5»
27 - 25 баллов - оценка «4»
24 - 20 баллов - оценка «3»
< 20 баллов - оценка «2»
Module 3
Read the text, then choose A, B, C or D for each question (1-7)
Caught in the Act
Even if you’re looking carefully, you might miss it; it’s only a stray strand of hair, after all. But to me, as a forensic scientist, this is what I live for; this is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This microscopic human trace might be the one vital piece of evidence that leads to the arrest and imprisonment of the criminal, the one who, without realizing it, left his calling card behind at the scene of the crime. One single strand of hair contains all the criminal’s DNA and, once matched, can lead all the way back to his door.
And that is my job. I’m a forensic scientist - ‘forensic’ just means relating to the legal system - and I collect and analyze evidence that is then used to catch a whole range of criminals committing any number of illegal acts. A member of the public might jump to the conclusion that all I work on are murders, but my field of investigation includes burglaries, arson, simple cases of forgery or more advanced Internet offences. Since time began, criminals have always found new ways of breaking the law, but I have complete faith in my subject. It doesn’t matter what the crime is, science will get to the bottom of it and as technology continues to improve, the chances of getting away with it become slimmer and slimmer.
Perhaps the most famous forensic scientist of all was Sherlock Holmes. His methods of investigation, popularized in numerous books, films and television series, included close observation, rigorous examination of evidence and logical deduction. This is where I got my inspiration from. Reading the stories and watching the films fascinated me when I was younger and they still do today. I took all available science courses at school and then moved on to criminology at university. After graduating at the top of my class, it was then a small step to the police and I’m now head of the forensic investigation department.
In many ways the job hasn’t changed all that much from the fog-filled streets of Holmes' London. The most useful tool for any scientist is still a keen mind, a good eye that connects the apparently unconnected and a skilful reading of the evidence. A crime scene is not that different to a story. It is a narrative with a beginning, in which the criminal enters the house; a middle, when the crime is committed; and a climax, as doesn’t lie when it faces a jury. Facts don`t or get confused. Science states the case. And that is the criminal leaves the crime scene. My job is to make sure; that the ultimate end is the capture of the villain.
Of course, there is a new style of fictionalized forensics on television nowadays that uses the most cutting-edge technology available and suddenly the job is the focus of a huge amount of attention with relevant university courses filling up faster than ever before. But don’t be fooled by what you see on television. The job is vastly different from the one seemingly done by the heroes of a weekly TV show. First of all, the forensic scientist isn’t the first one at the scene of the crime; we’re usually there much later. Also, forensics can be a time-consuming and lengthy procedure. TV takes one hour to solve the crime; we can take weeks, months, even year/ DNA analysis takes a long time, no matter how technologically advanced we are. But having said all that, the basic methods we use are the same as our TV counterparts.
Take fingerprinting, for example. A person’s fingerprint is unique; the lines and shapes that pattern the fingertips are individual and belong to no-one else. The grease that comes off our skin at all times of the day leaves a patterned mark on everything we touch. We can make a copy of that mark and hopefully, match it to the recorded fingerprints of known criminals. This is common knowledge and even the most simple-minded crook knows enough to wear a pair of gloves or wipe down everything he touches. But what about the traces that can’t be seen, the traces that can’t be wiped down?
At every second of every day your body is shedding microscopic pieces of skin; household dust is mostly made up of your dead cells. You are constantly renewing hairs, old ones fall and new ones grow back; the clothes you wear leave behind the smallest signs of where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing. This is called DNA fingerprinting and when gathered together, all of these things serve to build up a picture that is more conclusive than any eye-witness statement. Evidence doesn`t lie when it faces a jury. Facts don`t forget or get confused. Science states the case. And that is inescapable.
- In the first paragraph, the writer suggests that:
A he is well-paid for the work he does.
B criminals are often forgetful.
C he follows criminals to their homes.
D criminals help in solving the crime.
- What changes have occurred recently?
A There is more crime nowadays.
