Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Письмо личного характера»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)


Конспект урока может быть использован при дистанционном обучении. При дистанционном обучении выполненные задания устного характера  записываются на аудиофайл.


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Предварительный просмотр:

  • Тема урока «Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Письмо личного характера»

Цель: научить учащихся писать письма личного характера в формате ЕГЭ.

  • Содержание  урока:

Этапы урока


Деятельность учителя                      


Организационный момент

-Good morning, dear friends and guests! I’m glad to see! Are you ready to start our lesson? How do you feel today? -As for me, I’m fine



Мотивация учебной деятельности

Describe some pictures. Say: Who is this?How does she(he) feel?Why?Your opinion

-Описание картинки. Краткое монологическое высказывание

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. In your talk remember to speak about:

  • when you took the photo
  • what / who in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you took the photo
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend


Актуализация знаний и умений

When do you feel stressed?

What must you do to manage stress (overcome this problem)?

I feel stressed when …

-I’m late for a date

-I have an exam(sit a lot of exams)

-I get a lot of homework

-I work for a long time

-I fight with my best friend

-when someone pick on me, bully me

-I don’t understand something

-the teachers are strict

-I miss lessons(a plane, a bus)

-I lose  something(jewellery[d  u: lri]

- you should learn time management skills to organize your day and your work

- you should have a cool head

-you should  pay attention to your health

-you should work for an hour or more then relax watching TV, doing sports

-you should be strong and confident to resist it

-you can avoid it-you should be careful

-you can talk with a loved one


Постановка учебной задачи

Can you write a letter to your friend, sister or brother asking for advice?

-I think it’s a good idea write a letter to your friend, sister or brother asking for advice, because not all of us can tell our problems face to face.

What kind of letters can we write?

(создание проблемной ситуации и побуждение к поиску решений)

What will we do today?

Of course, it’s right

(фронтальный  опрос)

Yes, we can.

informal letters

We should learn the rules of letter writing and write the informal letter.


Освоение нового учебного материала

-Open your books. Go to page 36, exercise 1

-Reading for gist [d ist ]

Each piece of writing usually has a purpose.

Direct your attention to descriptions A –F.

Scan the extracts and complete the matching task.

-We must make a difference between informal and semi-formal letters

What makes a letter formal or semi-formal (the choice of language)? There are some examples of formal and informal language under two columns. Look at the screen

We use full forms, passive voice in the semi-formal letters and more colloquial language, short forms, idioms and phrasal verbs, active voice ,short and simple sentences in the informal letters (Cлайд 4) 

(Демонстрация и мини-лекция)

Look at the extracts in ex. 1 and say: What letters are informal or semi-formal? Prove your answer? please 

(мультимедийные презентации)

-I remind the rules of letter writing

-I will explain in both Russian and English

In the main body you can answer and ask questions. The theme will be given in the task.

The letter must be logical, that’s why we should use the informal linking words. (Cлайд 5-12)

Check the analyzing the letters and finding the mistakes (Cлайд 13-15)

Задание 39 № 1

Задание 39 № 2

Задание 39 № 3

Direct their attention to descriptions A –F.

Scan the extracts and complete the matching task.

(самостоятельная работа)

Answer Key
A 6       B 1       C 5           D 4            E 2            F 3

Answer Key
1 semi-formal (Looking forward to meeting you)
2 informal (Hi Sally!)

3 semi-formal (Regarding our recent telephone conversation …)
4 informal (Lots of love)
5 semi-formal (Dear Mrs Carter, I am writing on behalf …)
6 informal (Hi Megan)

(фронтальный  опрос)


Analyze the letters

Find the mistakes

-There is no date, there is a full stop at the end of the letter

-The address and  the date are on the left. They must be written on the right.  There is not a  conclusion, phrases about future contact

-There is not an introduction. There are not opening remarks. We must write this paragraph separately. We write the letter to Nicole not to Andy



Закрепление учебного материала


Writing a letter to a pen-friend (Cлайд16)

-read the extract from your pen-friend’s letter. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jane, who writes:

…So, I wanted to ask your opinion about something. I’m totally stressed out about my exams. How should I cope with school stress? Who can give me support?

Anyway, my sister is  going to a party tonight to celebrate the end of exams!

-what are you going to write? Who is the letter for? What are you going to write about?

How will you begin/end the letter: Dear Tom!/Lots of love, Paula

What style will you write it in: informal


read the extract from their pen-friend’s letter.

Написать письмо совет, как побороть стресс.(What can your friend do, to cope with school stress)



Информация о домашнем задании

At home you must write the informal letter about anti-bulling week (Написать письмо личного характера)

…So, you said you’ve just had an anti-bulling week at school. Who organized this event? How did it go? What did it involve?

As for me, I’m going to travel abroad!

-Your ideas of anti-bulling week? What can we do? How can we help the children?

Who organized this event? How did it go? What did it involve?

-What are you going to write?

Who is the letter for?

What are you going to write about?

How will you begin/end the letter

(метод словесной передачи информации и слухового восприятия информации)

-Read and translate the task



complete the task individually

-Some of these phrases are from informal, some are from semi-formal letters

-Now you can check yourselves. Look at the screen (Cлайд19)

Have you learnt the rules of letter writing?

Find words/phrases with similar meaning

complete the task individually (фронтальная) (самоконтроль)

-Read the phrases with similar meaning

Now we can write the informal letter

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