My school
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

Федулкина Анастасия Геннадьевна

Название урока

Цели и задачи

Материалы к уроку

My school

1. Развитие фонетических навыков. 

2. Прививать любовь к своей школе. 

3. Формировать умение творчески использовать знакомый речевой материал в новых ситуациях 

4. Активизировать употребление в речи учащихся новую лексику и фразы. 

5. Научить читать с опорой на догадку. 

6. Совершенствование техники чтения с извлечением полной информации. 

7. Развитие навыков устной речи (монологическое высказывание). 

8. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Конспект урока



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Предварительный просмотр:

My School

(Урок в 7 классе)

Цели и задачи:

1.Развитие фонетических навыков.

2. Прививать любовь к своей школе.
3. Формировать умение творчески использовать знакомый речевой материал в новых ситуациях
4. Активизировать употребление в речи учащихся новую лексику и фразы.
5. Научить читать с опорой на догадку.
6. Совершенствование  техники чтения с извлечением полной информации.

7.Развитие навыков устной речи (монологическое высказывание).

8.Развитие навыков аудирования.

Оснащение: учебник «Happy» (авторы К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман), тематические картинки, кроссворд, аудиозаписи по теме, картинки с новыми словами, мультимедийный проектор.


1.Организационный  момент. Приветствие. Задачи урока.

            Беседа с дежурным и с классом.

Now let’s mark the register.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

Who is absent?

Teacher: Good morning! Today we are going to have a lesson-excursion of our school. We have guests. They want to know where you learn. They want to look at your classrooms. Your task is to tell everything about our school and to show classes and other rooms.  

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

-Let’s do our phonetic exercise first.

Mind the clock  

and keep the rule:

Try to come

 in time to school.

P2: Встать пораньше не забудь…

Трудолюбивым, умным будь!

В школу ты не опоздай,

На уроках не зевай!

The more we learn, the more we know.
The more we know, the more we forget.
The more we forget, the less we know.
The less we forget, the more we know
so why study?

3. Речевая зарядка.

Answer my questions. 

-Do you like to go to school?

-How many lessons do you have to day?

-What lessons do you have besides English?

-What lessons was the most difficult?

-Do you like our school?

- What is your favourite school subject?

- Do you know the proverb “Knowledge is power”? 

What other proverbs do you know?


Сколько людей, столько и умов.             Many men, many minds.

Ум хорошо, а два лучше.                       Two heads are better than one.

Учиться никогда не поздно.                   It is never late to learn.


Do you know any other Bashkir proverbs?

4.Активизация лексики в речи учащихся.

Let’s brush up your vocabulary. Do you know words about school?

А) перевод с английского языка на русский (слова на карточках);

1. public
2. Private
3. public school
4. Ruler
5. state school
7. boarding school
8. Teacher
9. board
10. Pupil
11. Classmate

12 scholarship

13 difference

14 different

Б) перевод с русского языка на английский язык.

Как правило, но как же на счет, в общем, исключением является.

В) анаграммы.

Учитель показывает карточки с буквами с тем чтобы они составили из них слова: ooglyib, rat, ythosri, ghlinse, aeoygghpr, scuim, shtma,retatilere.(biology, art, history, English, geography,, music, Maths, literature)

5.Проверка домашнего задания.Ex.7, p.115.

Last lesson we spoke about English schools. We found out there are public and state school in England. But what about schools in this country. Let’s check your home exercise from your workbook. Ex.3,p.3(WB)

Now let’s speak about our school and about schools in Russia in general.

6.Аудирование. Ex.10, 11, p.115

7. Развитие навыков устной речи. 

Let’s talk about our school.

Let’s go on an excursion of our school.
Welcome to our school!

We are on the ground floor now.
You can see some cloakrooms.
We leave our coats, hats, and boots here.

(фото 1 этажа) 

We are going to the left corridor.


P5: On the left you can see a canteen.

We have meals during the breaks here. The students on duty help to lay the tables.

P9: We like to eat bans, rolls, cakes with a cup of tea, meat, fish and vegetables.

P3:  Let’s go upstairs to the 1st floor.

On the first floor you can see the principle’s office with a secretary in it.

The principle’s name is Phiruza Kunakbaevna. She is very strict.

All, that she does
Does with her might;
Things done by halves
Are never done right.

Also you can see many other classrooms.

P5: There is a teacher’s room with a time-table and desks for teachers.

Teacher: Children, and what is your time-table for today?

P7, P8, P9: We have Russian, History, English…

P7: Let’s continue our excursion. On the right you can see a Math-room, a Russian room and a History room. 

P3: Here we can see a Russian room, a German room, a Biology room.

P5: There is a stage here too. We often have school-parties and concerts here. We like to dance.

P8: On the left you can see 3 workshops for boys and girls. Our boys work with metal and wood in them. And girls like to knit.

P1: At the end of the corridor there is a big gymnasium. We have physical training lessons here. We do exercises, play basketball, volleyball and other games.

