English Tests
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)
В данном разделе представлены тесты и контрольные работы, составленные на основе лексико-грамматического материала по УМК ''Spotlight'' (под редакцией Ваулиной Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.).
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Предварительный просмотр:
Test “Are You a Good Person?”
- Соотнесите английские слова с их значениями на русском языке.
1. greedy a) ленивый
2. hardworking b) общительный
3. reliable c) внимательный
4. lazy d) сильный
5. kind e) трудолюбивый
6. polite f) надежный
7. strong g) жадный
8. weak h) агрессивный
9. honest i) вежливый
10. aggressive j) слабый
11. attentive k) честный
12. outgoing l) добрый
- Какие черты характера вам свойственны?
NAME | ||||||||
Honesty | Kindness | Generosity | Laziness | Industry | Politeness | Modesty | Confidence | Sociability |
- Продолжите предложения.
- My name is …
- I am … years old.
- To my mind I’m …, …, … and … .
- But sometimes I can be … , … and … .
- I think a man should improve himself during all his … .
- Переведите данные словосочетания на английский язык.
- честный продавец
- жадный повар
- энергичный лесник
- внимательный студент
- трудолюбивый человек
- ленивая девочка
- вежливый официант
- общительный костюмированный персонаж
- надежный сопровождающий при поездке верхом
- добрый врач
Предварительный просмотр:
Present Continuous Test
Упражнение 1. Напиши -ing формы глаголов. Переведи их.
e.g. 0) work – working – работать
1) write –
2) read –
3) do –
4) paint –
5) walk –
6) play –
7) sing –
8) talk –
9) watch –
10) ride –
Упражнение 2. Read what a boy is saying. Write in am, is or are.
I'm in the park. I can see some children. They 1) ____ playing volleyball. There's my friend Greg! He 2) ____ reading a book. The girl 3) ____ eating a sandwich. The boy and the dog 4) ____ playing with a ball. They can't see me because I 5) ____ sitting in a tree. What 6) ___ you doing? 7) ____ you listening to me?
Упражнение 3. Составь предложения.
- now / Tom / coffee / is / drinking.
- playing / now / the / boys / aren’t.
- the / skating / girl / now / is?
- the / eating / fish / cats / are / at the moment?
- walking / they / the / in / are / park.
Упражнение 4. Переведи предложения.
- Она смотрит телевизор сейчас.
- Он строит песочный замок в данный момент.
- Они не едут на машине сейчас.
- Я сейчас не играю в игру.
- Тим читает книгу в данный момент?
Present Continuous Test
Упражнение 1. Напиши -ing формы глаголов. Переведи их.
e.g. 0) work – working – работать
1) write –
2) read –
3) do –
4) paint –
5) walk –
6) play –
7) sing –
8) talk –
9) watch –
10) ride –
Упражнение 2. Read what a boy is saying. Write in am, is or are.
I'm in the park. I can see some children. They 1) ____ playing volleyball. There's my friend Greg! He 2) ____ reading a book. The girl 3) ____ eating a sandwich. The boy and the dog 4) ____ playing with a ball. They can't see me because I 5) ____ sitting in a tree. What 6) ___ you doing? 7) ____ you listening to me?
Упражнение 3. Составь предложения.
- now / Tom / coffee / is / drinking.
- playing / now / the / boys / aren’t.
- the / skating / girl / now / is?
- the / eating / fish / cats / are / at the moment?
- walking / they / the / in / are / park.
Упражнение 4. Переведи предложения.
- Она смотрит телевизор сейчас.
- Он строит песочный замок в данный момент.
- Они не едут на машине сейчас.
- Я сейчас не играю в игру.
- Тим читает книгу в данный момент?
