English test - 9
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Тестирование по английскому языку для 9-х классов на тему: "Музыка"
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Wolfgang Mozart
(1756 – 1791)
Wolfgang Mozart was a well-known Austrian composer. He was a genius.
Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. His father was a musician. When he was a child he began to show his wonderful talent for music. He tried to play the clavier, when he was three years old. He took a great interest in his sister’s music lesson. He heard music and tried to play it himself by ear. His father decided to teach him to play. When he was four years old he started composing his own tunes. He played them on the clavier well too. When he was six years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities in Europe.
Two children gave concerts there. The audience was delighted when the small boy was playing. Mozart visited many countries with his father, playing clavier. When he was fourteen he was invited to Italy. He could not imaging his life without music. He composed many sonatas and symphonies in Italy. He composed tunes all the time.
At the age of twenty six he moved from his native town Salzburg to Vienna. He worked a lot. But only Italian composers were popular at theatres of Vienna at that time,
Wolfgang Mozart died in 1791. Many people know and like his music and he is popular and famous today.
- When was Mozart born?
- What was Mozart?
- When did Mozart begin to compose music?
- When did Mozart begin to play the instrument?
- Who decided to teach Mozart?
- What was Mozart’s father?
- Was the audience delighted when the small boy was playing?
- What countries did Mozart visit?
- What did Mozart compose?
- Is Mozart a famous compose?
- аudience - аудитория
- delight - восторг
- Vienna – Вена
Music in Our Life
It is difficult to live without music. We hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops, in the parks and in the concert halls, at the seaside, sometimes in the forest.
We can’t live without music. We like to listen to music, we enjoy dancing to music or playing musical instruments. A music lesson is one of the favourite subjects at school. The teacher of music tells the pupils about famous composers and teaches them to sing songs. Pupils prepare concerts for school holidays, learn new songs, play different musical instruments.
Some people are interested in music very much. Children can learn at music school if they are capable and fond of music.
What is music? Music is a combination of many sounds. They are short and long, week and strong. Music reflects people’s mood and emotions. Some people are fond of folk music. There are numerous folk groups in our country. It is interesting to listen to their music and songs. Some people are fond of classical music, but young people prefer modern music. If you want to listen to modern music you can attend the music halls and the concerts of popular groups and singers. Many young people like to listen to the songs by our popular and foreign singers. Some of them are very talented and skilled singers and composers. People like to visit their concerts, buy tickets beforehand and often take flowers for their favourite singers.
- Is it difficult to live without music?
- Do you like to listen to music?
- Are there any lessons of music at your school?
- What does the teacher of music tell at your school?
- Who is interested in music?
- What is music?
- Where do you go, if you want to listen to classical music?
- Modern music is popular in our country, isn’t it?
- What kinds of music are popular in our country?
- What kind of music do you like?
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, an outstanding Russian composer, was born in Votkinsk in 1840. He was fond of music since his early childhood. His mother sang him beautiful songs and taught him to play the piano. He graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire only in 1866 because of his poor living conditions. He was the best pupil of Anton Rubinstein. When the Moscow Conservatoire was founded Pyotr Ilyich became a professor there.
He created wonderful music: 10 operas, 3 ballets, 6 symphonies, 7 large symphonic poems and many other musical pieces.
“Eugene Onegin” , a new type of opera, was a great success all over the world “The Swan Lake” , “The Nutskracker” , “The Sleeping Beauty are musical masterpieces. In his music he used folk melodies for the musical descriptions of Russian nature and life. His compositions are full of realism.
Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski
Pjotr Tschaikowski ist der groBte russische Komponist. Er wurde am 7.Mai 1840 in Wotkinsk am Ural geboren. Ein Vater war Bergwerksinspektor. Die Jugendjahre von Tschaikowski verliefen in Petersburg. Seit 1859 bis 1863 studierte er die Jura, aber seine echte Berufung war Musik.
1862 eroffnete Anton Rubinstein ein Konservatorium in Petersburg. Tschaikowski began bei ihm Komposition zu studieren. Spater bekam er die Srelle eines Theorielehrers am Moskauer Konservatorium. Mit der Zeit vertiefte sich Tschaikowski in sein eigenes Schaffen. Er komponierte und dirigierte. Seine Konzerte in Westeuropa brachten ihm Anerkennung des Publikums. Viele Jahre verbrachte der Komponist im Ausland. Nach 1885 lebte er in Klin bei Moskau. Dort befindet sich jetzt sein Gedenkmuseum.