B His job is getting more difficult.
C More criminals are being caught.
D He has more work than ever before.
- Why did the writer become a forensic scientist?
A Because he was good at science.
B Because of his enthusiasm for books.
C Because of a childhood role model.
D Because he wanted to be a policeman.
- The writer compares a crime scene to a story to
A explain how events are connected.
В describe how he finds evidence.
С make him feel more like a hero.
D show how to commit a crime.
- Watching crime shows on television, viewers get the idea that
A doing the job will make them famous.
В solving a crime takes very little time.
С the forensic scientist heads the investigation.
D forensic science is a popular university course.
- What does not the writer say about fingerprinting?
A Most people understand the technique.
В Unwashed hands are easier to fingerprint.
С Criminals try to avoid leaving fingerprints.
D No two sets of fingerprints are the same.
- What does the writer believe about forensic science?
A It relies too much on the ageing process.
В It is a reliable method of solving crime.
С It often disagrees with personal accounts.
D It is not used enough in criminal investigations.
Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold
“Welcome to the Kremlin, the seat of Russia`s 1). __________________(rule) for centuries and currently the 2)_____________(office) residence of the president of Russia! This city within a city contains golden-domed churches and cathedrals, four palaces, museums, 3)__________________(resident), offices and monuments. Visit Cathedral Square, the 4)_______________________(history) heart of the Kremlin and home to the Cathedral of the Assumption, where all the Tsars were crowned. Along the Kremlin1s eastern wall lies Moscow`s famous Red Square/ Don`t miss St Basil`s Cathedral at the 5). _________________(south) end of the square, famous for its brightly 6).______________ (colour) domes. This stunning cathedral was built between 1534 and 1561 at the command of Ivan the Terrible. As the story goes, Ivan was so overcome by its beauty that he blinded its 7). ________________________(architecture) so that he would never be able to create another 8)________________________(build) as magnificent for anyone else! Our tour continues…”
Listen to the speakers 1-5. Which of the comments below might each speaker say? There is one comment you don`t need to use.
A I think all teenagers should do chores.
В I have more responsibilities because I’m older.
С Chores take up a lot of my free time.
D I find cleaning relaxing.
E I’m too busy to help out much.
F I don’t mind doing outside chores.
Speaker | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Comment |
Read the extract from your pen friend Tanya’s letter. Write a letter to Tanya. In your letter:
- tell her about the kinds of household chores you have to do;
- ask three questions about the tree-planting day.
It’s not fair! I’m so busy at school and then I have loads of chores to do at home! Do you have to do jobs at home, too?
I’m taking part in a tree-planting day in my neighbourhood next Sunday. I’m really looking forward to it!
Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:
Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 6 баллов
Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов
Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH - 7 баллов
Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов
Всего: 30 баллов
30 - 28 баллов - оценка «5»
27 - 25 баллов - оценка «4»
24 - 20 баллов - оценка «3»
< 20 баллов - оценка «2»
Module 4
Complete the gaps (1-6) with the phrases (A-G). There is one phrase that you do not need to use.
There are around 120,000 brown bears (Ursus arctors) living in the mountains and forests of Russia, which is the largest population anywhere in the world! In fact, this species of animal is so well known and loved in Russia that it was unanimously voted to be the mascot for the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games.
Indeed, brown bears are beautiful, powerful creatures 1) _______ . They are huge animals which have sharp claws up 10 15 cm in length, and weigh up to 700 kg.
Contrary to popular belief, up to 90% of a brown bear’s food is made up of vegetable berries, roots and fungi. However, they also eat fish, insects, mammals such as squirrel and deer, and an enormous amount of moths in the summer, 2) ________ . However, bears are not always the cuddly animals 3) __________ .
People often don’t realize just how dangerous brown bears can be. It is not unusual to see tourists in Russia walking along paths 4) _________ . Sometimes, too, villagers go out to gather berries from bushes which are within a few metres of a bear’s territory.