Предварительный просмотр:
I. Find the synonyms.
1. frank 1. silly
2. clever 2. communicative
3. stupid 3. hardworking
4. sociable 4. intelligent
5. competent 5. honest
6. industrious 6. sure
7. confident 7. professional
II. Find the antonyms.
1. weak 1. energetic
2. passive 2. lazy
3. interesting 3. strong
4. industrious 4. rude
5. angry 5. boring
6. sad 6. kind
7. polite 7. cheerful
III. How many positive and negative features of character does your partner have?
1. Do you always smile and say hello when you meet someone? |
| ||
2. Do you always do your homework and spend extra time on schoolwork? |
| ||
3. Are you afraid to speak to people you don’t know? |
| ||
4. Do you dislike working hard? |
| ||
5. Do you seldom boast or say that you are the best? |
| ||
6. Are you only interested in yourself? |
| ||
7. Do you always say the truth? |
| ||
8. Do you like making jokes? |
| ||
9. Do you always say «Thank you» and «Please»? |
| ||
10. Are you good at subjects at school? |
Match these adjectives with the questions and then characterize your partner: honest, hard-working, to have a sense of humour, shy, polite, clever, friendly, lazy, brilliant, selfish.
IV. Make up a riddle about your classmate, using as many new words as possible. First describe the appearance of a person and then his character.
- He / She is a girl / boy.
- He / She is … years old.
- He / She has got … eyes and … hair.
- He / She is …
- He / She is (not) …
- His / Her birthday is on the … of … .
Предварительный просмотр:
Here is a list of features. Divide the words into two groups and translate them into Russian.
industrious, passive, bossy, angry, rude, kind, punctual, impatient, strict, polite, reliable, selfish, confident, ambitious, responsible, tactful, silly, pessimistic, brave, sociable, envious, arrogant, educated, a sense of humour, communicative, a lack of will, unfair, a lack of personal discipline, energetic, impulsive, unsociable, shy, unfriendly, quiet, honest, intelligent, helpful, competent, charming, adventurous, serious, loyal, optimistic.
Positive features | Negative features |
Here is a list of features. Divide the words into two groups and translate them into Russian.
industrious, passive, bossy, angry, rude, kind, punctual, impatient, strict, polite, reliable, selfish, confident, ambitious, responsible, tactful, silly, pessimistic, brave, sociable, envious, arrogant, educated, a sense of humour, communicative, a lack of will, unfair, a lack of personal discipline, energetic, impulsive, unsociable, shy, unfriendly, quiet, honest, intelligent, helpful, competent, charming, adventurous, serious, loyal, optimistic.
Positive features | Negative features |
Here is a list of features. Divide the words into two groups and translate them into Russian.
industrious, passive, bossy, angry, rude, kind, punctual, impatient, strict, polite, reliable, selfish, confident, ambitious, responsible, tactful, silly, pessimistic, brave, sociable, envious, arrogant, educated, a sense of humour, communicative, a lack of will, unfair, a lack of personal discipline, energetic, impulsive, unsociable, shy, unfriendly, quiet, honest, intelligent, helpful, competent, charming, adventurous, serious, loyal, optimistic.
Positive features | Negative features |
Little children usually dream of having an unusual profession. Some of them want to become spacemen, others want to discover new lands, others – to dive in deep seas. But most of them want to be famous, so they usually want to become a star – a film star, a pop star, a football star, a TV star and so on.
These young people know well what they are going to do after school.
Diana MacWizard is a schoolgirl from Sydney. She wants to be a doctor. She is going to medical school this year. It’s a long course – about 6 years – but she is going to work very hard. Diana wants to help people get well when they are sick.
Steve Patel wants to be a chef. He spends most of the day in the kitchen, because he enjoys to cook. He has over 100 cook books. He has been collecting recipes for 5 years. Steve dreams of working in a restaurant in Paris. One day he’d like to have his own restaurant.
Samanta Wilson wants to become a tour operator. Her favorite subject at school is Geography, because she likes to travel. Every summer she travels abroad, she has visited India, France, Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain and many other countries. Samanta wants to help people to travel around the world and learn new things.
Nick Morrison works for a school newspaper and he is really interested in career in journalism. He dreams of becoming a journalist. He wants to work on a newspaper or a magazine or at radio and television station. He wants to write stories about news events that happen in the world or about sports or entertainment or business.
- Find the English equivalents in the text.
необыкновенная профессия; стать телезвездой; упорно работать; открывать новые земли; медицинское заведение; большая часть дня; путешествовать заграницу; интересоваться журналистикой; любимый предмет; помогать людям; открыть собственный ресторан; собирать рецепты; писать о спорте.
