Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку 9-11 классы
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Ильина Анжелика Олеговна

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку 9-11 классы


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Предварительный просмотр:


Time: 10 minutes

For items 1-10 listen to a radio interview with Ryan Patterson, the inventor of a new device. Decide which of the statements are True (A) and which are False (B) according to the text you hear. You will hear the text twice.

1. The idea for the invention occurred to Ryan while working at a Burger King restaurant.

2. The deaf people Ryan saw were showing the cashier what they wanted to order.

3. Ryan used the idea when he entered a science contest.

4. A cell phone is used as the receiver when using the Sign Language Translator.

5. Ryan's invention helps deaf people learn sign language.

6. The invention brought Ryan money to cover the costs of his further education.

7. Ryan had to learn how deaf people use sign language.

8. Ryan had no previous experience of building electronic devices.

9. Ryan had considered various types of gloves for his invention.

10. Ryan has sold his invention to a deaf community centre.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

Предварительный просмотр:


Time: 20 minutes

For items 1-15 fill in the gaps in the text choosing an appropriate word from the column on the right. Choose one word once only. There are two extra words in the right column which you don't have to use. For each item (1-15) write the correct word on your answer sheet.

Born to be wild

For centuries, people have told stories about children who were brought up by animals and became like animals themselves: so-called ‘feral children’. Tarzan of the Apes and The Jungle Book are two famous 1) __________________ accounts. There are many other accounts which claim to be true, 2) ________________ it is sometimes difficult to separate fact from fantasy and folklore.

One day in 1991, a Ugandan villager called Milly Sebba went further than usual in search 3) _________________ firewood, and came across a little boy with a group of monkeys. She 4) _________________ help and the boy was captured and brought back to Milly's village. A villager identified the boy as John Sesebunya, last seen in 1988 at the age of two or three. Later, John claimed that he had got lost in the forest, and that he remembered monkeys coming up to him after a few days and offering him roots and nuts. The 5) _________________ of five monkeys taught him, he says, to search 6) _________________ food and to climb trees.

John has been studied by a 7) _______________ of scientists, who are convinced that he is a 8) ________________ feral child. When left with a group of monkeys he avoids eye contact and approaches them from the side with open palms, just as monkeys 9) ___________________ .

Jean-Claude Auger, an anthropologist from the Basque country, was travelling alone across the Spanish Sahara in 1960 when he met some Nemadi nomads. They told him about a young boy who lived with a herd of gazelles. Eventually, Auger 10) ___________________ to find the herd and the boy. The boy was about 10 years old and walked on all fours, only standing occasionally. Whenever there was an unexpected noise, he twitched his nose and ears, just like the rest of the herd. One senior female seemed to act as his 11) _________________ mother. He 12) _________________ eat roots with his teeth and appeared to be herbivorous. When Auger chased the boy in a jeep to see how fast he could run, he reached a speed of 50 kilometres per hour, with leaps of about four metres. 13) ________________ most of the feral children of whom there are records, the gazelle boy was never taken away from his wild companions.

A leopard-boy was reported by EC Stuart Baker in the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (July 1920). According to his report, the boy was stolen from his parents by a leopardess in the North Cachar Hills in India in about 1912, and three years later he was recovered and identified. At that time, the child, who was now five, 14) _________________ run on all fours so fast that an adult man could barely keep 15) __________________. His knees had hard skin on them and his toes were bent upright, almost at right angles to his feet. The palms of his hands and pads of his toes and thumbs were also covered with very tough skin. When he was first caught, he bit and fought with everyone. If he came across a chicken in the village, he caught it, tore it into pieces and ate it with astonishing speed, just like a wild animal.


















Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

Предварительный просмотр:


Time: 30 minutes

Read the text about charity and for questions 1-15 choose from the people (A-C). For each question (1-15) circle the correct option (A, B or C) on the answer sheet.

Which person

  1. as a child, lived in a number of different countries?
  2. was brought up not to be selfish?
  3. doesn’t come from a well-to-do family?
  4. worked as a film producer before starting a foundation?
  5. left university before completing their degree course?
  6. had to juggle work and study?
  7. has been accused of conducting business unfairly?
  8. sold a lot of personal possessions in order to start the foundation?
  9. started a foundation with money given by other people?
  10. set up a foundation with a family member?
  11. set up a foundation following a family tragedy?
  12. has set up a 24-hour emergency medical service?
  13. pioneered a whole new industry?
  14. leads a very modest life?
  15. wants to dedicate more time to charity?