Whilst it is relatively rare for bears to attack humans, they still kill ten people per year on average in Russia. Attacks only usually happen, however, either because a bear is injured or when a human encounters a mother bear with its cubs. They are also more common in years 5) _______ . At these times they are forced to come into human settlements to find food.
The population of the brown bear has declined drastically in recent years because of poaching for skins and fat. Every year, more than 5,000 are hunted in Russia for their furs. Many are also killed by hunters 6) _______ .
The Russian government is considering new laws that would ban the shooting of brown bears in the winter, as in some areas they are already extinct.
A that are commonly portrayed in cartoons and fairy tales
B who pay a lot of money to school brown bears for trophies
C because creatures are mostly solitary
D that bears commonly use
E sometimes as many as 40,000 in a day
F when there is a shortage of food in the wild
G with fur varying in colour from cream to almost black
Listen and choose A, B or C for statements 1-7.
- Megan tried to give up smoking two weeks ago.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- Megan has tried two different therapies so far.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- Jim started smoking because of stress.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- Jim hasn’t smoked for two years.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- Jim stopped smoking because someone threatened him.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- Jim still felt like smoking after his first session with the acupuncturist.
- True b) False c) Not stated
- In the end, Megan agrees to try the acupuncturist.
- True b) False c) Not stated
Choose the best word (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1-7).
It was the sound of the car brakes 1) ________________________ that caught her attention first of all. The noise stood out from all the other noises that crowded into her ears – the car horns hooting, the sound of children’s voices as they ran out of the school playground, mothers calling their children, 2) ________________________ to get them home.
Then, it felt as if someone had placed their hands on her and forcibly made her turn around and look. As soon as she did, her eyes 3) _______________________ and her hands began to shake. Her legs seemed frozen to the 4)_________________________ . All she could do was watch 5) ___________________________ immobile, as if it was all happening in slow motion, right there in front of her.
She opened her mouth, but no sound came 6) _________________________ . Then came the dull thud as the car hit the child, the shocked gasps of the 7) ______________________ and the roaring of the car as it sped away.
- A shrieking 2. A restless 3. A opened 4. A point
B screeching B nervous B enlarged B place
C screaming C impatient C broadened C spot
D shouting D worried D widened D mark
5. A helplessly 6. A out 7. A viewers
B uselessly B through B spectators
C pointlessly C about C audience
D worthlessly D away D onlookers
Comment on the following statement:
Many people think that medical care should be free and available to all, whereas others believe that we should have to pay for the medical services we use.
What is your opinion? Should we have to pay for medical care, or should it be free? Write 120-180 words using the plan.
Para 1: Introduction (state the problem)
Para 2: Express your opinion and give reasons for it
Para 3: Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it
Para 4: Draw a conclusion
Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:
Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 6 баллов
Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов
Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH - 7 баллов
Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов
Всего: 30 баллов
30 - 28 баллов - оценка «5»
27 - 25 баллов - оценка «4»
24 - 20 баллов - оценка «3»
< 20 баллов - оценка «2»
Module 5
Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use.
A Bringing Greenery Inside
B Danger in the Home
C Fire Protection
D Intelligent Homes
F Keeping Warm
G Home Life
E Keeping Tidy
H Green Housing
- Accidents in the home account for about forty per cent of all accidents and a third of all accidents treated at hospital. The most dangerous area of the home is the living room, followed by the garden, kitchen, stairs, bedroom and bathroom. The main factor is age, with young children having the greatest number of accidents. Falls are by far the greatest cause of fatal home accidents, causing more than two thousand deaths in Britain each year.
- Most people strive to buy a house with a garden but what happens if the budget just doesn’t allow it? Well, those of you who live in an apartment can bring a bit of nature inside by placing some houseplants around your living space. All they need is a little care and attention! Be sure to check, for example, how often they need watering and what kind of conditions they prefer, such as bright or shady, warm or cool.