- True or False?
- Diana wants to be a chef.
- Nick dreams of becoming a reporter.
- Samanta’s favorite subject is Biology.
- Diana lives in Sydney.
- Steve collects postcards and stamps.
- Steve has his own restaurant.
- Translate the underlined sentences in the text into Russian.
- Answer the questions.
- What does Samanta want to be?
- What does Nick want to become?
- What does Steve want to be?
- What does Diana want to be?
5. What do you want to become after school?
Do you often see colourful dreams?
Do you fly in your dreams?
Why do you think people can’t fly?
Do you believe in the life after the death?
Do you like to sing in a shower?
When did you fall in love for the first time?
What is more difficult for you: to lie or to tell the truth?
How many times a day do you lie ?
If you had a chance to be born once again which country would you choose?
What is your favorite saying in your everyday life?
If you had 1 billion dollars what would you do with this money?
Would you like to live more than 100 years?
What animal can you associate with you, why?
Do your parents often encourage you?
How are you with your friends, at home, at school?
Do you often change your masks?
Do you speak during your dreaming?
Questions | Answers |
| Steve |
| Burke |
| July 12th,1988 |
| Canberra, Australia |
| grey eyes, brown hair, strong and handsome, medium height |
Subject (s) at School | Art, Biology, French |
| Summer |
| Black |
9. Favorite Group/Singer | “Garbage” and Enrique Iglesias |
10. Favorite Clothes | jeans, trainers, T-shirt, sweater |
11. Favorite Food | roast chicken, spaghetti, ice cream, strawberry |
12. Favorite Drink | hot chocolate |
13. Hobbies | going in for sport, listening to music, going for a walk with friends |
14. Positive features | a sense of humour, sociable, kind |
15. Negative features | lazy, selfish, a lack of personal discipline |
16. Plans for the Future | to be a dentist |
English Idioms about Job
- learn smth parrot fashion – зубрить;
- slip on a banana skin – потерпеть неудачу;
- a clear head – светлая голова;
- be as busy as bee – трудиться как пчелка;
- a couch potato – лежебока;
- find one’s place in the sun – найти свое место под солнцем, удачно устроиться в жизни;
- give smb the boot – уволить к-либо;
- work around the clock – работать день и ночь /по 24 часа/;
- diligence is the mother of success – прилежание – залог успеха;
- be in a bad way /be in a hole/ - находиться в трудном, неловком положении;
- bring home the bacon – быть кормильцем, содержать семью;
- be an eager beaver – быть трудягой;
- be on the top – добиться успеха, благосостояния.
- This student has a clear head.
- Jack is a couch potato, it is his lifestyle.
- All the workers in the plant are the eager beavers.
- Andrew is on the top after a long period of depression.
- The doctor said I was in a bad way.
- Sandra is hardworking, she is always busy as a bee.
- Our father brings home the bacon, we need him a lot.
- Our teacher likes to say: “Diligence is the mother of success”.
- After graduating from the university Steve found his place in the sun.
- Linda gets good marks by learning every lesson parrot fashion.
- Mike was given the boot because his chief didn’t trust him any more.
- Frank slipped on a banana skin in the written examination in Geography.
- Firefighters work around the clock.
- Michael Jackson … a famous American …
- Neil Armstrong … a great …
- Aleksey Yagudin …a talented …
- Bruce Lee … a popular …
- Leo Tolstoy … a Russian …
- Ivan Repin … a wonderful …
- Vladimir Klichko … a strong …
- Dmitriy Mendeleyev … a well-known …
- Pyotr Tchaikovsky … a great …
- Merilyn Monro … a beautiful …
- Zhanna Agalakova … a famous TV …
- Zurab Tseriteli … a great …
- Pavel Snezhok-Volya … a popular …
- Valentin Yudashkin … a talented Russian …
- Fyodor Bondarchuk … a good …
Kseniya Sobchak … a smart …
- Lyudmila Fyodorovna Kotikova …
a talented …
18. Olimpiada Ivanovna Fedoseyeva
… a hardworking …
- Vera Mikhaylovna Donskaya
… a responsible …
- Lyudmila Yakovlevna Likhachyova
… a nice …
- interview people
- cook tasty things
- cure sick people
- write novels
- teach children
- sing songs
- write about sports
- build houses
- learn foreign languages
- make fashionable clothes
- Том строит дома, он – строитель.
