Творческий проект к 75 летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне
материал по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)
Комментарии к слайдам презентации на английском языке : "Нижегородцы - герои Великой Отечественной войны (Nizhny Novgorod Heroes of the Great Patriotic War)"
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Nizhny Novgorod Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
2. At dawn on June 22, 1941, Hitler’s armies attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. The Great Patriotic War, which was to last about four years, had begun. The hitlerites brought 190 divisions into action on the first day of the war. They had the advantage of a surprise attack. Frontier units and divisions stationed along the Soviet-German border were the first to shoulder the enemy’s blow. Soviet soldiers courageously met the Nazis and fought them to the last.
3. There is hardly a family in our region which has not had a member participaiting in that bloody and brutal war. The people suffered a lot during those four terrifying years. Thousands of courageous soldiers have died leaving their children orphaned and wives widowed. Even 13 or 14 year olds were involved in the war. People sacrificed their lives to save the country, their comrades and families. Tortured and exhausted but unsubdued and living people of our region heroically fought for our country.
4. In November 1941 the formation of the Gorky Air Defense District began. The first Nazi air raids took place on the 4th of November. In 1942 Senior Lieutenant Pyotr Shavurin of the 722nd air defense missile made two successful rams, becoming the only Soviet pilot who had unconditional confirmation of two "battering" victories. In June 1943 the Luftwaffe carried out three large raids on the city, the main goal being the GAZ. 1631 explosive and 33,934 incendiary bombs were dropped on the city. At the GAZ - 1095 explosives and 2493 incendiaries. 50 buildings, more than 9000 conveyors, 5900 units of technological equipment, 8000 motors, 28 bridge cranes, 8 shop substations, 14000 sets of electrical equipment and instruments were destroyed and damaged at GAZ. 254 residents of Avtozavodsky urban district and 28 air defense fighters died, 590 inhabitants and 27 fighters were wounded. The plant actually ceased to exist and was rebuilt only by mid-1944. In total during the war Luftwaffe bombers made 43 raids on Gorky.
5. The names of war heroes will live in our memory forever.
Pilot Vasily Georgievich Ryazanov was born in Gorky region. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union twice. The first title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to him in 1944, when he was the commander of the 1st assault aviation corps for high skill in managing parts of the corps in battle, skilful organization of interaction with ground troops when crossing the Dnieper and personal heroism. The commander of the 1st guards assault aviation corps General V. G. Ryazanov was awarded the second "Gold Star" medal for the distinction in the battles at the turn of the Vistula river in 1945.
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Ivan Ivanovich Sergunin was left behind enemy lines to organize and conduct guerrilla warfare. Captain Sergunin personally participated in the organization and conduct of combat operations. During the year his partisan brigade blew up and destroyed 21 railway bridges, 265 highway bridges, 81 steam locomotives, and about 400 wagons with the enemy's manpower and equipment. The partisans saved more than 40 thousand Soviet citizens from being hijacked to Nazi Germany. Ivan Ivanovich Sergunin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, many orders and medals.
6. During the Great Patriotic War Nizhny Novgorod appeared to be the centre for the Soviet production of weapons. Every second car, every third tank and every fourth artillery unit were manufactured at the city’s enterprises.
7,8. Every year war veterans come together to celebrate Victory Day in Nizhny Novgorod. They traditionally go to this memorial to honour the memory of war heroes who heroically fought for our Motherland. This memorial was opened on May 8,1965, on the 20th anniversary of the Victory over the Nazi invaders. On the granite stele the words are engraved: “Elternal glory to the Gorky residents who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of our country.” On the other side of the stele the names of the Gorkovites –heroes of the Soviet Union are written in gold.
9. The Great Patriotic War became a huge tragedy for our people but it did not break their spirit. They defeated fascism and brought liberation to millions of people at a price of immence strains. The famous Soviet writer Konstantin Simonov said that we, living people, have many human rights. We have the right to work in the name of our Motherland and the right to defend it, the right to love, the right to be happy. But we have no right to forget what our comrades did in the name of Victory, in the name of Motherland, in the name of life on the Earth.
10.The 75th anniversary of our Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a coming great holiday. The war was a dramatic page in the history of mankind, my country and my region. My generation knows about the last war only from books and films. But we are excited on Victory Day too. War veterans share their memories with us and we understand how much they have done for us, for our happy future.
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