- Smoke detectors in homes have saved countless lives. They sense the presence of smoke in the house and alert the occupants by making a loud beeping noise, giving them time to escape. In order to be kept in good working condition, they should be tested at least once a month and cleaned once a year.
- In a few years we might be living in “smart” houses. A smart house is a house where the appliances have a computer fitted inside them, so that they can “communicate” with each other. For example, groceries are ordered when your fridge sees that you are running low on essentials and when you enter your home, temperature, lighting and music are activated according to your personal preference.
- One of the attractions of living in the country is a blazing log fire. However, open fires are one of the most inefficient forms of heating, since most of the heat disappears up the chimney. They also produce lots of smoke which, of course, pollutes the environment. From both a financial and environmental point of view, it is better to use other methods of heating.
- There’s nothing more discouraging than spending hours at the weekend cleaning and organizing your home, only to find it in a total mess again by Wednesday! So, why not set aside fifteen minutes per day for maintaining your living space in order to minimize clutter as the week goes on? Good ideas include assigning one small, quick job to each member of the household each day, and putting something back where it belongs every time you leave a room.
- Plans were announced today to build sixteen new homes in Brighton using fifteen thousand old car tyres. The developers claim that they will be so energy efficient that residents will have no utility bills at all! They will collect their own water and be powered by solar panels and wind turbines. The homes offer a way of tackling two of Britain’s biggest environmental concerns – the growing mountain of discarded tyres and the high levels of carbon emissions from housing.
Listen to the radio programme. For each question (1-7), choose A, B or C.
- The man says he decided to go to Africa because
- his daughter persuaded him to do it.
- it was something he had always wanted to do.
- he wanted to do something different with his life.
- The man says that his boss
- offered him more money to stay.
- was concerned about filling his position.
- understood his reasons for going.
- The event that stands out in the man’s memory is
- meeting the villagers for the first time.
- seeing the house he was to stay in.
- the view as he entered the village.
- The thing that most surprised the man about his new home was that
- it was considered to be nicer than the other houses in the village.
- it was so basic.
- it was nicer than he had expected.
- They had to cook before the sun set because
- they had no electric lights.
- the fire had to be put out after dark.
- they could only get cooking water during the day.
- The man slept so well in Uganda because
- it was so quiet there.
- his bed was comfortable.
- He felt so safe and secure.
- In the future, the man plans to
- continue living in England.
- try living somewhere else.
- go back to Africa.
Complete the gaps (1-6) with the correct derivatives of the words in bold.
A yurt is the 1) ____________________ (TRADITION) home of nomadic people from Mongolia, Siberia, China and Central Asia. The word “yurt” or “yurta” 2) ________________ (ORIGIN) comes from the Turkish word meaning “dwelling place”. It is 3) ________________ (CURCLE) in shape and is easy to assemble, take down and transport. Made of a 4) __________________ (WOOD) frame and covered with felt, it is a popular place to live in the summer months. You will sometimes find it used in other countries too, as it is an 5) __________________ (EXPENSIVE) form of temporary housing. In Europe, 6) _____________________ (VARY) on Mongolia and Central Asian-styled yurts are made using other materials, such as local hardwoods. Yurts are used for all sorts of different purposes, from permanent housing to school rooms.
Read the extract from your friend Amy’s email. Write an email to Amy. In your email:
- tell her about your new home
- ask three questions about gardening
Write 100-140 words.
I can’t believe you’ve moved away! What’s your new home like? Do you like it better than your old one? I’m so happy summer’s here at last. I’ve been helping my dad out in the garden lately!
Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:
Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 6 баллов
Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов
Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH - 7 баллов
Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов
Всего: 30 баллов
30 - 28 баллов - оценка «5»
27 - 25 баллов - оценка «4»
24 - 20 баллов - оценка «3»
< 20 баллов - оценка «2»
Module 6
Read the passage, then choose the correct answer (A,B,C or D) for questions 1-7
It’s a Secret
Throughout history and in every civilization, people have felt the need to communicate in secret. In wartime, military secrets need to be transferred securely to commanders without being understood by the enemy. During revolutions, those plotting to overthrow the establishment need to ensure their communication remain undisclosed. The history of secret communication is long and fascinating. World events have changed on many occasions because of secret messages – secrets that were kept and secrets that were not!