- Маша изучает иностранные языки, она хочет стать переводчиком.
- Ирина Николаевна преподает детям русский язык и литературу.
- Мой брат – репортер, он часто берет интервью у интересных людей и пишет статьи о спорте.
- Лена любит готовить что-нибудь вкусненькое.
- Мой папа – врач, он лечит больных людей; пациенты его любят, т.к. он добрый, ответственный и компетентный.
- interview people
- cook tasty things
- cure sick people
- write novels
- teach children
- sing songs
- write about sports
- build houses
- learn foreign languages
- make fashionable clothes
- Том строит дома, он – строитель.
- Маша изучает иностранные языки, она хочет стать переводчиком.
- Ирина Николаевна преподает детям русский язык и литературу.
- Мой брат – репортер, он часто берет интервью у интересных людей и пишет статьи о спорте.
- Лена любит готовить что-нибудь вкусненькое.
- Мой папа – врач, он лечит больных людей; пациенты его любят, т.к. он добрый, ответственный и компетентный.
Kathy: Mrs Oakwood?
Mrs Oakwood: Yes?
Kathy: There’s a Miss Wilson to see you.
Mrs Oakwood: Can she wait a minute, please?
Kathy: Yes, Mrs Oakwood.
Mrs Oakwood: Oh, Kathy, can you phone Zurich?
Kathy: Yes, What do you want me to say?
Mrs Oakwood: Tell them I can go to Zurich next Monday.
Kathy: All right, Mrs Oakwood.
Mrs Oakwood: Oh and can you tell Miss Wilson to come in now?
Kathy: Yes, Mrs Oakwood.
Mrs Oakwood: Thank you, Kathy.
Mrs Oakwood: Sit down, please. Your name’s Miss Wilson, isn’t it?
Miss Wilson: Yes, Sarah Wilson.
Mrs Oakwood: And you want to know about the job in Switzerland?
Miss Wilson: Yes, that’s right. It’s a job with children, isn’t it?
Mrs Oakwood: Yes, with the children of the Prince and the Princess of Moldavia. It isn’t a difficult job. But I want to know what you can do. Can I ask you some questions?
Miss Wilson: Yes, of course.
Mrs Oakwood: Can you drive, Miss Wilson?
Miss Wilson: Yes, I can.
Mrs Oakwood: Can you cook?
Miss Wilson: Yes, a little bit.
Mrs Oakwood: Can you speak French?
Miss Wilson: Yes, I can.
Mrs Oakwood: And German? Can you speak German?
Miss Wilson: No, I can’t.
Mrs Oakwood: Can you dance and sing?
Miss Wilson: Yes, I can sing but I can’t dance very well.
Mrs Oakwood: Can you swim and play tennis?
Miss Wilson: Yes, I can swim and I can play tennis.
Mrs Oakwood: Can you play the piano?
Miss Wilson: No, I can’t, but I can play the guitar.
Mrs Oakwood: And when can you start?
Miss Wilson: I can start immediately.
Mrs Oakwood: Good, thank you, Miss Wilson.
Miss Wilson: Have I got a job?
Mrs Oakwood: I don’t know. I’ll write you next week.
Miss Wilson: Thank you.
- True or False? Tick the right answer.
- There are four characters in the dialogue.
- Kathy is Mrs Oakwood’s secretary.
- Mrs Oakwood is going to Zurich next Thursday.
- Sarah Wilson is interested in the job in England.
- It’s a job with kids.
- Miss Wilson can drive a car.
- Miss Wilson can speak French and German very well.
- Miss Wilson can’t play tennis.
- Miss Wilson can play the saxophone and the piano.
- Miss Wilson is happy because she has got the job.
- Find the English equivalents in the dialogue.
- Она может подождать минутку?
- Вы хотите узнать информацию о работе в Швейцарии?
