Упражнения Articles a/the
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест по английскому языку по теме «Артикли»
для учащихся 6-х классов (1-я четверть (1-й триместр)
«Английский с удовольствием» для 5-6 классов)
Choose the right variant:
1) This is ___ bag. ___ bag is blue.
a) the, a b) a, a c) a, the d) –, the
2) It is 8 o’clock in … morning. It’s high time to go to __ school.
a) the, the b) the, a c) a, a d) the, –
3) In the morning I eat ____ porridge and drink ___ coffee.
a) a, the b) –, – c) an, the d) –, a
4) __ sun is shining brightly.
a) – b) a c) the d) an
5) My cousin went to ___ France last summer.
a) a b) the c) an d) –
6) __ Snowdon is a mountain in ___United Kingdom.
а) a, the b) –, the c) –, – d) the, the
7) Nick is … smartest student in their class.
a) a b) the c) – d) an
8) __ London stands on __ Thames.
a) –, the b) –, an c) the, – d) the, the
9) My brother is __ engineer.
a) – b) the c) an d) a
10) ... GB consists of ... Scotland, ... England and ... Wales.
a) the, the, the, the b) the, – , – , – c) – , – , – , – d) a, a, a, a
11) Can you show me the way to … Kremlin?
a) the b) a c) – d) an
12) The office is on __ second floor.
a) an b) a c) – d) the
13) __ Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner.
a) – b) a c) the d) an
14) __ UK is washed by __ Atlantic Ocean.
а) a, the b) the, the c) –, – d) –, the
15) Can you tell me the way to __ Oxford Street?.
a) a b) the c) an d) –
16) ... Volga is ... longest river in ... Russia.
a) –, the, the b) the, the, – c) the, – , – d) –, the, –
17) Is ___ Australia an island or a continent?
a) the b) a c) – d) an
18) Would you like … cup of coffee?
a) – b) the c) an d) a
19) You will visit __ Houses of Parliament, won’t you?
a) an b) a c) – d) the
20) __ highest mountains are in __ Asia.
а) the, – b) the, the c) –, – d) –, the
21) He is singing. Do you know __ song?
а) the b) – c) an d) a
22) __ Petrovs are going to visit us on __ Saturday.
a) the, the b) –, – c) the, – d) –, the
23) I cannot find __ book which you gave me yesterday.
a) – b) the c) an d) a
24) __ Red Sea separates Egypt from Israel.
a) an b) a c) – d) the
25) Are __ Urals higher or lower than __ Alps?
а) the, – b) the, the c) –, – d) –, the
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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