There are two ways to communicate in secret – either you conceal the fact that you are sending a message at all, (‘steganography’) or you obscure the meaning of your message rather than its actual existence (‘crytology’). Steganography is very old. In 440 BC, the Greek ruler, Histiaeus, sent a message to a fellow plotter in a revolt by shaving off the hair of his most loyal slave, tattooing a message on his head, allowing the slave’s hair to grow back, then sending him to deliver the message. The slave passed through enemy lines easily since he seemed to be carrying no communication. Another very old form of steganography is invisible ink. Inks made of simple organic materials such as milk or lemon juice, which turn dark when held over a flame, were used as early as the first century AD for very serious communications. During the Second World War, both sides raced to create new secret inks and to find developers for the enemy’s inks, although in the end this form of steganography became impractical due to the large amount of communications involved.
Although steganography is a very clever way to communicate in secret, it does have an Achilles heel. If the messenger does not do a particularly good job concealing their message and someone finds it, all its secrets will be immediately revealed. This weakness soon led to idea of hiding the actual meaning of messages, so that they could not be read, even if they were discovered. The result was the development of cryptology.
Cryptology hides the meaning of messages by using codes. Codes are essentially secret languages. Julius Caesar invented one. He replaced every letter in a world by the letter three places away from it in the alphabet. A was D, B was E, and so on. Later on, any code that used a system of letter replacement such as this was referred to as a ‘Caesar code’. Of course, it doesn’t take much brain power to figure out most of these codes! Today, code makers devise practically unbreakable codes using highly sophisticated mathematics and computer power.
Are cryptology and steganography used now? Well, you may be surprised to learnt that secret communication is a part of everyday life! For example, every time you use your credit card to buy something from company over the Internet, cryptology is employed. Very complicated codes turn your credit card number into a pile of gibberish that only the retailer can decipher, not anyone else. Steganpgraphy is also thriving in the digital world. Secret messages can easily be hidden in email, audio and image files. This is because most digital documents contain useless areas of data, so some of their information can be altered without obvious effect. This is of concern to government as they fear that criminals may be concealing messages in files sent over the Internet.
One thing is certain – secret communication is still just as much a part of life today as it was millennia ago!
- Secret information 5. ‘Caesar Codes’
A was only used in the past. A were all invented by Julius Caesar.
B has altered the course of history at times. B only use certain letters of the alphabet.
C can lead to revolutions or wars. C are usually quite easy to break.
D was first used by military commanders. D use sophisticated mathematics.
- In 440 BC, the Greek ruler, Histiaeus 6. Internet credit card transactions
A secretly communicated with the enemy. A use steganographic techniques.
B started a revolt by sending a hidden message. B are made secure by cryptology.
C learnt of a plot through a secret message. C make a retailer’s job easier.
D sent a secret message past the enemy. D are hidden in digital files.
- Invisible ink 7. Steganography is still used a lot today
A is the oldest form of steganography. A secret communication is more important
B was used the most effectively duringWW2. than ever before.
C must be made from organic materials. B governments use it to send information
D can sometimes be made visible with heat. securely.
C it can help to catch criminals.
- Stenography does not D it’s easy to hide secret messages in digital
A have any disadvantages.
B depend on the skill of the messenger.
C hide the meaning of the message.
D pre-date cryptology.
Listen and choose A,B or C for statements 1-7.
- Susan won’t be able to let Mike know if she’s going to be late.
A true B false C not stated
- Mike has never had a mobile phone.
A true B false C not stated
- Susan’s grandparents have just bought a mobile phone.
A true B false C not stated
- Mike is usually at home when Susan calls.
A true B false C not stated
- Susan doesn’t like sending emails.
A true B false C not stated
- Susan has her mobile phone switched on all the time.
