Контрольная работа Rainbow English 8 класс Unit 1
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Юсупова Екатерина Маратовна

Контрольная работа для учеников 8 классов, занимающихся по УМК "Rainbow English"

Разработана на основе 1 раздела учебника.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1

Упражнение 1. Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect tense. (Вставьте глаголы в Past Perfect.)

  1. I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to school.
  2. He went to meet his friends after he ... (to do) his homework.
  3. By 8 o’clock the rain ... (to stop).
  4. Alice was late because she ... (to miss) the bus.
  5. She went to the post-office after she ... (to write) the letter.

Упражнение 2. Packpыть cкoбки c иcпoльзoвaниeм used to. Paньшe люди этo дeлaли, ceйчac – нeт. Пepeвeдитe.

  1. People (draw) on the walls.
  2. People (hunt) mammoths.
  3. People (live) up to 30 years.
  4. People (dress) in skins.
  5. People (look) like monkeys.

Упражнение 3. Use in, up or with to complete the sentence

  1. The music festival ended ... a great party
  2. They ended the meal ... coffee and ice cream.
  3.  We wanted to goto Glasgow but the car broke down and we ended ... in Leeds.
  4.  The man finished his speech ... a line from Leo Tolstoy.
  5.  The professor ended his lecture ... a joke.

Упражнение 4. Перевести слова

  1. Climb-
  2. Equipment-
  3. Goal-
  4. Noble-
  5. Score

Вариант 2

Упражнение 1. Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect tense. (Вставьте глаголы в Past Perfect.)

  1. He ... (to work) at the factory before he entered the college.
  2. He got a bad mark for his test because he ... (to make) a lot of mistakes in it.
  3. I went to bed after I ... (to finish) reading the book.
  4. The child ... (to fall) asleep before the parents came home.
  5. They ... (to marry) before they bought this house.

Упражнение 2. Packpыть cкoбки c иcпoльзoвaниeм used to. Paньшe люди этo дeлaли, ceйчac – нeт. Пepeвeдитe.

  1. They (write) books by hand.
  2. They (send) letters with pigeons.
  3. They (live) in the castles.
  4. They (believe) in dragons.
  5. We (dress) in pampers.

Упражнение 3. Use in, up or with to complete the sentence

  1. The basketball game ended ... a draw.
  2.  Mary ended her composition ... a quotation.
  3.  The Trafalgar battle ended ... the English victory.
  4.  The students lost their way in the forest but fortunately they ended ... at the camp.
  5.  The volleyball game ended ... the score 3 to 1.

Упражнение 4. Перевести слова

  1. Battle-
  2. Event-
  3. Peace-
  4. Prize-
  5. Taste-

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