Методическая разработка " Welcome to Russia"
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Методическая разработка " Welcome to Russia"
Welcome to Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naf4DNAZNaU
Welcome to Russia 2
Window on Russia. Презентация о России.
Топики на англйском языке на ЯКЛАССЕ
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This is the national Ural dish with a funny name. It is similar to dumpling and varenyky but made from minced meat and has got a broth inside that’s why it is called « posikunchiki »
The border of Russia and China in this place between these twin-towns is only 700 metres .
This is the farthest North-West of Russia where there is no internet, mobile phone services, TV, etc. Even time ________ by days of mileage or breaks between meals. The nature is the most ______. The weather is _________ here – 30-35 degrees above zero in summer and 55-60 degrees below zero in winter. It’s often ______ and ______. If you ____ Russian and want to visit this place, you sh ou ld have a special tourist voucher but if you are a ________ you need a visa for 60 days. measure beauty change mist / cloud be foreign Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words. Guess about the place.
Match the words and guess the name of city Peter the Winter St. Isaac’s Russian the Great Palace Museum Cathedral Peter and Paul Fortress
Order the words to make sentences and guess about the city border /is /the /on /Asia/ biggest/ This /city the /of /and /Europe. bicycle/ invented /in/ Here /the /was/ first /1801. found / This/ 100 /city /nations /was /an /iron /melted/ but/ now/ over /as /live/ there /factory.
Match the parts of sentences to guess about the city That Kremlin is still unknown. Salvador Dali’s wife was a heritage of UNESCO. This city is born there. The origin of the located on the river Volga . name of this city is
In 2004 a village Kukuboy became a homeland of this character of Russian fairy tales. She is a friend of man who can die from something hidden in egg.
Prototype of this toy is a bald headed wise man Furukuma that was brought in Moscow from Japan in 1890. Its authors are a turner Vasiliy Zvezdochkin and an artist Sergey Malutin .
Fill in the map. What is it?
The north-west of the permafrost kingdom where diamond are mined has an original name « Улюю Черкечех » . How is it called nowadays?
This bridge of E.K. Knoppe made by project of Russian engineer L.D. Proskuryakov awarded the gold medal as the greatest achievement of technical idea in Paris in 1900. Now you can see it on a 10-rouble bank-note and in this city.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Project «Welcome to Russia»
Project «Welcome to Russia»...
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Авторское учебное пособие\'\'Welcome to Russia\'\'( "Добро пожаловать в Россию") предназначено для обучения социобикультурной компетенции учащихся 10-11 классов...
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