A true B false C not stated
- In the end Susan convinces Mike to buy a mobile phone.
A true B false C not stated
Complete the gaps with the correct word(s) formed from the words in bold.
What’s in a Name?
You might think that a name is just a
name, but the reality is much more
interesting than that and goes back to the
1)_______________________of human society. BEGIN
To start with, everyone has a first name, a
surname and 2)______________a middle name, don’t OCCASION
they? Not always. In Mongolia, until recently,
people only had a first name, something that
probably caused a lot of confusion. Also, not
all 3)_____________are addressed by a given first NATION
name. In China, the family name comes first
with the given name following.
Your family name says a lot about your
ancestors. Common English surnames, like
Baker and Butcher, tell us what 4)_____________ a OCCUPY
long-dead relative had. Names like Hill, Field
and Rivers tell us where people used to live.
Johnson means son of John, and in Scotland
the prefix Mac means the same.
Given first names often refer to a 5)____________ CHARACTER
that parents would like their children to have
such as Sophia, which stands for wisdom, or
Anna meaning grace. Perhaps something royal
is more 6)______________? How about Steven and Sara, PREFER
meaning crown and princess.
Whichever name you go by, one thing is
certain, it goes with you for life. Even if you
are one of the 7)_________________ ones (Abbie Birthday or LUCK
Robin Banks), your name is something you’re
just going to have to live with.
Comment on the following statement:
Our lives would all be enriched greatly if we could have a chip planted in our brains enabling us to speak any language we wished. However, this idea could have some disadvantages too.
What can you say for and against this idea? Write an essay of 120-180 words using the plan below.
Para 1: Introduction (state the problem)
Para 2: State arguments ‘for’
Para 3: State arguments ‘against’
Para 4: Draw a conclusion
Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:
Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 7 баллов
Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов
Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH - 7 баллов
Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов
Всего: 31 баллов
30 - 28 баллов - оценка «5»
27 - 25 баллов - оценка «4»
24 - 20 баллов - оценка «3»
< 20 баллов - оценка «2»
Module 7
Fill in the gaps (1-6) with the phrases (A-G). There is one phrase that you do not need to use.
A McJob? What on earth is that? Well, according to a recently-added dictionary entry, a McJob is a low-paying job that requires little skill and provides little opportunity for advancement.
You dream of a job like this, right? A monotonous, tedious job 1)_______? No? Then, why are thousands of educated young people spending hours each day folding jumpers, grilling burgers, serving cappuccinos and unpacking boxes of books?
Katie Underwood, a twenty-three-year-old university student, has had around twenty jobs like this. She has worked night-shifts, has been told she can’t have a break or a day off 2)__________.
Fast food adverts and movies may make us think that these jobs are held by pink-cheeked, trendy teens 3)__________, but in actual fact, most people in these jobs are in their late teens and twenties.
Like Katie, these youngsters are juggling these part-time jobs and university classes 4)_________.
So, how sorry for yourself should you feel if you have to take a McJob? Well, perhaps you’re actually one of the lucky ones! First of all, some well-known former McDonald’s workers include Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com and Carl Lewis, Olympic gold medallist, and according to a recent article, around 20 0f the 50 top worldwide managers began by grilling burgers! Secondly, most young people who take these jobs have little or no previous work experience. Learning how to get to work on time, operate a machine, count change, serve customers politely, co-operate with fellow workers and accept orders from a boss are skills 5)________.
So, a McJob might be boring, tiring and badly-paid, 6)_________. Undoubtedly, it will also make you appreciate just how lucky you are when you finally get your dream job!
A so that they can pay for skyrocketing tuition fees and living expenses
B which can give you valuable experience and maturity before you enter your
chosen career
C who have worked in factories, shoe shops, restaurants, bars and museums
D who are just looking for a bit of extra spending money
E but it can help prepare you better for the harsh world of work
F that involves washing dishes, delivering parcels or asking “World you like
fries with that?”