- Но мне хотелось бы знать, что Вы умеете делать.
- Вы умеете говорить по-французски?
- Да, я умею петь, но танцую я не очень хорошо.
- Так когда же Вы готовы приступить к работе?
- Я получила работу?
- Я напишу Вам на следующей неделе.
Ш. Complete the following sentence, please.
- Miss Wilson wants to get the job of a …
Number | Activities |
do the shopping | |
play jokes /шутить/ | |
eat yummy /вкусные/ things | |
bathe in the sea/river/ocean | |
read books | |
go in for sport | |
watch comedies | |
go to the disco | |
hang with friends | |
sleep | |
play computer games | |
listen to music | |
date /ходить на свидания/ | |
get presents | |
drink alcohol | |
kiss and hug | |
lie on the sofa | |
organize parties | |
smoke | |
dance | |
travel around the country | |
… |
SIGNATURE:___________ /_______________________/
Number | Activities |
wash dishes | |
clean the flat/house | |
iron /гладить/ clothes | |
study at school | |
wash dirty socks | |
do the shopping /делать покупки/ | |
read books | |
do homework | |
work in the garden | |
get up early in the morning | |
wash clothes | |
play with little kids /nurse | |
be on duty /дежурить/ | |
cook breakfast /dinner /supper for all the family | |
watch educational /образовательные/ programs | |
stay at home on the weekend | |
quarrel with friends | |
obey /слушаться, повиноваться/ parents | |
smell /нюхать/ smoke | |
drink alcohol | |
communicate with drunk people | |
… |
SIGNATURE: ___________ /________________/
Fill in the appropriate words.
1. … is the most cheerful pupil in our class.
2. … is always gloomy and sad.
3. Japanese scientists believe that laughing can cure sick people. I … with them.
4. They think that … live a long life.
5. I suppose that there are more … than … in the world.
6. When I am depressed I …, it’s the best way to improve my mood.
7. I … to tell funny stories (анекдоты).
8. My favorite comic program on TV is …
Answer the questions below:
- What can make you happy? /a good mark at school; a present; a cool joke; a comedy; a tasty dinner; a friend; a sweetheart; a song; nice news; …/
- What can make you sad and unhappy? / a quarrel with your friend; a bad mark at school; illness; dirty jokes; people’s hypocrisy (лицемерие); …/
- Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
- Are you a “soul” (душа) of your company?
Предварительный просмотр:
I. Find the synonyms.
1. frank 1. silly
2. clever 2. communicative
3. stupid 3. hardworking
4. sociable 4. intelligent
5. competent 5. honest
6. industrious 6. sure
7. confident 7. professional
II. Find the antonyms.
1. weak 1. energetic
2. passive 2. lazy
3. interesting 3. strong
4. industrious 4. rude
5. angry 5. boring
6. sad 6. kind
7. polite 7. cheerful
III. How many positive and negative features of character does your partner have?
1. Do you always smile and say hello when you meet someone? |
| ||
2. Do you always do your homework and spend extra time on schoolwork? |
| ||
3. Are you afraid to speak to people you don’t know? |
| ||
4. Do you dislike working hard? |
| ||
5. Do you seldom boast or say that you are the best? |
| ||
6. Are you only interested in yourself? |
| ||
7. Do you always say the truth? |
| ||
8. Do you like making jokes? |
| ||
9. Do you always say «Thank you» and «Please»? |
| ||
10. Are you good at subjects at school? |
Match these adjectives with the questions and then characterize your partner: honest, hard-working, to have a sense of humour, shy, polite, clever, friendly, lazy, brilliant, selfish.
IV. Make up a riddle about your classmate, using as many new words as possible. First describe the appearance of a person and then his character.
- He / She is a girl / boy.
- He / She is … years old.
- He / She has got … eyes and … hair.
- He / She is …
- He / She is (not) …
- His / Her birthday is on the … of … .
