Вершины мира.Buildings big
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
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Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе
УМК: Spotlight English - 6
Тема урока: Вершины мира.Buildings big
I The beginning of the lesson.\4 мин\
- Greetings.
There are a lot of big buildings in the world. And today we are going to talk about them.
II Phonetic Drill \4 мин\
- Look at the screen and let’s read the names of these buildings.
Empire State Building (443 m)
Burj Khalifa (828 m)
Big Ben (96 m)
Eiffel Tower (324m)
Petronas Towers (452 m)
Ostankino Tower (540 m)
- Now match the buildings to the countries
Keys: 1 – c, 2 – e, 3 – f, 4 – d, 5 – b, 6 – a
III Speech Drill (повторение грамматического материала: степени сравнения прилагательных) \4 мин\
- Answer the questions:
- Which building is taller Big Ben or the Ostankino Tower?(the Ostankino Tower)
- Which building is the tallest?(Burj Khalifa)
- Is the Empire State Building taller than the Eiffel Tower?(Yes, it is)
- Where is the tallest building in the world?(the United Arab Emirates)
- Which building is the lowest?(Big Ben)
IV Listening and reading \ 12 мин\
- Open your books at p. 81, ex.3.
- Let`s listen to the text about…
Звучит запись. Дети следят по тексту(2 мин)
- Read the numbers
- Read the difficult words: New York, view, high, inside, light, climb, built, building, office spaces, straight, amazing, occasion, Observatory, choose, complete, colours,
- Let`s read the text.
The ESB is the tallest building in New York. It is 443 metres high and has 103 floors. It was built in 1930, and took one year and forty-five days to complete.
The ESB is one of the largest office spaces in the world, but it also has many shops and restaurants inside.
The ESB has 73 super fast lifts. The fastest of these travel from the ground to the 80th floor is only 45 seconds! If you choose to walk to the top, you need to climb 1860 steps.
At the ESB most visitors go straight to the Observatory on the 86th floor. The view is amazing. On a clear day you can see for miles around. Looking at the ESB from a distance is also great. The top floors are decorated with beautiful lights. These change colours every day. Depending on the occasion, the building can be white, green, blue, purple, red or orange!
If you are ever in New York, don’t forget to visit the ESB. It offers the best view of New York, and it is one of the city’s historic buildings.
- Mark the statements (T) for True, (F) for False.
- The Empire State Building is the tallest building in New York (T).
- The Empire State Building has got many offices, shops and restaurants inside(T)
- You can get to the top of the Empire State Building in 45 seconds(F)
- The lights on the top floors of the Empire State Building change colours every day(T).
- The Empire State Building has no lifts(F).
Keys: 1 – F, 2 – T, 3 – F, 4 – T, 5 – F
VI. Time to relax \2 мин\
VII Writing a factfile (all class) \5 мин\ = facts about an object
- Let`s make a factfile about the Empire State Building:
Name: ……………..the Empire State Building
City:…………………..New York
When built:………………………………1930
Height: ……………………443 m
Number of floors: ……………………103
Inside:………………offices, shops, restaurants, observatory deck
What visitors can do\see there:…………………………….enjoy an amazing view of the city, have a snack, relax
VII Speaking \2 мин\
(1)is the tallest building in (2).
It was built in (3).
It is (4) high.
It has got (5) floors.
It has got (6).
Visitors can (7) every day
The Empire State Building is the tallest building in New York. It was built in 1930. It is 443 metres high. It has got 103 floors. It has got a lot of offices, shops, restaurants and an observatory deck inside. Visitors can enjoy an amazing view of the city every day.
VIII. Group work \10 мин\
- Now let`s split into 5 groups. The leader from each group chooses the card with the name of the building
- Let`s write a factfile about some buildings:
The 1st group (the Burj Khalifa)
The 2nd group (the Ostankino Tower)
The 3rd group (Big Ben)
The 4th group (the Eiffel Tower)
The 5th group (The Petronas Towers)
- Tell the class about the tallest buildings.
- Your homework will be to make a factfile about any tallest building of the world.
X. The end of the lesson. Reflection. 2 мин
Our lesson is ending.
Did you like it? What new have you learnt? What was difficult for you?
Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It was very pleasant to work with you.
Your marks for the lesson are….
Good bye!
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