Грамматический тест Forward 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест по английскому языку 4 четверть
УМК Вербицкая М.В.
- I … hungry. Let`s go and have something to eat.
- get b) have got c) am getting
- It`s usually dry here at this time of the year. It … much.
- haven`t rain b) doesn`t rain c) isn`t raining
- The phone … three times while we … dinner last night.
- rang were having b) ring have c) rang had
- Please don`t make so much noise. I … to work
- try b) am trying c) tried
- Julie … tea very often.
- didn`t drink b) doesn`t drink c) wasn`t drink
- Every day the population of the world … by about 200,000 people.
- increases b) increase c) increased
- Kate wants to work in Italy, so she … Italian.
- learns b) learning c) is learning
- Tom is looking for his key. He cannot find it. He … his key.
- has lost b) loses c) lost
- We eat … every day.
- a rice b) an rice c) rice
- Harry Potter is … hero in the world.
- More famous b) the most famous c) the famousest
- My parents … here since they were married.
- have lived b) lived c) were lived
12. Have you ever visited other countries? - Yes, I... to Italy and France.
a) was b) have been c) had been
13. Actually, today I feel ... than I did yesterday.
a) bad b) worse c) worst
14. The Vikings ... to North America a thousand years ago.
a) sailed b) have sailed c) had sailed
15. My teacher … in this school for ten years.
a) taught b) have taught c) has taught
16. … you … to the cinema last week?
a) do go b) did went c) did go
17. At the moment we … the letter by courier
a) are sending b) send c) is sending
18. When the light ... I was sitting in the armchair reading a book.
a) goes out b) went out c) go out
19. If we ... late for the class, our teacher will be angry with us.
a) is b) were c) are
20. Good cars … more and more expensive.
a) are becoming b) become c) is becoming
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