Презентация на тему: Tests.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
A test may be defined as an activity whose main purpose is to convey how well the testee knows or can do something. 2
Reasons for testing Tests may be used as a means to: Give the teacher information about where the students are at the moment, to help decide what to teach next. Give the students information about what they know, so that they also have an awareness of what they need to learn or review. Motivate students to learn or review specific material. Provide a clear indication that the class has reached a “station” in learning, such as the end of the unit. Provide students with a sense of achievement and progress in their learning. 3
Common testing techniques 4
Questions and answers. Simple questions very often following reading or as part of an interview, may require short or long answers. 5
True/false A statement is given which is to be marked true or false. This may also be given as a question, in which case the answer is “yes” or “no”. 6
Multiple choice The question consists of a stem and a number of options (usually four), from which the testee has to select the right one. 7
Gap filling and completion The testee has to complete a sentence by filling a gap or adding something. A gap may or may not be signalled by a blank or dash; the word to be inserted may or may not be given or hinted at. 8
Matching The testee is faced with two groups of words, phrases or sentences; each item in the first group has to be linked to a different item in the second. Large-small 9
Cloze Words are omitted from a passage at regular intervals. Usually the first two or three lines are given with no gaps. A cloze test is a gap-fill exercise using a longer text and with a consistent number of words between gaps. 10
Dictation The teacher dictates a passage or set of words , the testee writes them down. 11
Transformation A sentence is given; the testee has to change it according to some given instruction. Put in the past tense. I go to school by bus. He liked the theatre but hated the play. Although … Although he liked the theatre, he hated the play. 12
Rewriting A sentence is given; the testee rewrites it, incorporating a given change of expression, but preserving the basic meaning. 13
Using given words Put one word from the list below in each gap. Thought, switched, unlocked, arrived. He (1) _____home late that night. etc. 14
Sentence construction and reconstruction Rearranging words. brother/much/he’s/than/his/taller. 15
Finding and correcting mistakes Cross out the incorrect word. When I will visit you, I’ll see your new house. 16
Translation The testee is asked to translate expressions, sentences or entire passages to or from the target language. 17
Essay The testee is given a topic, such as “Childhood memories”, and asked to write an essay of a specific length. 18
Monologue The testee is given a topic or question and asked to speak about it for a minute or two . 19
Putting jigsaw pieces together. Which beginning goes with which ending? He planted a) the seeds She picked b) red apples 20
Bibliography Penny Ur. A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory. J. Scrivener. Learning Teaching . 21
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