Разноуровневые тесты по грамматике
тест по английскому языку

разноуровневые тесты по грамматике


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Тест 1            

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1 When Mark arrived, the Johnsons ______dinner, but

stopped in order to talk to him.

a) were having                   c) had been having

b) had                               d) was having

2. While Tom ______a book, Marhta ______TV.

a) was reading, watched      c) was reading, was watching

b) read, watched                d) read, was watching

3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen ______delicious.

a) is smelling                     c) smelt

b) smells                           d) will smell

4.  We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we______.

a) will plan                        c) plan

b) were planning                d) have planned

5. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so______


a) is                                  c) was

b) does                              d) were

6.1 feel terrible. I think I ______to be sick.

a) will                               c) am going

b) go                                 d) will be going

7. My colleagues usually ______four days a week, and tills

week they ______five days.

a) work, work                    c) are working, are working

b) are working, work           d) work, are working

8.  It ______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

a) rains                              c) is raining

b) is rain                            d) is rained

9.  I ______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare

for the exam.

a) will have                        c) have

b) am having                     d) would have

10. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______

a delegation in the office.

a) will receive                     c) will be receiving

b) is receiving                    d) would receive

Тест 2          

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1. - How long______you______?

— Since I was 17.

a) have been driving           c) did drive

b) have driven                    d) do drive

2. She ______always ______in Moscow.

a) —, lives                          c) has been living

b) has lived                        d) has live

3. How long ______you ______Kate?

a) did know                       c) have known

b) have been knowing         d) do known

4.1______here all my life.

a) have lived                      c) am living

b) have living                     d) live

5.  Kate has lost her passport again, it is the second time this

a) happens                         c) happened

b) has happened                 d) is happening

6. Kate has been working here______.

a) since two years               c) for two years

b) two years ago                 d) two years

7. The boy sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ______before.

a) has not flown                 c) had not flown

b) did not fly                      d) has not been flying

8.1______a lot but I don't any more.

a) was used to eat               c) was eating

b) used to eat                     d) used to eating

9.______next week, so we can go somewhere.

a) I'm not working             c) I don't work

b) I won't work                 d) I shall not work

10. We are late. The film ______by the time we get to the


a) will be already started     c) will already have started

b) will already start            d) already will start

11. Don't worry ______late tonight.

a) if I'll be                        c) when I'll be

b) if I am                          d) if I be

12. At first I thought I ______the right thing, but I soon realized that I ______a serious mistake.

a) did, made                     c) have done, have made

b) had done, had made       d) did, had made

13.1 hope Kate is coming soon. I ______for two hours.

a) am waiting                    c) had been waiting

b) have been waiting          d) waited

14. At last Kate came. I ______for two hours.

a) am waiting                    c) had been waiting

b) have been waiting           d) was waiting

15. She is going on holiday. This time next week she______

on a beach or ______in the sea.

a) is going to lay, swim

b) will be lying, swimming

                   Тест 3

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1. His grandfather ______from his job a year ago.

a) has retired                     c) retires

b) was retiring                    d) retired

2. The backpacker knew there was a lake because they ______ it earlier in the day.

a) have seen                       c) had seen

b) saw                                d) hadn't seen

3.______he______about the opera before?

a) had spoken                    c) has spoken

b) was speaking                  d) did speak

4. What time ______it______?

a) did happen                     c) had happened

b) has happened                 d) was happening

5. Tomorrow at five he ______football.

a) '11 play                           c) plays

b) '11 be playing                  d) play

6. This time last year he ______in London.

a) lived                              c) '11 live

b) was living                       d) has lived

7 I ______for you for more than one hour.

a) has waited                      c) was waiting

b) have been waiting           d) was waited

8. He ______it for an hour before I came.

a) have been doing             c) had been doing

b) had been done                d) did

9- —_____he already ______the doctor by that time?

a) has seen                         c) was seeing

b) did see                           d) had seen

10. She ______her work already.

a) hasn't finished               c) finished

b) has finished                  d) is finished

11. When I ______it ______yesterday.

a) wake up, was raining       c) woke up, was raining

b) woke up, rained             d) 've woken up, was raining

12. Will you ______the bank when you go out?

a) be passing                     c) have passed

b) pass                             d) to pass

13.  Last night I ______home at 11. I ______supper and

Then ______to bed.

a) have come, had. went     c) came, have had, went

b) came, had, went            d) came, had, have gone

14. ______ you ______ many cities when you were in


a) did visit                        c) are visiting

b) have visited                   d) do visit

15. They ______for 20 minutes when his mother came in.

a) talked                           c) have talked

b) were talking                  d) had been talking

16. The room looks very clean .______you ______it?

a) Did, clean                    c) Have, cleaned

c) Do, clean                     d) Are, cleaning

17. Next year is my parents' tenth wedding anniversary. They ______married for 10 years.

a) have                             c) '11 have

b) are                               d) '11 have been

18. Next week he ______to Paris on business.

a) is going                        c) goes

b) is going to go                 d) go

19. They ______this article by 5 p.m. yesterday.

a) have translated              c) had translated

b) translated                     d) had been translated

20. While he ______tennis, he ______his arm.

a) played, was hurting         c) was playing, hurted

b) was playing, hurt            d) played, hurt

21. This time next week he ______in the Black Sea.

a) swim                            c) '11 swim

b) '11 be swimming             d) swims

22.  Last night I ______in bed when suddenly the phone


a) read                             c) have read

b) were reading                 d) was reading

23. He ______for Moscow by yesterday night.

a) had left                         c) has left

b) left                              d) was leaving

24. He ______very fast when the accident______.

a) drove, happened

b) was driving, has happened

c) is driving, happened

d) was driving, happened

25. We ______from her since June.

a) have heard                    c) had heard

b) haven't heard                d) weren't hearing

Тест 4           

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. She ______her exam by two o'clock.

