презентация (английский язык) по теме
Опубликовано 24.01.2012 - 12:11 - Блинова Елена Геннадиевна
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ARTICLES ‘ A/AN’ 1) Singular countable nouns first mentioned: I bought a dress . 2) Relating to a category: He is a student. 3) With Mr, Mrs or Miss about an un- known person: A Mr.Bin called me . 4) Measurements: - price in relation to weight: two pounds a kilo - distance in relation to time: 80 km an hour - frequency: twice a week ‘ THE’ 1) All nouns already mentioned: I bought a dress. The dress is blue. 2) Nouns followed by specification: The roses in the park are very nice. 3) Nouns that are unique: the sun, the Internet, the Tube, the radio (but: TV ) 4) Families: the Windsors 5) Countries with words ‘state’, ‘ kingdom’, ‘republic’, etc: the USA, the Russian Federation 6) Nationalities: the Japanese 7) Cinemas, theatres, museums: the Bolshoi Theatre, the Kremlin 8) Ships,trains,aircraft: The Titanic 9) Organizations: the Alpha Bank, the Moscow State University 10) Hotels: the Marriott 11) Rivers,seas,oceans : the Red sea 12) Groups of islands : the Maldives 13) Mountain ranges: the Urals 14) Deserts: the Sahara 17) Magazines/papers: The Times 15) Musical instruments: the piano 16) Dances: the tango 18) Titles: the King, the President (but no articles before titles with proper names: Queen Victoria ) 19) Adjectives/adverbs in the super- lative form: the most honest man 20) With ‘only’, ‘last’, ‘first’ (used as adejctives): He was the last to come. 21) With ordinal numerals: I live on the sixth floor. No article 1) Uncountable and plural countable nouns when talking in general: Roses smell nice. 2) Days, months & holidays: This year Easter is in April. 3) Colours: Dark blue suits her. 4) With proper names: Mark lives in Paris. 5) Continents, countries, cities: Rome is the capital of Italy (but the Netherlands, the Hague ) 6) Languages: I speak English. 7) Streets, squares, bridges, parks: Oxford Street, Hyde park 8) Railway stations, airports, ports: Charring Cross 9) Sports: I like basketball. 10) Games: I often play chess. 11) Lakes: Ontario, Baikal 12) Individual islands: Tenerife 13) Individual mountains: Everest 14) Drinks & meals: I drink juice at lunch. 15) with possessive adjectives: This is my car. 16) with the words bed, church, college,court, hospital, prison, school, university, work, home: She is at school / at home. 17) with ‘Father’ or ‘Mother’ when spoken of our own family 18) with by+transport: by bus 19) with the names of illnesses: He’s got malaria.
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