Предварительный просмотр:
Grammar Test
Укажите по каким формальным признакам можно распознать:
a) Future Simple (… V) c) Future Perfect (… … V…)
b) Future Perfect Progressive (… … … V…) d) Future Progressive (… … V…)
Соотнесите будущее время со словами – спутниками:
1. Future Simple a) for an hour by the time he comes home
2. Future Progressive b) by 5 o’clock tomorrow
3. Future Perfect c) tomorrow at 4.00 p.m.
4. Future Perfect Progressive d) in 2 days
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме:
I (plant) flowers tomorrow.
Benjamin (repair) his bicycle next week.
Mary (rest) at 4.00 p.m. tomorrow.
Frank (watch) an interesting film at 8.00 p.m. tomorrow.
Sam (finish) his homework by 7.00 p.m. tomorrow.
David (translate) the text by 6.30 p.m. tomorrow. - We (read) this text for 5 minutes by the time the teacher comes back.
- You (cook) a cake for 30 minutes, when your sister returns home.
- Задайте вопросы, используя вопросительные слова в скобках:
- Mark will go to Atlanta in June. (Who?)
- Rosy will have washed the dishes by 6 o’clock. (What?)
- Helen will be playing tennis at 5.00 p.m. tomorrow. (When?)
- They will have been doing the shopping in the mall for 2 hours when you come home from work. (How long?)
- Tom will go to Jack’s birthday party on Sunday. (Where?)
- Заполните графы таблицы формами глагола to cook в 1-м лице единственного числа. Напишите под каждым глаголом русский перевод.
Simple | Progressive | Perfect | Perfect Progressive | |
Future | I … … Я … … |
Предварительный просмотр:
I. Fill in the blanks with the following modal verbs: can, could, may, might in the positive or negative form.
- … you tell me the way to the post office?
- Where … I buy toys?
- … I have your pen, please?
- … I have another cup of tea?
- … I use your telephone?
- … you pass me a slice of lemon, please?
- She … play the piano, but she … play the guitar.
- Dad said I … go to the party.
- Richard … play chess when he was a child.
- Mum said I … see that book.
II. Translate into Russian, please.
- I’m not sure, but Linda will not able to come to the party.
- The child can talk now, but 2 months ago he was able to speak only a few words.
- I am able to learn this grammar rule.
- Sandra is able to get up early in the morning.
- I can’t believe such stories, but I was able to believe them when I was a child.
- They can’t buy a flat now, but they will be able to buy it in 6 months.
- We are able to read this book in English.
- Kids are allowed to paint the walls in their room.
- I was allowed to come home after 10 p.m.
- My little brother is able to use a computer.
III. Translate into English.
- Я умею очень хорошо играть на пианино.
- Моя мама умеет готовить много вкусных блюд.
- Мне разрешают гулять по вечерам.
- Мой друг умеет кататься на коньках.
- Я мог танцевать, когда был ребенком.
Card №1
- Вставьте can или could, обращая внимание на слова-спутники.
- I … speak English very well now.
- … you tell me the way to the bank, please?
- Sam … play tennis well when he was a child.
- Frank … fry potatoes with meat.
- My mother … make tasty things.
- Robin … cook scrambled eggs when he was 9.
- Вставьте am, is или are.
- You … able to peel vegetables.
- James … able to fix a mixer.
- We … able to organize a party.
- Bob … able to decorate a tree.
- Helen … able to knit socks.
- They … able to set the table.
- Заполните таблицу.
I can | I cannot |
1. make a bed well. 2. 3. 4. 5. | 1. speak Chinese. 2. 3. 4. 5. |
Card №2
- Вставьте can или could, обращая внимание на слова-спутники.
- You … speak Spanish very well now.
- … you tell me the way to the cafe, please?
- Alison … play tennis well when he was a child.
- David … fry mushrooms with meat.
- My granny … make tasty things.
- Fred … cook cabbage soup when he was 10.
- Вставьте am, is или are.
- They … able to peel potatoes.
- We … able to fix a mincer.
- Kevin … able to organize a surprise birthday party.
- Jack … able to decorate a Christmas tree.
- Samanta … able to knit a jumper.
- You … able to set the table.
III. Заполните таблицу.
I can | I cannot |
1. make a bed well. 2. 3. 4. 5. | 1. speak Chinese. 2. 3. 4. 5. |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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