( фото спорт зала и сцены)

 P9: We are going to the second floor upstairs.

On the second floor you can see a TV classroom and a computers classroom where students learn to work on computers and make programs.

There is a beautiful winter garden on the second floor. We like our flowers.

P1: We can see an English room, an Art room, a Chemistry room, some Russian and Literature rooms and a History room too.

P2: There is also a Geography room.

P4: Our school stands in a big yard as you can see through the windows.

Teacher: We are at our lesson in the classroom again.

I can read, I can write,

Мы пишем и читаем,

I can speak English too.

По-английски говорим,

I like learning English

Изучаем мы английский…

And what about you?

В совершенстве знать хотим.

 Together: (Все) we love it too.


Then, answer my questions, please.
Have you shown our classrooms?
What classrooms have you shown?
What floors have you been on?
How many lessons did you have yesterday?
Did you have an English lesson yesterday?
Did you do morning exercises yesterday?

When did you put your school things info your schoolbag: in the morning before you go to school or in the evening before you go to bed?

Ответы учащихся

  1. Yes, we have. We have shown our classrooms.
  2. We have shown many classrooms. Such as a computer classroom, workshops for boys and girls, a big gymnasium, a Geography room.
  3. We have been on the ground floor, on the 1st floor and on the 2nd floor.
  4. We had 6 lessons yesterday. They are…
  5. Yes, we did. We had an English yesterday.
  6. Yes , we did.
  7. We put our school things into our schoolbags in the evening before we go to bed.


You are going to write a letter to your pen-friend who lives in another town. What will you tell him about your school?
Tell your friend from another school about your English lessons.
Write about your favorite subject, about your physical training lessons.

a. Describe your typical day at school to your new American friend.
b. Tell him or her about your school.
c. Tell him or her about your school subjects.
d. Tell your friend about your school, class (classrooms, your class teacher)
e. Tell your friend about your sport lessons.
f. Describe your classroom to your friend.
g. Tell your friend where your get knowledge. How do you increase it?
h. Tell him or her about English lessons.
i. Describe your typical lessons.
j. Describe your extracurricular activities.

Примeрные ответы учащихся.

1) I get up at 7o’clock, make my bed, have breakfast and go to school. Our lessons begin at 9o’clock. Every day we have six lessons, except Saturday. On Saturday we have only five lessons. Every lesson lasts 45 minutes. After third lesson we have lunch. Our lessons finish at 2o’clock.

2) We have many subjects. They are: Russian, Baskir, English, Mathematics, History, Music, Sport, Culture of Bashkortostan, Physical training, Literature and others. My favorite subject is English. It is interesting and exciting at the history lessons. Our History teacher is a good teacher. He explains a new material simply and interestingly.

3) I live in Davlekanovo. I attend lyceum 4. It is very big and very nice. A new building of our school was built in 2001. Our president M.G.Rakhimov helped to build this new building.

In front of our school there is a garden for flowers. Not far from our school there is a garden for cabbage, onion, carrot, cucumber, tomato, garlic, beetroot, garden radish and others.

4) I like my school. Here we have a computer class where we can work on computers. Our school library is not very big there we can find every book we need. Our classrooms are well equipped and nicely decorated.

5) My school is great. Especially I like my sport lessons. My favorite sports are basketball, volleyball,  and football. But at the same time we don’t have enough sport facilities at school. I like swimming but there is no swimming- pool in our school. Our schoolchildren can attend their favorite clubs. I attend basketball and volleyball clubs.

6) It is interesting and pleasant at our English lessons. Our English teacher is Irene Valerievna. She is 26 years old. Her hobby is music and Reading. That’s why she teaches us to sing English songs and make us to read books. We translate texts from English into Russian and from Russian into English. We read, write, play different games at the lessons. My favourite lesson is English.

6) Extracurricular activities are different in our school. There are some clubs: cooking, drama and sport games. I attend basketball club. We have different parties after classes, print our school newspaper. In the newspaper we write about our school life.

8. Which of the following school subjects do you like or hate? (Для слабых учащихся)

  • Russian
  • Literature
  • Mathematics
  • History
  • Natural history
  • English
  • Art
  • Music
  • Labor training

9. Which of the following activities do you like or hate? (для сильных учащихся)

  • To take part in the concerts
  • To draw pictures and posters
  • To learn and sing the song
  • To dance
  • To solve sum
  • To translate texts from English into Russian
  • To play basketball
  • To play volleyball
  • To read books
  • To write a composition

10. What do you think about your school subjects?








11. Домашнее задание.

You are going to write a letter to your pen-friend who lives in another town. You will write about your school.ex.A, p.7 (WB)

12.  Подведение итогов. Оценки. 

What have we done today at our lesson?

Our time is out.
I think that your marks are 5-s for today.
You really were active and tried your best.
Good luck for everybody.
See you at the lessons.

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