контрольная работа 11 класс 1 модуль
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс)

Тебекина Аревик Романовна

конрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 класса 1 модуль по учебнику Spotlight


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Предварительный просмотр:

Control work № 1


1.Translate the following words into English:

  1. Горсть
  2. Охапка
  3. Свора
  4. Рой
  5. Стадо
  6. Табун
  7. Банда
  8. Мешок
  9. Набор

2. Choose the correct item.

1). My brother is very sensitive/ stubborn. He never listens to anybody.

2). I wanted to become a lawyer but I am too moody/shy.

3). She has beautiful almond-shaped/ shoulder-length eyes.

4). Mrs Thompson always has her hair up in a bun/ perm.

5). Clara likes to wear formal/casual clothes, like jeans and T-shirts.

6). I have very dry/ freckled skin, especially in winter.

7). Lisa used to be very overweight/ skinny. Now that she has put on some weight, she looks much better.

8). Don’t be so aggressive/pessimistic! Everything will turn out just fine in the end.

9). Our boss is confident/ impatient that we will have completed the project on time.

10). I’m very nervous/ grumpy! I hope I do well on my exam.

3.Match the descriptions to the family members.

1.He is the father of my grandfather.

2.She is my sister’s daughter.


3.He is my daughter’s son.



c) niece

4.She is my husband’s sister.

c) Sister-in-law

5.He is my mum’s new husband.

d) Grandson

4.Fill in: Across, into, over, up with, down with.

1.Dan came ______ some great ideas for his grandparents’ anniversary celebration. 2. The workers came ______ some ancient ruins while digging at the construction site. 3. We would like to come _____ tonight if that’s alright with you. 4. My body aches and I feel hot. I think I’m coming ____ the flu. 5. She came ____ a lot of money when her uncle died.

5. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

• They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

• The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

• One of his aunts taught him maths.

• They will pay the workers $50 every day.

• They offered her a good job.

5. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

• They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

• The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

• One of his aunts taught him maths.

• They will pay the workers $50 every day.

• They offered her a good job.

5. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

• They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

• The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

• One of his aunts taught him maths.

• They will pay the workers $50 every day.

• They offered her a good job.

5. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

• They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

• The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

• One of his aunts taught him maths.

• They will pay the workers $50 every day.

• They offered her a good job.

5. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

• They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

• The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

• One of his aunts taught him maths.

• They will pay the workers $50 every day.

• They offered her a good job.

5. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

• They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

• The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

• One of his aunts taught him maths.

• They will pay the workers $50 every day.

• They offered her a good job.

5. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

• They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

• The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

• One of his aunts taught him maths.

• They will pay the workers $50 every day.

• They offered her a good job.

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