Сценарий урока по теме еда и напитки 5 кл.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Повторение лексико - грамматического материала.
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Сценарий урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме
«Еда и напитки»
Hello, how are you today? Let’s start.
1. Today we have many guests. But don’t be shy. There are some rules for you to be more successful.
- You should speak English or Russian?
- You should be active or passive?
- You should be happy or sad?
2. Определение цели урока.
Now I offer you to complete the crossword puzzle to guess the topic of the lesson. Name the first word.
What is the theme of the lesson? Food. What does it mean? Very good.
Now let’s watch a video to guess what’ going on.
Ok. What’s going on? They are preparing for the party. What else should we do to prepare for the party?
- Decorate the house;
- Make food;
- Make a shopping list;
- Make Birthday Party Plan.
So the aim of our lesson is to learn to Make Birthday Party Plan.
What do we need for that? We need to know English
- words;
- phrases;
3. Актуализация знаний.
3.1. Name as many words as you can. (мозговой штурм)
- What is your favorite food? (A game with a ball).
I like … apples. Yummy.
What don’t you like?
I don’t like … . Yuk!
- Введение новой лексики. (учебник, стр. 98). What can you see? Тренировка новой лексики.
- Repeat new words.
- What food do you have for breakfast?
What food do you have for lunch?
What food do you have for dinner?
- Translate the words.
- Stand up. Come here to the blackboard. Stand in two lines. You are fruit. You are vegetable. Make up sentences.
Tomatoes are vegetables.
Lemons are fruit.Let’s check up.
- Next task is to learn some new words. (slide)
Listen and repeat.
A carton -пакет
A box- коробка
A bar- плитка
A glass -стакан
A packet - пачка
- Let’s check up. ( без картинок).
- Now make up word combinations.
A carton of juice
A box of cereal
A bar of chocolate
A glass of water
A packet biscuit/
- Grammar. Look and read.
There are some bananas.
There isn’t any cake.
Is there any pasta?
When do we use some?
We use some in the affirmative.
When do we use any?
We use any in the negative and interrogative.
6.1. ex. 5. p. 99
6.2. Fill in the gaps with some/any.
Is there ______ juice on the table? – Yes, there is ______ juice on the table.
Give me ______ butter please. – But there isn’t ______ butter in the fridge.
Are there ______ shopping malls in the center of the city? – Yes, there are _ shopping malls in the center of the city.
- Are there ______ flowers in the garden? – No, there aren’t ______ flowers there.
- Give me ______ bread please.
- Is there ______ jam for tea? – Yes, there is ______ jam for tea.
- Grammar.
Look here. I have many apples. I have much water.
When do we use many? We use many with countable nouns.
When do we use much? We use much with uncountable nouns.
7.1. Choose countable and uncountable nouns. slide
7.2. Write much or many.
1. How ___________ children are there in your class?
2. How ___________ milk do you want in your tea?
3. How ___________ bread do you eat every day?
4. How ___________ players are there in a football team?
5. How ___________ eggs do you need for the salad?
6. How ___________ cheese did you buy?
8. Teacher: We have alreadylearnt new vocabulary. We should learn how to order food at a cafe.
- Can you help me, please?
- Yes, what would you like?
- I would like tea and cake.
- Here you are.
-Thank you.
9. Making a Birthday Party Plan.
You are going to have a party. Make your Birthday Party Plan.
8. Итоговое задание. Consolidation.
Let’s finish our lesson up.
Now I can…
• Talk about food
• Order food/drinks
• Talk about my birthday party
Thank you very much. At the end I would like to read a poem for you. It is a sinquein. Благодарю Вас за активность и инициативность на уроке. И в заключение хочу посвятить Вашей работе на уроке синквейн.
Для тех, кто не слышал раньше этого слова, объясняю, что синквейном называют белые стихи, а в образовании этот прием используется для активизации познавательной активности учащихся на уроке. Я же составила этот синквейн в знак моей признательности Вам за работу.
Creative, talented
Spoke, wrote, listened
We had a good time together
Thank you!
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