Контрольная работа 11 класс
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
для проведения промежуточной аттестации (контрольной работы) за курс по английскому языку в 11 классе
за 2018-2019 учебный год
Промежуточная аттестация (контрольная работа) по английскому языку для 11 классов проводится в форме заданий с выбором ответов, заданий с кратким ответом и заданий с развернутым ответом. Задания с выбором ответов - в виде букв; задания с кратким ответом – в виде слова или словосочетания; задания с развернутым ответом – в виде предложений.
Цель работы - оценить уровень подготовки обучающихся 11 класса по английскому языку, осуществить диагностику предметных и метапредметных результатов обучения.
Вариант 1 включает 25 заданий. Верное выполнение задание оценивается одним (1) баллом. Для получения положительной оценки необходимо набрать не менее 12 баллов.
Вариант 2 включает 27 заданий. Верное выполнение задание оценивается одним (1) баллом. Для получения положительной оценки необходимо набрать не менее 13 баллов.
План работы
Вариант 1
№ задания | Проверяемый элемент содержания | Код проверяемого знания | Код проверяемого умения | Уровень сложности | Maксимальный балл |
1-5 | Лексические единицы, обслуживающие ситуации в рамках тематики основной школы Наиболее распространенные устойчивые словосочетания | 5.3.1 5.3.2 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
6-10 | Аффиксы глаголов: re-, dis-, mis-; -ize/ise. Аффиксы существительных: -er/-or, -ness, -ist, -ship, -ing, -sion/tion, -ance/ence, -ment, -ity/-ty. Аффиксы прилагательных: -y, -ic, -ful, -al, -ly, -ian/an, - ent, -ing, -ous, -ible/able, -less, -ive, inter-, un-, in-/im-. Суффикс наречий -ly. Суффиксы числительных: -teen, -ty, -th | 5.3.6 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
11-15 | Выборочное понимание нужной/интересующей информации из текста (просмотровое/поисковое чтение) | 3.2 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
16-20 | Распознавание и использование в речи глаголов в наиболее употребительных временны́х формах действительного залога: Present Simple, Future Simple и Past Simple, Present и Past Continuous, Present и Past Perfect Распознавание и употребление в речи глаголов в следующих формах страдательного залога: Present Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive | 2.3.15 2.3.16 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
21-25 | Основные значения лексических единиц, обслуживающих ситуации в рамках тематики основной школы Признаки и значение изученных грамматических явлений | 3.1.1 3.2.2 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
План работы
Вариант 2
№ задания | Проверяемый элемент содержания | Код проверяемого знания | Код проверяемого умения | Уровень сложности | Maксимальный балл |
№1 1-10 | Аффиксы глаголов: re-, dis-, mis-; -ize/ise. Аффиксы существительных: -er/-or, -ness, -ist, -ship, -ing, -sion/tion, -ance/ence, -ment, -ity/-ty. Аффиксы прилагательных: -y, -ic, -ful, -al, -ly, -ian/an, - ent, -ing, -ous, -ible/able, -less, -ive, inter-, un-, in-/im-. Суффикс наречий -ly. Суффиксы числительных: -teen, -ty, -th | 5.3.6 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
№2 1-5 | Лексические единицы, обслуживающие ситуации в рамках тематики основной школы Наиболее распространенные устойчивые словосочетания | 5.3.1 5.3.2 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
№3 1-5 | Выборочное понимание нужной/интересующей информации из текста (просмотровое/поисковое чтение) | 3.2 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
№ 4 1-7 | Основные значения лексических единиц, обслуживающих ситуации в рамках тематики основной школы Признаки и значение изученных грамматических явлений | 3.1.1 3.2.2 | 1.1 | Базовый | 1 |
* Коды контролируемых элементов содержания и проверяемых требований к уровню подготовки соответствуют кодам, опубликованным в проекте демоверсии ОГЭ-2018 по английскому языку на сайте www.fipi.ru
Промежуточная аттестация (контрольная работа) по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ в 11 классе
- Соотнесите фразовые глаголы с их определениями:
1. To make up one’s mind A. to find in a book
2. To take off B. to look after
3. To look up C. to find or meet someone or something by
4. To take care D. to leave the ground in a plane
5. To come across E. to decide
II. Заполните пропуски словами преобразованными от слов, данных в конце строк. Слова должны грамматически и лексически соответствовать смыслу предложения.
6. In case you want to feel pleasure from your work,
make sure that it ____________ doing an activity that include
you like.
7. Young ladies were _________ in those days, and spent good
their free time making toy models or looking at
their dress collections.