G and has usually been paid no more than the minimum wage
Listen to speakers 1-5. Which of the comments below might each speaker say? There is one comment you don’t need to use.
A I realized what I wanted to do at a particular moment.
B I want to do something that lets me see lots of different places.
C I want to be my own boss.
D I want to do something to fight unfairness in the world.
E I want to work for an environmental organization.
F It’s difficult to earn enough money doing what I love.
Speaker | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Comment |
Complete the text below by choosing the best word (A-D) for each gap (1-7).
Victor Tsoi was born in Leningrad in 1962. His mother was Russian and his father was Korean. 1)____________ did they know that their son would grow up to be one of the pioneers of Russian rock music.
He started writing rock songs 2)_______________he was 17, and by the time he was 20 he had formed a band called ‘Kino’. They made their first recording in Tsoi’s flat and the demo tape was passed 3)___________the city and then the country. Kino quickly 4)___________ a large cult following. When their first album ‘45’ was released in 1982, the political 5)___________ of their lyrics both excited a lot of Russian youth and angered the authorities. The band was the runaway winner of the Leningrad Rock Club Concert, mostly due to the popularity of their anti-war songs.
1985 proved to be a very important year for Tsoi and for Kino. Tsoi got married and had a son, Alexander. Social reforms allowed rock bands to be written about and 6)_____________ on TV, which up until then had not been allowed. Kino then quickly became the most popular rock band in Russia.
Sadly, Victor Tsoi died in a tragic car accident in 1990. Amazingly, a tape of his vocals for the next album survived the crash and the band made the album after his death. This album was called the ‘Black Album’ and it was the band’s 7)________ Their music is still popular today and Victor Tsoi remains a cultural hero.
1 A Few B Less C Small D Little
2 A then B when C so D because
3 A through B up C down D around
4 A reached B caught C attracted D attained
5 A essence B way C nature D spirit
6 A happen B occur C see D appear
7 A final B last C end D concluding
Read the extract from your friend Pete’s letter. Write a letter to Pete. In your letter:
- tell him how you feel about finishing school and your plans for next year
- ask three questions about his brother’s graduation
Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
I can’t believe we’ve both finished school now! How do you feel about it? What are your plans for next year? My brother Michael has just graduated from university and we all went to his graduation ceremony last week…
Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:
Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 6 баллов
Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов
Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH - 7 баллов
Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов
Всего: 30 баллов
30 - 28 баллов - оценка «5»
27 - 25 баллов - оценка «4»
24 - 20 баллов - оценка «3»
< 20 баллов - оценка «2»
Module 8
Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use.
A A Hard Life at Sea
B Magnificent Landmark
C Help From Nature
D Paying the Price
F Ancient Roads
G Charting the Skies
E Wandrous Sights
H Every Bit Helps
- The Indian summer monsoon is a heavy rainy season that occurs from June to September each year. It is caused by a major wind system that comes from the Southwest bringing up to 10,000 mm of rain to some areas. The summer monsoon is welcomed in India as farmers completely depend on the rain to irrigate their crops. A strong monsoon season is celebrated as it means the harvest will be good.
- The ‘Seven Wonders of the Ancient World’ are a list of seven remarkable man-made constructions that existed in the Mediterranean area in ancient times. The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is the only wonder that still stands today. There are many new lists of wonders. For example, there is the ‘Seven Natural Wonders of the World’ list, which includes Mount Everest and the Great Barrier Reef.
- In ancient Rome, wars at sea were fought on galleys – ships which relied on men to row them with oars. The men who rowed these galleys were typically slaves, prisoners of war, or criminals. Galley slaves lived in terrible conditions. They were whipped and beaten, they had very little food, and they were chained to their oars, which meant if their galley sank, they would drown. Most died at sea.
- The ‘Silk Road’ is the name given to a series of trade routes between the great ancient empires of China in the East and Rome in the West. The first of these routes began around 100 BC and eventually extended more than 4000 miles. Silk, salt, exotic spices and many other items were traded along these routes. Merchants travelling along the Silk Road faced many dangers as the routes were full of robbers and thieves.
