Презентация для 5х классов по теме "Простое прошедшее время"
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (5 класс)
В данной презентации детально рассказывается об образовании форм прошедшего времени у правильных и неправильных глаголов, отрабатываются навыки построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в простом прошедшем времени.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Past Simple: yesterday Last week In 2019 Last Friday Last month Two days ago 16.04.2020 English lesson. 2 To be ( быть) You were We were They were I was (был) He was She was I t was
16.04.2020 English lesson. 3 Yesterday Tom ______ at school. Last year you _______ the best student at school. He _____ ill last week. Yesterday Tom _________ at school. Last year you __________ the best student at school. He _______ ill last week. ______ Tom at school yesterday? ______ you the best student at school? ______ he ill last week? was were was w as not w ere not w asn’t W as Were W as w as not w ere not
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 4 Yesterday Tom and Bob …. at home. W ere Last winter … very cold. was Yesterday Tom and Bob …. at home. were not Last winter … very cold. w asn’t … Tom and Bob at home yesterday? were … last winter very cold? Was was / were: They _____________ It _____________
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 5 1. The ducks ______ happy. 2. Mum _______ angry. w as or were? 3. The children _______ at the park. 4. Alison _____ not a policeman. 5. It ______ not sunny yesterday. 6. We ______ in the living room. were were was were was was They _________ They _________
16.04.2020 English lesson. 6 Regular verbs ( правильные глаголы) in the Past Simple V + ed Если в конце глагола уже есть - e п рибавляем только d Die – die d Live – live d Like – like d Finish – finish ed Call – call ed Visit – visit ed Cook – cook ed Play – play ed Walk – walk ed
16.04.2020 English lesson. 7 Regular verbs ( правильные глаголы) in the Past Simple согласная + y y меняется на i - ied о диночная согласная после гласной c огласная удваивается + ed Stu dy – stud ied Ti dy – tid ied T ry – tr ied Sto p – stop ped Trave l – travel led C ry – cr ied Car ry - carr ied Sli p -sli pped Prefe r - prefe rred г ласная + y + ed Pl ay – play ed Enj oy – enjoy ed St ay - stay ed
16.04.2020 English lesson. 8 Irregular verbs ( неправильные глаголы) in the Past Simple infinitive V Past V 2 see saw go went make made take took f ind found buy bought
Put the verbs in the right column: eat, cry, have, live, hate, wait, go, be, take, play 16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 9 Regular verbs Irregular verbs
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 10 Regular verbs Irregular verbs live eat hate have wait go cry be play take lived hated waited cried played ate had went w as/were took
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 11
16.04.2020 English lesson. 12 Last summer we visit ed our granny. Last summer we didn’t visit our granny. Did they visit their granny last summer? V ed / V 2 didn’t + V Did __ + V
16.04.2020 English lesson. 13 Last Friday you cook ed dinner. Last Friday you didn’t cook dinner. Did you cook dinner last Friday?
16.04.2020 English lesson. 14 Yesterday they bought a nice dress. Yesterday they didn’t buy a nice dress. Did they buy any dress yesterday? V ed / V 2 didn’t + V Did __ + V buy - bought
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 15 1. Yesterday I _________ (finish) my homework at 9 o’clock. finished Yesterday I ______________ my homework at 9 o’clock. d idn’t finish Did you finish your homework at 9 o’clock y esterday? 2. Last month they _______(send) me 2 letters. sent Last month they _____________ me 2 letters. d idn’t send Did they send me 2 letters last month? 3. Tom ________ (meet) Helen a year ago. met Tom ______________Helen a year ago. d idn’t meet Did Tom meet Helen a year ago? When did Tom meet Helen? When did you finish your homework yesterday? When did they send me 2 letters? s end - sent m eet - met
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 16 Regular verbs V ed didn’t + V + + Did V +
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 17 I rregular verbs V 2 didn’t + V + + Did V +
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 18 Make up sentences in the Past Simple: story / the children / funny / yesterday / write / a . The children wrote a funny story yesterday. The children didn’t write a funny story yesterday. Did the children write a funny story yesterday?
16.04.2020 English lesson. Clothes and fashion. 19 Thank you!!!
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