8. The invention led to many important _________________, discovery
Including ‘germ theory’, the idea that bacteria
cause disease.
9. Hollywood is, of course, is the capital of cinema industry mixed with nation
different _____________________ .
10. But not eating properly may have serious
consequences on a child’s ___ ________________and physical speak
development, resulting in poorer performance
at school.
III. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1 – 5.
Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
- New developments
- More peaceful world
- Information online
- Communication improved
- Entertainment online
- New relationships online
11. As we know, approximately fifty years ago television was introduced, making the world
smaller by bringing images from all four corners of the world into our homes. Over the
last decade or so, a breakthrough in technology has come into our lives which is making
the world even smaller: the Internet. With a PC and a telephone line, we are now
connected to the whole world in a matter of seconds.
12. It is now possible to speak to relatives and friends anywhere in the world cheaply and
quickly. It is even possible, with something called a webcam, to see and hear them at the
same time. It was not that long ago that the only way to communicate with family
members who were far away was by letter, which could take days or sometimes weeks to
reach its destination.
13. The Internet also allows us to access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. If we have
a question on any subject at all from history to mathematics or philosophy to geography,
it can be discovered on the Net. We can find out the latest news or what the weather is
going to be like. Many subjects that required the reading of books and were once only
available to a few people are now available to everybody.
14. The Internet not only means that we can communicate with loved ones but also with
complete strangers. By using “chat” services, it is possible to meet and exchange ideas
with people from all over the world. It is sometimes unbelievable to think that the person
we are writing to may be thousands of miles away, living in a completely different culture
with a way of life that is nothing like our own. Of course, to be able to do this, we must
speak the same language and that’s why most communication on the Internet takes place
in English.
15. Other services are also available through the Internet. One of these which provides hours
of pleasure for many people is the ability to download songs and music from other
people. This has also helped to bring down cultural barriers as we are able to hear all the
different kinds of music that exist all over the world. This helps us to understand other
cultures better and makes us familiar with what used to be regarded as something
completely foreign and strange to us.
IV. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужные формы:
16. The Scotch tapes_________________________(to become ) quite popular by the end of 1928.
17. Many improvements _____________ (to make) in designing space rockets in Russia by the
beginning of the 21st century.
18. Mendeleev ___________________________________ (to describe) more than 60 elements.
19. Melodramas __________________________________ (to write) for girls.
20. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable _______________ (to be) the stars in the film “Gone with the Wind.”
V. Составьте предложения:
21. He, the fear, when, seriously, ill, of death, was, suffered, he
22. result, many, of, are lightning, the, fires, park, the, in
23. who, in, an, Jonnie Depp, adventure, played, action, of, American, films, is, actor, and
24. beginning, invented, century, the, at, telephone, the, of, nineteenth, of, was
25. I, the video, for, months, haven’t, recorder, used, three
Задание 1
Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.
I have just finished an absolutely (1)________ book by Charlotte | MARVEL |
Brontë called Jane Eyre. It is one of the most (2)_____________ | FORGET |
books I have ever read. Although it was written over 150 years ago, it is still a very (3) ____________ book. It was written in an recorded on a | POWER |
(4) ___________ way, with vivid characters and an exciting plot. Charlotte Brontë, one of the finest English (5) ______________ | IMAGINE NOVEL |
of the last century, was born in 1816 and died in 1855, after publishing three novels. She was one of three sisters, all of whom wrote (6) __________ novels. Jane Eyre was Charlotte's | SUCCESS |
second novel and was (7) ___________ popular. What I like about | IMMEDIATE |
Jane Eyre is the (8) ___________ of a young girl's struggle for | DESCRIBE |
freedom and (9)____________ . The heroine, Jane, has a difficult | DEPEND |
childhood and although the rich and powerful try to take | |
advantage of her, she refuses to give up her (10) _____________ . | FREE |
Задание 2
Match the words to make typical phrases and expressions. Translate.
at all | A | a doubt | |
without | B | rate | |
out of | C | mistake | |
at any | D | costs | |
by | E | tune |
Задание 3
Five sentences have been removed from the text. Read it and complete gaps 1-5 with sentences
A-F. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use.
A And unfortunately, things are not looking good for our penguin pals.
B However, there is no doubt at all that Antarctic temperatures are warming overall.
С Otherwise, the only penguins your children will have the chance to see will be the stuffed ones like Percy.
D On the other hand, there is no reason to think the Adélie Land penguins would be any worse affected than other colonies.
Е Because emperor penguins are likely to be melted out of house and home by climate change, according to a new study.
F What causes even more concern is that there are no signs that emperor penguins are adapting to these changes in the climate.
