Олимпиадное задание по английскому языку для 6 классов
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Олимпиадное задание по английскому языку для 6 классов
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Олимпиадное задание по английскому языку для 6 классов
- Listening
- Reading
Task A. Read the text:
Popularity – популярность
Explain – объяснять
A peacock – павлин
Appear – появляться
Modest – скромный
Explanation – объяснение
One day, a group of animals is sitting together in the forest and talking about the popularity of the elephant. They all know that the elephant is the most popular animal in the forest, but not one of them can explain this fact.
The giraffe says, “I don’t understand why the elephant is so popular. His neck is not long. My neck is the longest. I am the tallest animal in the forest.”
The peacock says, “I don’t understand why the elephant is so popular. His tail is not as beautiful as my tail. I am the most beautiful animal in the forest.”
The rabbit says, “I don’t understand why the elephant is so popular. He can’t run as fast as I can. I am the fastest animal in the forest.”
The bear says, “I don’t understand why the elephant is so popular. He is not strong as I am. I am the strongest animal in the forest.”
At this moment the elephant himself appears. He is larger and stronger than any of the animals. But he is always modest. This is the real explanation for his popularity.
1). Find true and false sentences:
1. The giraffe has a long tail.
2. The bear has a long neck.
3. The rabbit can run fast.
4. The elephant is large and strong.
5. The peacock is the most popular animal.
6. The bear has a beautiful tail.
7. The peacock is the most modest.
8. The giraffe has a very long neck.
2) . Find out what animals are not mentioned in the text;
A rabbit, a lion, a mouse, a bear, a pig, an elephant, a frog, a giraffe, a tiger, a horse, a peacock.
3) . Complete the sentence to make it true.
The elephant is so popular in the forest because
1. he is strong.
2. he is large.
3. he is always modest.
Task B.
Task C. Read the text.
London Fog
were losing their way - блуждали
bumped - наткнулся
a stranger - незнакомец
blind – слепой
It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxies were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog.
Mr Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one could take him. He tried to walk there but found that he was quite lost. Suddenly he bumped into a stranger. The stranger asked if he could help him. Mr Smith answered he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger told him he would take him there. Mr Smith thanked him and they started to walk there.
The fog was getting thicker with every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. He walked along one street, turned down another, crossed a square and at last after about half an hour’s walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament.
Mr Smith couldn’t understand how the stranger found his way.
“It’s wonderful”, he said. “How do you find the way in this fog”?
“It’s no trouble at all to me, sir,” said the stranger. “I’m blind”.
I. Answer the questions using the right variant:
- What kind of weather was in London that day?
A. rainy
B. windy
C. foggy
D. snowy
2. How did the people move in such weather?
A. by bus
B. by car
C. by taxi
D. on foot
3. Where did Mr Smith have a very important meeting?
A. at the House of Lords
B. at the House of Commons
C. at the restaurant
D. at St. Paul’s Cathedral
4. Whom did he meet in the fog?
A. a friend
B. a stranger
C. a driver
D. a young lady
5. How much time did it take them to get to the Houses of Parliament?
A. a quarter of an hour
B. half an hour
C. one hour
D. an hour and a half
6. What was the weather like when they were walking to the Houses of Parliament?
A. it started raining
B. it started snowing
C. the fog was clearing
D. the fog was getting thicker
7. Why was it easy for the stranger to find the way in a fog?
A. he saw everything
B. he had a map of the city
C. he was blind
D. somebody told him where to go
- Use of English
Task A.
Fill in the blanks with “who”, “what’, “when”, “when”, “where”, “why”, “how much”, “how many”, “what time”, “how often”.
1. - _________does Kate usually go for a walk?
- In the park.
2. - _________do they visit their Granny?
- Once a week.
3. - _________do you usually wear at the party?
- My grey suit.
4. - _________does Jane usually come from work?
- At seven o’clock.
5. - _________does she put on a coat in winter?
- Because it’s cold outside.
6. - _________do you read detective stories?
- Because they are interesting.
7. - _________likes to eat sweets?
- My little sister.
8. - _________hamburgers does he always eat for breakfast?
- Two or three.
9. - __________time does it take her to walk to school?
- Fifteen minutes.
10. - _________do you leave home for work?
- At eight o’clock.
Task B.
Fill in the blanks putting the verbs into their correct form.
Watch, have, spend, play, want, water, live, visit.
1. Susan usually-----------her summer holidays in Sweden.
2. He seldom --------------us in summer.
3. Ben sometimes ----------------TV in the evening.
4. They often ---------------------in the park.
5. She----------------to be an actress.
6. Jane --------------flowers every day.
7. My friends ----------------in New York.
8. We ------------------two English lessons.
Task C.
Put the verb into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
My parents ( 1. be) at home now. They ( 2. not go) to work on Saturday. And now they (3. play) chess. They often (4. play) chess. They (5. like) to play this game. My father(6. play) chess very well. My sister (7. try on) a new dress in the next room now. She (8. go) to a disco club now. I (9. play) with my pet now. It (10. be) a dog. I (11. not like) to play with my toys. I (12. like) to look after my pet.
- Writing
Write a letter to your friend telling her(him) about your preparations for your school New Year party. Use about 100 words.
Dear ……,
I’d like to congratulate you on the coming New Year and tell you about our preparations for it.
First we……
Next ……
And finally….
What about you? Do you………?
I wish you…….
My best regards to your family and friends.
With best wishes,
your friend……
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