Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме "Значение иностранных языков в современной жизни"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)
Презентация послужит дополнительным материалом и наглядным пособием к уроку.
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презентация к уроку "Значение английского языка". | 1.17 МБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
ENGLISH is a language that came from nowhere to Conquer the World
TONGUE-TWISTERS I speak Chinese and Japanese with equal ease. Irish wristwatch Greek grapes.
Complete the sentences with the names of the languages. 1.______is an international language. 2. ______is a dead language. 3. ______is a very difficult language. 4. Learning _______can be fun. 5. ______is my native language. 6. A person who knows ______ ______is called a polyglot. 7. _______is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. 8. The most popular foreign language in the future will be________.
Use these word combinations: - to study at a university/college -to study/ work or live abroad -to get a better job in the future -to do business -to read books, magazines and newspapers in English -to understand films and songs in English -to travel abroad -to communicate with people of the world -it is a chance to meet new people and friends -to communicate with each other -necessary for success in business -tourist attractions -to be up-to-date to be better qualified Is it useful to learn foreign languages ? WHY SHOULD WE STUDY THEM ?
Listen to the text and do the task. http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/uk-culture/language
check yourself
Use the dialogue as an example - How long have you been learning English? - I’ve been learning it for seven years. - What do you like most of all while learning English? - I like reading books, magazines and watching videos. - What about educational TV programmes? - They are interesting and helpful. - How do you cope with phrasal verbs? - I try to memorize them. But it isn’t easy.
I enjoy learning vocabulary by listening to songs in English . I don’t mind listening to songs several times and writing the words down. I often need to look up words in the dictionaries and sometimes, when I get stuck, I ask my has offered to work with me on a song if I fail to get the word or line, she She often helps me to understand it. makes me listen to one bit a few times. She only refuses to listen to hip hop. If you want to do the same as me, I suggest listening to singers like David Gray and Norah Jones actually hear the words. I don’t advise you to listen to heavy metal because the lyrics often don’t mean much and you risk learning incorrect grammar forms! teacher. She don’t have the lyrics. We listen to the song together and if I because you can Use these words: risk, enjoy, don’t mind, advise, makes, need, has offered, fail, want, suggest, helps, refuses , ______ _____ _______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ John gives us the information about learning English. What are the strategies he uses to learn English?
HOMEWORK Focus your attention on the phrase English makes the world smaller. Do you agree? And how can you explain it? Why do you personally learn English? What other languages would you like to learn and why? How to learn foreign language? Give your own recommendations
Your records for the lesson : Your speech was correct, fluent, expressive. You’ve used the topical vocabulary. Your score is 20 points (excellent) You’ve made some mistakes. You’ve used not enough words on the topic. Your score is 15 points (good) Your speech was unemotional with a lot of faults. Your score is 10 points (satisfactory) No comments (poor)
English has a beginning but no end Thank you for your attention!
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