Tschaikowski schrieb 6 Sinfonien, Klavierkonzerte und3 Ballete. Seine Ballette ”Dornroschen”, “Schwanensee”, “NuBknacker” und seine Opern “Eugen Onegin”, “Pique Dame”, “Iolante” sind weltberuhmt und weitbekannt.
Pjotr Tschaikowski starb am 6. November 1893 in Petersburg.
Exercises to the topic “ MUSIC”
- Put each of the following words and phrases in its correct place in the passage below.
musicians bow string conductor instruments score keys bows baton audience concert hall |
While the (1)______was filling up and the (2) ______were taking their sits, the (3)_____were tuning their (4)____. The famous (5)______entered. He gave the audience a low (6)________, picked up his (7)_______,looked briefly at the (8)________which lay open in front of him, and raised his hands. The pianist placed her fingers ready over the (9)_____of her piano. The (10)______section of the orchestra (violinists, cellists, etc) brought their (11)_____up,ready to play. The concert was about to begin,
- Put each of the following words and phrases in its correct place in the passage below.
group vocalist live stage number one fans concert lyrics top ten recoding studio |
After “The Beatles”, the “Rolling Stones” have probably been the most successful(1)_____ in Britain. Most of their records have gone into the (2)______and they have had many at (3)______. But their records have usually been made in a (4)________and I always wanted to hear them (5)_____at a (6)_______. I wanted to see them perform on (7)_____in front of thousands of excited (8)______. And I did, at Earls court in 1990. It was great. And Mick Jagger, the (9)____, sang all the old favourites. I couldn’t hear the (10)_____very well because of the noise, but somehow it didn’t matter.
- Match the proper words and their definitions.
We all know that if it were not the advertisement we wouldn’t know about most of products or we wouldn’t find out about them much more later. We can read the advertisement on the pages of different magazines and newspapers, we watch TV programmes and hear on the radio programmes.
On the one hand, the advertisement helps us to make the necessary choice of products, food, services and many other different things from the large selection of goods. The advertisement informs customers about the existence of product or about the new one, it explains the benefits of this or that product and service, it also tells us how and for what we should use it. Of course, the main aim of advertisement is to persuade the customers to buy the products.
For commercial firms and companies the advertisement is their reputation rather than the sale of their particular product. There are two ways of advertising. Large companies can easily set up their own advertising departments, but usually they tend to use the services of large advertising agencies. Because the most talented advertising people who have more knowledge and more experience in this sphere prefer to work for large agencies as this gives them the change to work on variety of advertisement.
These agencies make everything to sell the products and attract the customers. One of the effective way of advertising is to show on TV. But there is another side of this problem as the same advertisement repeats again. Many people find it very irritating. They become angry, because the advertisement bother them to watch films, some interesting programmes or entertainment TV games.
That׳s why they say that the best form of advertisement is word-of-mouth advertising which occurs when people tell their friends and acquaintance about benefits of products or services that they have purchased. They usually tell each other the full information: what kind of product, what for. How to use, what price, where, if it is good or not.
advertisement n реклама
advertise v рекламировать
advertisement agency рекламное агентство
benefit n польза, преимущество, выгода
chance n шанс
commercial adj коммерческий
company n компания
customer n покупатель
effective adj эффективный
existence n существование
explain v объяснить
entertainment n развлечение (сущ.), развлекательный (прил.)
find out v узнавать
firm n фирма
full information полная информация
irritating adj раздражающий
If it were not the advertisement, Если бы не реклама, мы
we wouldn’t know… бы не знали….
much later намного позже
necessary choice необходимый выбор
occur v случаться, происходить
On the one hand, с одной стороны,
on the other hand с другой стороны
on variety of advertisement по разным направлениям рекламы
persuade v убеждать
product n продукция
radio programmes радиопередачи
sale n продажа
services n сервис, услуги
set up v учреждать
talented adj талантливый
tend to v склоняться к
that they have purchased которые они купили
TV programmes телепередачи
word-of-mouth advertising устная реклама
inform информировать
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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