проект по английскому языку (9 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Моргунов Иван Михайлович
Марьин Артем Ильич,
обучающиеся 9 в класса
Куратор проекта:
Габдрахманова Венера Альбертовна,
учитель - английского языка
I квалификационной категории
ВАСИЛЬЕВО, 2020 г.
1. Development of work stages----------------------------------------------------------4
1.1. The relevance--------------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.2. The problem---------------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.3. The subject of research-------------------------------------------------------------4
1.4. The purpose of project-------------------------------------------------------------4
1.5. The goal requires the following tasks----------------------------------------------4
2. Practical part of the work-------------------------------------------------------------5
2.1. Megalodon---------------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.2. Chupacabra----------------------------------------------------------------------------8
2.3. The Loch Ness Monster---------------------------------------------------------------10
List of references--------------------------------------------------------------------------14
The most mysterious creatures on the planet
If a person has ever encountered the science of cryptology, then they probably believe in the existence of unusual and strange things on our planet. Indeed, many famous scientists give arguments and operate with real facts, confirming the existence of strange, dangerous and unreal creatures.
Today, no one is surprised by the fact that dinosaurs lived on our Earth for many millions of years before the appearance of man. So why don't these creatures have a place in the history of our planet?
It is said that many of them still live. It is because of such as they that strange and inexplicable phenomena occur.
1.1. The theme of our project "Mysterious creatures»
1.2. The relevance of this topic is unlike the characters, evidence of these creatures is still found all over the world. Regardless of their veracity, the very fact of such finds is living proof that the images not only still exist, but also remain relevant.
1.3. The problem of this study is the lack of information about mysterious creatures.
1.4. The subject of our research is the life of mysterious creatures (Megalodon, Chupacabra, the Loch Ness Monster)
1.5. The purpose of our project is to study the life of mysterious creatures.
1.6. The goal requires the following tasks: review of literature on the topic, study of written, archival materials, historical reference books.
2.1. Megalodon
A huge 16 meter shark. It is believed that it lived for many millions of years, before the appearance of man. She is rightfully considered the Queen of all oceans. Megalodon is considered the great-great-grandmother of the white shark. This is just a giant gluttonous creature that occupied the top of the food chain for a reason. The Megalodon was the most dangerous predator in the entire ocean. Many scientists prove the existence of this living creature by the fact that fossils of the body of a giant shark were found on the ocean floor. Her huge skeleton. Unfortunately, for such a huge number of years, only the teeth remained of the skeleton. Huge fangs that the Megalodon used to devour its prey. This predator had a completely different style of hunting: not like the white shark. The shark hunts mainly in shallow waters, at a relatively shallow depth. It is small and agile, attacks suddenly and strongly.
The Megalodon weighed approximately 47 tons. It fed mainly on whales, large dolphins, or sea turtles. Of course, it couldn't attack its prey suddenly. When he was deep enough, he called out to his victim, perhaps it was a vibration signal, perhaps some kind of ultrasound.
When an unintelligent whale swam in close proximity to an "interesting" place, the Megalodon completely snapped its spine and crushed its chest. The victim didn't have a chance to get out or escape. Death was swift and sudden.
Many are wondering: "What if the Megalodon is alive and floating somewhere in the depths of the ocean? Where a man can't get to?" Scientists agree that the prehistoric creature is extinct. She's gone.
There are various explanations for this. According to one version, the Megalodon became extinct from lack of food. It is believed that he ate too many animals, they just did not have time to reproduce in such quantities. According to another version, the glaciers are to blame. When they began to gain stability and the famous ice age began, the predator could not withstand the temperature drop. Young megalodons could only grow and develop in warm waters. When the ice began to advance, they simply froze. But the whales found happiness. After the disappearance of their worst enemy, they began to multiply and grow in number. Nature once again proves to man that there are no indestructible beings.
2.2. Chupacabra
Funny name, isn't it? It sounds like a horror story from a children's fairy tale. Who is a Chupacabra? This is an animal vampire. Yes, Yes. Many eyewitnesses from South America claim to have personally seen the Chupacabra.
This creature is similar to a dog, only the face is elongated, and it slips human features. It has 4 limbs, but moves on two. When running, can it use all 4 legs or legs? A characteristic feature is the monster's eyes. They are bright red the color of blood. that's why they called him the animal vampire. There were recorded cases when the Chupacabra allegedly attacked entire herds of livestock.
It is noteworthy that it did not eat the flesh of the victim, only sucked the blood. The bites left gaping black holes, about the width of a human finger. This predator is very cunning and does not go out in the daytime. It hunts at night. Scientists currently reject the official existence of the Chupacabra, saying that it is just speculation and prejudice. But the question is: how do we explain all these strange things that happened during the Chupacabra attack?
2.3. The Loch Ness Monster
In the film" Dawn", the character of Taylor Lautner-Jacob called his girlfriend a half-vampire-half-human Renesmee-Nessie.
"In honor of the Loch ness monster," the vampire mother raged at her errant friend.
Indeed, Nessie is a diminutive name that people have come up with for a creature that lives in the depths of Loch ness. This harmless creature is considered a descendant of dinosaurs. In the 50s, many eyewitnesses claimed the existence of Nessie, and even provided photos to confirm their words. In Scotland, Nessie has become something of a symbol of the country. Its inhabitants carefully protect their legend and do not allow anyone to check the actual existence of the monster. The American Congress wanted to test this theory and put together an expedition that captured the monster to hang its carcass as a valuable exhibit in a Museum. But the Scottish residents did not give offense to their pet.
There are several versions that Nessie has the right to exist. First, this is that the monster is not a dinosaur at all, but a huge sturgeon. Immediately there is a contradiction: sturgeon do not grow to such a huge size.Secondly, Nessie is still a dinosaur, and it has remained in the bowels of Loch ness since the ice age.
"Impossible! No one would have survived under water! " - scientists claim. Then a version is put forward about underground catacombs at the bottom of the lake, which in some mysterious way lead to the ocean. The monster could use secret paths. In any case, no one has ever been able to verify the true existence of the Loch ness monster. Therefore, it remains the greatest mystery of mankind.
There are many more stories and mysteries related to the history of mysterious creatures. The world is not as simple as it seems to an ordinary person. Something that cannot be explained takes place. And the more a person thinks about it, the more terrifying it becomes to live in this huge, so large and completely unexplored world.
The unusual appearance of such creatures strikes our imagination, causing complete misunderstanding and fear. Falsification and staging-this is probably the only explanation that most people accept, trying to protect their logical and cozy worlds from the new, incomprehensible and terrible. Protect them from all that they are not yet ready to perceive.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Ness_Monster
- https://mythology.net/mythical-creatures/loch-ness-monster/
- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%8B
- https://faunistics.com/megalodon/
- https://vseznaesh.ru/mificheskie-sushhestva-i-zhivotnye-raznyh-narodov-mira
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