Презентация для 8 классов по теме "Различные виды транспорта"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)
Данная презентация была составлена для открытого урока в 8 классе. В ходе урока учащиеся вспоминают ранее изученную лексику, пополняют свои знания новыми лексическими единицами, практикуются и развивают навыки устной речи по теме "Различные средства передвижения".
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Подписи к слайдам:
The main goal is to prepare for the project “My favourite means of transport” How can we do it? learn different means of travelling discuss advantages and disadvantages 17.06.2020 English lesson. 2
17.06.2020 English lesson. 3 Complete the table with as many means of transport as possible and make the sentences 1. By land 2. By sea 3. By air t o travel t o make a journey t o take a trip t o go on a voyage
What means of transport is each person referring to ? M eet me on the boarding platform , two hours from now. Do you have an extra helmet ? We don’t have any time for the duty free. W e are boarding right now. I’m afraid, I’m feeling a little seasick . What stop do I have to get off at ? Shall I give you a lift to school ? 17.06.2020 English lesson. 4
“ Travelling is one way of lengthening life ” (Benjamin Frankling ) “ The world is a book: i f you don’t travel, you read only one page ” ( Saint Augustine) 17.06.2020 English lesson. 5 Why do people like travelling?
17.06.2020 English lesson. 6 Listen to the speaker. Why does he like travelling?
17.06.2020 English lesson. 7 I travel a lot because of my job, but when I'm on holiday I don't stay at home either. I'm curious and travelling is the best way to satisfy my curiosity. I think it's a great way to explore the world, to meet new people and to learn about other cultures and lifestyles. I enjoy trying new dishes and hunting for unusual souvenirs for my family and friends. I find travelling relaxing too.
Fill in at or on : 1 …..the airport 2. …the motorway 3. ….the toll bridge 4. ... the garage 5. … the bus stop 6. … the road 7. … the harbor 8. … the platform 9. … the station 17.06.2020 English lesson. 8
On used to express flat surfaces, inc. river coasts, roads. At u sed to indicate a concrete place, special location, exact position. 17.06.2020 English lesson. 9
17.06.2020 English lesson. 10 Check yourself: 1. at the airport 2. on the motorway 3. on the toll bridge 4. at the garage 5. at the bus stop 6. on the road 7. at the harbor 8. on the platform 9. at the station
In which of these places mentioned above would you hear the following: 1. Is there a buffet car ? 2. What is the boarding time ? 3. Single or return ? 4. How do I get to Manchester University? 5. What terminal does it leave from ? 6. How much is the fare ? 7. What platform does it leave from? 8. What stop do I need to get off at ? 9. Would you like a window or an aisle seat ? 11
Match the questions to the answers: a)A window seat, please b)The plane is boarding in 30 minutes and you leave from Gate 15. c)Return , please. d)I’m afraid, not. e)Platform 12 f)The stop on Fairfield Street. g)It’s a UK domestic flight. So it’s Terminal 3. h)It’s 150€ peak time, or if you travel off-peak between 10am and 3pm, it’s only 65 €. i )Stay in the left-hand line and turn left at the next set of traffic lights onto Oxford Road . 12 1. Is there a buffet car? 2. What is the boarding time? 3. Single or return? 4. How do I get to Manchester University? 5. What terminal does it leave from? 6. How much is the fare? 7. What platform does it leave from? 8. What stop do I need to get off at? 9. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
Explain the meaning of the following words: Means Sleeping car Dining car Trip Advantage Fast Convenient Slow Expensive 17.06.2020 English lesson. 13
Put in the missing words according to the text: means, sleeping cars, d ining cars , v oyages , t rips , a dvantages , f astest , c onvenient , s lower , e xpensive . Travelling by air is the … and the most … way, but it is the most expensive , too. Travelling by train is … than travelling by plane, but it is less …. You can see many interesting places of the country through the window. Modern trains have comfortable seats. There are also … and … that make even the longest … more pleasant. Speed , comfort and safety are the main … of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other … of travelling. Travelling by sea is popular with the tourists too. They can make … on large ships to foreign countries. 14
What means of transport do you prefer? Why do you travel? 17.06.2020 English lesson. 15
17.06.2020 English lesson. 16 Think of 5 new words/ phrases you have learnt today.
17.06.2020 English lesson. 17 Your hometask : to write a project “My favourite means of travelling”. (1 page as min.)
English lesson. 18 17.06.2020
17.06.2020 English lesson. 19 Who was the most active during our journey?
Feedback if you have a positive emotion - draw a happy face. if you have a negative emotion- draw a sad face. 1. The lesson was : long / short 2. The lesson was : interesting / boring 3. I am : fine / sad 4. At the lesson I was: active / passive 5. The topic was: easy / difficult 17.06.2020 English lesson. 20
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