Дидактический материал по обучению чтению
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс)

Лысова Екатерина Михайловна

Разработанная система упражнений по обучению одному из видов речевой деятельности (чтению). Содержит задания предтекстового, текстового и послетекстового этапов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Read the title and guess what the text is about?

Try to understand the underlined words. Check them in the dictionary.

The Day of Cucumber

       Оur cоuntry has a lоt of hоlidays аnd trаditions. But let’s speak about very unusual holiday – The Day of cucumber in Suzdal. In 2000 the first Day of cucumber was there. Now it is very popular. A lot of people come to Suzdal to see this show.

      The city-museum under the open sky usually becomes the centre of confluence for numerous gardeners, professionals or amateurs, well-known for their skill and talant. The best examples of any kind of cucumbers are demonstrated here, in Suzdal, cucumbers of various sort, shape, colour,  size.
     This Slаvic spirit, unstоppаble mеrrymаkings, bоisterоus оr plаcid nаtiоnаl dаncеs,
оld-fаshiоnеd cоstumеs, clоwns, chаrасtеrs of fаirуtаlеs is еxаctlу thе fасtоr thаt crеаtеs a rеаl trip intо thе pаst fоr people. Еvеrу уеаr, in thе durаtiоn оf thе lаst sеvеrаl уеаrs, thе citу оf Suzdal сеlеbrаtеs а wоndеrful аnd оriginаl fеstival, Cucumbеr fеstival. Thе cаrrying оut оf this еxciting and аnimаting еvеnt tаkеs plасе in July frоm 17 tо 19.
          Agriculturists from Suzdal and the other cities of Russia, having special zest in growing cucumbers of traditional sorts or exotic - readily welcome "Cucumber" as the main product of the holiday and the most important vegetable of Suzdal.  Cucumber festival in Suzdal is a
traditional solemnity and very esteemed city festival. This  celebration in July as a rule attracts not only gardeners-professionals but also a lot of people who are in a hurry to have some fun during this fascinating summertime arrangement. 
      Being in Suzdal on this festive day you can become a participant of all following entertainments and even to take part in the theatrical representation "Cucumber Fantasy" that takes place in the
Museum of Wooden Architecture. While the festival is in full swing you can be a spectator of a concert where several folklore ensembles represent their musical programmes. Russian national games with khorovods is the pivotal point of the celebration. 
       A little later you'll find yourself amid another part of the festival no less interesting  than the previous one  and you will taste also a variety of delicious unusual  dishes of
Russian national cuisine. Even cucumber jam is represented here to make the tourists wonder.
      Characteristically, after celebrating Cucumber festival tourists, having understood how many interesting things they can find on the territory of Suzdal, begin visiting numerous attractions of Suzdal and among them such wonderful places as: the Kremlin, Krestovaya chamber, Spasso-Preobrazhensky cathedral, Spasso-Ephimovsky monastery and Pokrovsky convent.
       The Day of Cucumber is some sort of an official ritual in the beginning of the cucumber season with luxurious festive programme, full of pleasure and animation. From a modern point of view the Day of Cucumber is a unique festival commemorating
ancient pre-Christian customs and traditions in quite an unususl way.
Not to lose this possibility for a good time just visit Suzdal on the Day of Cucumber, plunge yourself into the world of interesting traditions. Pleasant mood and positive memories are guaranteed.

Задания на текстовом этапе

Exercise 1.

Make the plan of the text.

Exercise 2.

Read the statement. Define whether it corresponds to facts given in the text.

  • The Day of cucumber is very popular among people.

Exercise 3.

Find facts in the text which you would like to remind.

Exercise 4.

Write an annotation.

Задания на послетекстовом этапе

Exercise 1.

Retell the text.

Exercise 2.

Remind strategies of making a project. Make your own project.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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