- Ayers Rock or Uluru is an enormous rock formation in central Australia. It extends 348 m from the ground and is 9 km around its base. Depending on the weather conditions and the time of day, the rock can change colour dramatically. It can appear anything from blue to violet to glowing red. Uluru is sacred to Australia’s native people, the Aborigines. ‘Uluru’, means ‘meeting place’ and they believe that it was formed by ancestral beings during the creation of the world.
- Your carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon you personally produce in a year. Almost everything you do directly or indirectly releases carbon into the air, whether it’s flying to the Caribbean on holiday or buying a packaged sandwich for lunch. As global warming is linked to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, we should all try to reduce our carbon footprints. Even small changes like not leaving your stereo on standby, can make a big difference.
- T he earliest known maps were found in the Lascaux caves, in France. They date back almost 20,000 years and are maps of the stars in the night sky. One map is of three stars in an area of the sky we know as the ‘Summer Triangle’. Another appears to be a map of the cluster of stars known as the ‘Seven Sisters’. These maps show that humans have been fascinated by the heavens from very early times.
Listen and choose the correct answer (A,B or C) for each question (1-7)
- The narrator’s father encouraged him to take photographs as a child because
- he wanted him to keep up the family tradition.
- he wanted to introduce him to an enjoyable pastime.
- it was a way they could spend some time together.
- The narrator entered a wildlife photography competition because
- his father sent in a photo he had taken.
- someone persuaded him to.
- he thought he could win it.
- The narrator decided he wanted to be a photographer
- after he found out he had won the competition.
- after he got back from Africa.
- after he got the perfect shot.
- The narrator got his job at the National Geographic Society immediately after
- leaving school.
- graduation.
- photography college.
- The narrator believes the key to good photography is
- mainly artistic talent.
- good technical knowledge.
- a combination of artistic talent and technical knowledge.
- One disadvantage of being a professional photographer can be
- the long distances you have to travel.
- being away from home a lot.
- not having time for anything else.
- The narrator believes that the most important thing he’s learnt as a professional nature photographer is to appreciate
- how animals live in the wild.
- the diverse geography of the world.
- nature and the beauty of our planet.
Complete the gaps (1-6) with the correct derivatives of the words in bold.
Why the 1)________________empire of the ancient Egyptian POWER
Pharaohs collapsed into economic ruin, remains
one of history’s many unsolved mysteries.
But recent 2)____________ have suggested that the FIND
Answer may lie underneath Lake Tana in the
Ethiopian highlands. Lake Tana supplies the
Water which makes the Nile Valley so fertile.
Samples of sediment taken from the lake show
That the lake may have 3)_________ dried up around VIRTUAL
4,200 years ago due to climate change.
As the Egyptian economy depended on 4)__________, FARM
This is all that it would have taken to destroy it. In
Fact, it would have caused a 5)____________________ DISASTER
Famine lasting for two hundred years.
There are many other theories, however, about the
pharaohs’ demise, including 6)____________________ INVADE
from Asia and civil war.
Comment on the following statement:
Flying uses a lot of fuel and releases a lot of polluting CO2 into the atmosphere. In light of this, some people feel that the number of flights that we are allowed to take each year should be limited.
What is your opinion? Should we be allowed to take as many flights per year as we like or not? Write 120-180 words using the plan:
Para 1: Introduction (state the problem)
Para 2: Express your opinion and give reasons for it
Para 3: Give the opposing point of view and explain why you disagree with it
Para 4: Draw a conclusion
Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:
Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:
Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 6 баллов
Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов
Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH - 7 баллов
Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов
Всего: 30 баллов
30 - 28 баллов - оценка «5»
27 - 25 баллов - оценка «4»
24 - 20 баллов - оценка «3»
< 20 баллов - оценка «2»
Лист коррекции
№ п/п | Тема | Дата | Изменения | Основание |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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