Is this the End for Penguins?
We all love penguins. Well, I do, anyway. I slept with one for over ten years. OK, he was only a stuffed toy, but Percy the Penguin meant a lot to me. And now he means a lot to my daughter. Penguins are cute, they're funny when they walk, elegant when they swim, and they manage to survive in an environment so harsh we can hardly imagine what it's like. I remember crying when I saw the film March of the Penguins about how the adult emperor penguins walk huge distances inland from the sea; how the adult males balance the eggs precariously on their toes to protect them from the freezing cold of the ice; how the mothers return to the sea in search of food; all to make sure that their chicks hatch safely. There's no doubt in my mind, the world would be a sadder place without penguins.
Nevertheless, I'm afraid we might have to prepare ourselves for a world like that. (1) ______ Earlier studies had suggested that Antarctica's penguins were already suffering from warming temperatures. But now a group of researchers have combined what is known about emperor penguin ecology with forecasts from climate change models to predict the future of the species.
(2) _________ The models predict that, unless fossil fuels are phased out, there is more than a one-in-three chance that ninety-five per cent of the Adélie Land colony of eastern Antarctica – the best studied emperor penguin colony – will be gone by 2100.
Penguins rely on floating sea ice to nest and feed. The way males incubate eggs, on the top of their feet, depends on having a level, smooth surface to shuffle over; and the krill they eat consume small organisms that live on the underside of sea ice. Unfortunately, in the late 1970s, warmer temperatures brought a decline in sea ice and the Adélie Land colony shrank by half. It has been more or less stable since, and has even grown slightly in recent years, which Henri Weimerskirch, one of the authors of the study, says is probably due to a slight regional cooling in eastern Antarctica.
(3) _________ Moreover, as Weimerskirch says, "there is a tight link between temperatures and the species' survival". He adds that, regardless of some uncertainty in climate models, it is clear that by 2100 there will be much less sea ice in Antarctica. (4) _________
Penguins are not alone in their struggle against the effects of global warming. According to some predictions, more than one third of all the animal and plant species on Earth could be extinct by 2050 if we do not bring greenhouse gas emissions under stricter control. This would be a disaster both for biodiversity and for human society.
So, if you want to stop this, if you want your children to grow up in a world where emperor penguins still live in the wild, you'd better take some action to stop global warming. (5) _____
Задание 4 Составьте предложения переведите:
1. (do/for/I/afraid/not/I/you/anything/am/else/can)
2. (you/leave/the/for/do/time/want/to/airport/what?)
3. (wasn't/at/teacher/asked/our/me/why/my/working/desk/I)
4. (article ,is translating, he , this, for, me)
5. (letter, do not send, to, him, this)
6. (friends, them, I, am introducing, to, my)
7. (new, a, children, for. they, are, building, sport centre).
Вариант/ Задания | Вариант 1 | Вариант 2 |
1 | E | marvellous/marvelous |
2 | D | unforgettable |
3 | A | powerful |
4 | B | imaginative |
5 | C | novelists |
6 | includes | successful |
7 | better | immediately |
8 | discoveries | description |
9 | nations/nationalities | independence |
10 | speech | freedom |
11 | A | D |
12 | D | A |
13 | C | E |
14 | F | B |
15 | E | C |
16 | have become | E |
17 | have been made | A |
18 | described | B |
19 | are written | F |
20 | were | C |
21 | When he was seriously ill, he suffered the fear of death | I am afraid I can not do anything else for you. |
22 | Many fires in the park are the result of lightning. | What time do you want to leave for the airport? |
23 | Jonnie Depp is an American actor who played in adventure and action films. | Our teacher asked me why I wasn’t working at my desk. |
24 | A telephone was invented at the beginning of the nineteenth century | He is translating this article for me. |
25 | I haven’t used the video recorder for three months | Don’t send this letter to him |
26 | I am introducing them to my friends | |
26 | They are building a new sport centre for children |
Вариант 1
При проверке работы за задания 1-25 выставляется по 1 баллу, если ответ правильный, и по 0 баллов, если ответ неправильный.
Максимальное количество баллов: 25.
Вариант 2
При проверке работы за задания 1-26 выставляется по 1 баллу, если ответ правильный, и по 0 баллов, если ответ неправильный.
Максимальное количество баллов: 26.
Вариант 1
Баллы | 0 - 11 | 12-16 | 17 - 21 | 22-25 |
Оценка | «2» | «3» | «4» | «5» |
Вариант 2
Баллы | 0 - 12 | 13-17 | 18 - 23 | 24-27 |
Оценка | «2» | «3» | «4» | «5» |
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