тест 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Иванова Елена Сергеевна

материал содержит 3 варианта лексико-грамматических заданий по учебнику М.В.Вербицкой "Forward" 10 класс 1 Unit


Файл 10_i_unit_kontrolnaya_rabota.docx14.9 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

I v

I. Complete the sentences

1. If I (enroll) at the university, I (be) a student now.

2. If Alan (not, skip) a lot of classes, he (not, fail) to sit his exams.

3. You forgot to do your homework. I wish____

4. I can’t sing. I wish ___

5. We didn’t go to the Icehotel. If only ___

II. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech

1. “Go home!” the mother said.

2. I said: “He will not get here on time”.

3. “He doesn’t get on with his stepma,” said Sam.

4. He asked me: “Did you go shopping yesterday?”

5. The teacher asked Jane:”What have you done for today?”

III. Complete the sentences with the right form of the word

1. Usually, ___ get better jobs than people who don’t go to university.


2. He was a ___ writer.


3. I flunked my exam. I feel a real ___


4. It is a really ___sport.


5. After 15years in the same job, she finally ___ and went travelling.


II v

I. Complete the sentences

1. If he (not, play) truant, he (pass) his exam.

2. If we (go) to Castle Stuart, we (meet) a ghost this night.

3. You didn’t get good marks in your last test. If only ___

4. I can’t speak Spanish. I wish ___

5. You didn’t go on holidays last summer. I wish ___

II. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech

1. Mum asked: “Don’t open the door!”

2. Betty asked Mary: “Where are you going?”

3. Robin asked: “Did you pass your exam yesterday?”

4. “I will help you with these packages” said Boris to Clara.

5. “I have lost my job,” said Joan.

III. Complete the sentences with the right form of the word

1. A lot of ___buildings date that time.


2. More than 12000 ___ live in London.


3. Look at the ___board to find out which check-in-desk to go to.


4. He has an amazing ___ to overcome difficulties.


5. ___, he was sacked.



I. Complete the sentences

1. If she (hear) her announcement now, she (go) to her gate.

2. it’s your fault that you failed. If you (not, play) computer games all night, you (not, flunk) your exam.

3. I lost his phone number. If only ___

4. You haven’t got a car. I wish ___

5. You couldn’t go to the graduation party last weekend. I wish ___

II. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech

1. I said to the girl, “Close the window!”

2. “The castle is only open on Tuesdays,” explained the tour guide.

3. The pupil complained:”I can not learn these words.”

4. She asked me: “Who came to see you yesterday?”

5. “Have you seen my car keys?” Ben asked his son.

III. Complete the sentences with the right form of the word

1. Bungee ___ is another kind of sport for those who enjoy adrenalin.


2. You can wait for your flight in the ___ lounge.


3. He was too young and ___ ,so he couldn’t get a job.


4. I’m too busy and have to cancel my ___for the weekend.


5. You should follow the ___or you will get a penalty.


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