A Bill Gates

Bill Gates is the co-founder, chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft, the most successful software company in the world. Besides being the richest man in the world, he is one of its greatest philanthropists[1], having set up a charity called the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ with his wife. Born in 1955 into a wealthy middle-class family, Bill Gates attended private school, where he was particularly good at maths and at computer science, which at that time (the late 1960s) was in its infancy. He started a law degree at Harvard university and there met his future business partner, Steve Ballmer. However, Gates dropped out of university after a couple of years to set up the Microsoft company in November 1975. In the early 1980s Microsoft developed MS-DOS, which became the standard operating system in virtually all PCs. By the age of 31 Gates had become the youngest self-made billionaire in American history. Microsoft went from strength to strength but both the company and Gates have often been accused of making it too difficult for other software companies by preventing fair competition. In 2000 Gates decided to set up a foundation with the aim of improving healthcare and reducing poverty around the world. The foundation spends around $800 million a year on healthcare, almost as much as the United Nations World Health Organisation. Gates now works only part-time for Microsoft and has announced that he wants to spend most of his time working for the foundation.

B Albina du Boisrouvray

Countess Albina du Boisrouvray was born in Paris in 1941 into a wealthy family. The first six years of her life were spent in New York, where she had her first experience of social injustice. ‘I was in Central Park and started playing with a group of black girls because I thought they seemed nicer than the white girls I was with. But I was dragged away by my nanny and told, “You mustn’t play with those girls because they’re black.” That struck me as very unjust.’ She attended schools in Argentina, Switzerland and Britain but left school to get married and, at the age of 20, she gave birth to a son, Francois-Xavier. In the 1960s while studying philosophy at the Sorbonne University, she worked for a short time as a model and then as a journalist before setting up a cinema production company. But tragedy struck in 1986 when Francois-Xavier was killed in a helicopter accident in Mali. Grief-stricken, she started a charity called AFXB in his memory, in the process selling off 60% of her estate, including $31.2 million worth of jewellery and an art collection that brought in $20 million. ‘The collections were never really part of my life,’ she said. ‘I’m not into things.' The foundation’s chief mission is to support children and families affected by the global AIDS pandemic. It also funds educational programmes in many countries and now employs over 400 people worldwide.

C Abdul SattarEdhi

Edhi was born in 1928 in Bantva, India. His father traded in cloth and the family weren’t very well off. His parents encouraged him to be considerate and helpful towards others and always sent him to school with two coins, one to spend on himself and the other to spend on someone else. Following the creation of India and Pakistan in 1947, the family moved to Karachi in Pakistan. In 1951 Edhi opened a small pharmacy with money he had saved up, and dispensed medicines to the sick and poor. When a major flu epidemic swept Karachi in 1957, Edhi was quick to react and distributed free medicines. Grateful local residents donated generously to Edhi and, after hearing of his deeds, people from all over Pakistan sent money. He used the donations to start a charity called The Edhi Foundation. He expanded the pharmacy and opened a free maternity centre. Shortly afterwards, a businessman donated a large sum to Edhi and with the money he purchased an ambulance which he drove himself. Today the Foundation has over 600 ambulances which respond to emergency calls all over the country, day and night. Abdul Sattar Edhi has earned a reputation as being a very selfless and modest man. Despite the fact the Foundation has a $10 million budget, Edhi takes nothing for himself and continues to live very simply.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

[1]        philanthropist = a rich person who helps poor people or people in need

Предварительный просмотр:

Карточка участника A

Candidate A

Festivals (compare, contrast and speculate)

What kind of people might be interested in such events?



Карточка участника B

Candidate B

Superstitions (compare, contrast and speculate)

What kind of people might choose to believe such superstitions?



Предварительный просмотр:


Time: 30 minutes.

You have found the following text on the Internet. Comment on this piece of information.

E - learning: Hazy past – better future?

How much of an effect does technology have on students' learning? A significant one, it seems, according to experts. For the last fifteen years, there have been countless studies made of the impact of technology on helping students to learn. Currently available technologies, the most important of which are computers and the Internet, apparently provide a learning environment in which problem-solving and intellectual enquiry can flourish. Or so the theory goes.

Write about 180 – 200 words.

Remember to

  • make an introduction;
  • express your personal opinion on the influence of technology on students’ learning and give reasons for your opinion;
  • make a conclusion.

Write in your own words. DO NOT quote from the given text.


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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