a) passed                           c) has passed

b) have passed                    d) had passed

2. A plate slipped out of my hands when I ______the washing up.

a) was doing                      c) had done

b) did                                d) was done

3. It's nine o'clock. The pupils ______a lesson.

a) will be having                 c) have

b) are having                     d) have had

4. He ______ill twice so far this year.

a) is                                  c) was

b) has been                        d) is being

5. By summer you ______English for two years.

a) '11 study                         c) '11 have been studying

b) have studied                   d) are studying

6. What ______you ______at this time yesterday?

a) was doing                      c) did do

b) have done                      d) were doing

7. We're late. The film ______finished by the time we______

to the centre.

a) is finished, get

b) will be finished, '11 get

c) will have finished, get

d) finished, '11 get

8. The documents ______by the time I come.

a)  '11 have been typed         c) '11 be typed

b) '11 have typed                 d) will be typing

9. Last year 1______ill only twice.

a) was                               c) am

b) have been                      d) has been

10.  By the 8th of April my mother _______at school for

twenty years.

a) '11 work                          c) has worked

b) '11 be working                 d) '11 have been working

11.1______these sentences for one hour.

a) am writing                     c) have written

b)  've been writing              d) was writing

12. We ______it for half an hour when the teacher entered.

a) have discussed                c) discussed

b) were discussing              d) had been discussing

13.  It ______for three hours.

a) was snowing                   c) is snowing

b) snowed                          d) has been snowing

14. My sister learns French and she ______very well.

a) does                              c) is doing

b) do                                 d) did

15. My nephew is at college now, and my son ______to college next year.

a) is going                          c) '11 go

b) is going to go                 d) goes

16. His friend ______two English articles into Russian.

a) translated                      c) has translated

b) have translated               d) translates

17. They ______us several telegrams lately.

a) send                              c) sent

b) 've sent                          d) are sending

18. Don't worry! The child ______better.

a) get                               c) have got

b) gets                              d) is getting

19. He ______under treatment for two months but there are

no signs of improvement.

a) 's been                         c) was

b) is                                 d) is being

20. Doctor Ivanov ______people for heart trouble.

a) is treating                     c) treats

b) has treated                    d) treat

21. This dictionary ______much and is very valuable to me.

a) costed                          c) cost

b) is costing                      d) had cost

22.1 wonder why John ______a job yet.

a) finds                            c) didn't find

b) hasn't found                 d) found

23. The company ______now for building workers.

a) advertised                     c) was advertised

b) has advertised                d) is advertising

24. The hard work ______on his health.

a) tells                             c) is telling

b) is told                          d) was telling

25. Peter ______up photography as a hobby.

a) took                             c) has taken

b) was taken                     d) takes

Тест 5

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Jack ______down on his sofa and ______about the day.

What a busy day it______ .

a) sat, thought, had been

b) was sitting, thought, had been

c) sat, thought, was

d) sat, was thinking, had been

2. This was his first night in his own flat. He ______his entire life in his parents' home.

a) lived                             c) has lived

b) was living                      d) had lived

3. No wonder he was tired. He  _______ up since six o'clock in the morning.

a) is                                 c) had been

b) has been                       d) was

4.1 was furious because I ______and missed the train.

a) had overslept                 c) have overslept

b) overslept                       d) haven't overslept

5. She was nervous because she ______never ______before.

a) has flown                      c) had flown

b) hasn't flown                  d) hadn't flown

6. Mary is disappointed because her son ______exams.

a) failed                           c) fails

b) has failed                      d) had failed

7.1 didn't know his name. But I was sure I ______him before.

a) saw                              c) haven't seen

b) have seen                      d) had seen

8. Mike is a beggar now but he ______always ______poor.

a) was not                         c) hasn't been

b) hadn't been                   d) has been

9. When I got home I was hungry. I ______anything to eat

all day.

a) haven't had                   c) have had

b) hadn't had                    d) had had

10.  Jack wants a new job. He ______in the same job for

three years.

a) has been                       c) is

b) was                               d) is being

11. He is broke. He ______all his money on entertainment.

a) spent                            c) had spent

b) has spent                      d)spend

12.  How much money ______you ______for your retirement?

a) do save                         c) have saved

b) are saving                     d) had saved

13. How long ______he ______his friend?

a) has known                    c) do know

b) had known                    d) is knowing

14. This is the first time I ______bread with honey.

a) ate                               c) am eating

b) eat                               d) have eaten

15. What______. You ______last night?

a) have done                     c) were doing

b) did do                          d) had done

16.  He ______his hair. He looks nice.

a) has cut                         c) is cutting

b) cut                              d) had cut

17. When ______he ______his hair cut?

a) has got                         c) did get

b) had got                         d) does get

18._____. You ______Peter? – I ______him yesterday.

a) did see, saw                   c) have seen, have seen

b) were seen, saw               d) have seen, saw

19. He ______at me and ______into silence.

a) had looked, fell              c) was looking, fell

b) looked, fell                   d) looked, had fallen

20. The train ______just now.

a) leaves                           c) left

b) had left                         d) was leaving

21. We had many difficulties but we ______them.

a) have overcome               c) had overcome

b) overcame                      d) '11 overcome

22. We ______their family for long.

a) knew                            c) have known

b) are knowing                  d) had known

23. She left for the South and I ______her since.

a) didn't see                      c) hadn't seen

b) haven't seen                  d) don't see

24.1______the title of the book.

a) 've forgotten                  c) forgot

b) 'd forgotten                   d) am forgetting

25. Mary ______French before she came to France.

a) learned                         c) has learned

b) was learning                  d) had learned

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