Контрольная работа 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Сенчикова Вера Вячеславовна

Контрольная работа 10 класс


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 для проведения промежуточной аттестации (контрольной работы) за курс по английскому языку в 10 классе

за 2017-2018 учебный год

Промежуточная аттестация (контрольная работа) по английскому языку для 10 классов проводится в форме заданий с выбором ответов, заданий с кратким ответом и заданий с развернутым ответом. Задания с выбором ответов - в виде букв; задания с кратким ответом – в виде слова или словосочетания; задания с развернутым ответом – в виде предложений.

Цель работы - оценить уровень подготовки обучающихся 10 класса по английскому языку, осуществить диагностику предметных и метапредметных результатов обучения.

Вариант 1 включает 26 заданий. Верное выполнение задания оценивается одним (1) баллом. Верное выполнение заданий 1-6 и 17-22 оценивается одним (1) баллом;

заданий 7-10 и 13-15  – двумя (2) баллами; заданий 11, 12 и 16 – четырьмя (4) баллами.

Для получения положительной оценки необходимо набрать не менее 13 баллов.

Вариант 2 включает 25 заданий. Верное выполнение задания оценивается одним (1) баллом. Верное выполнение заданий 1-5 и 16-21 оценивается одним (1) баллом;

заданий 6-15 и 22-25  – двумя (2) баллами.

Для получения положительной оценки необходимо набрать не менее 13 баллов.

План работы

Вариант 1

№ задания

Проверяемый элемент содержания


проверяемого знания

Код проверяемого


Уровень сложности

Maксимальный балл



Употребление предлогов во фразах, выражающих

направление, время, место действия







Распознавание и использование в речи глаголов в наиболее

употребительных временны́х формах действительного залога:

Present Simple, Future Simple и Past Simple, Present и Past

Continuous, Present и Past Perfect







Распознавание и употребление в речи глаголов в следующих

формах страдательного залога: Present Simple Passive, Future

Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive







Выборочное понимание нужной/интересующей

информации из текста (просмотровое/поисковое






План работы

Вариант 2

№ задания

Проверяемый элемент содержания


проверяемого знания

Код проверяемого


Уровень сложности

Maксимальный балл



Употребление предлогов во фразах, выражающих

направление, время, место действия







Распознавание и использование в речи глаголов в наиболее

употребительных временны́х формах действительного залога:

Present Simple, Future Simple и Past Simple, Present и Past

Continuous, Present и Past Perfect







Распознавание и употребление в речи глаголов в следующих

формах страдательного залога: Present Simple Passive, Future

Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive







Выборочное понимание нужной/интересующей

информации из текста (просмотровое/поисковое






* Коды контролируемых элементов содержания и проверяемых требований к уровню подготовки соответствуют кодам, опубликованным в проекте демоверсии ОГЭ-2018 по английскому языку на сайте www.fipi.ru

Промежуточная аттестация (контрольная работа)

по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ в 10 классе


  1. Choose the right preposition. Write and translate.

1. …the way, where are my books?

a) From    b) At   c) By   d) With

2. …Sunday afternoon I usually go for a walk in the country.

a) At  b) After   c) In   d) On

3. Who is the woman … that photograph?

a) on    b) in    c) at    d) of

4. It has been raining …three days without stopping.

a) for    b) during   c) while   d) in

5. I saw Jack … the football match on Saturday.

a) in    b) on  c) at  d) until

6. We will still be here … summer.

  1. a) in   b) on  c) at  d) to
  2. Write the verbs in the proper tense form. Name the verb tense.

7. Everybody in our family (help) mummy about the house.

8. At the moment we (fly) over the desert.

9. He (be) fourteen next year.

10. I (buy) a new dress yesterday.

11. It (rain) heavily as I (walk) towards their house.

12. While my son (wait) for his friend’s call, I cook dinner.

13. Why are you looking so unhappy? – I (loose) my puppy.

14. Ten minutes ago I (hear) a strange noise.

15. Let’s go for a walk. It (not rain) now.

16. When I (arrive), Tom (speak) over the phone.

  1. Rewrite in the Passive Voice.

17. Vandals scratched the car door.

18. Scientists in Rome have discovered a new planet.

19. The president will open the new national museum.

20. A local firm is building a new school.

21. Many of the guests did not use the swimming pool.

22. A young man helped the two children.

  1. Read the text and choose the right variant. Write the chosen variant and translate. Find, write and translate the proof from the text.

Economy wasted trip

An Englishman who was in France wanted to go back to England by sea. But he had very little money. He had so little money that he could pay only for the ticket. As he knew that the trip would last only two days, he decided not to eat during these days.

        As he took a ticket and got on the ship the next morning, he tried not to hear the bell for breakfast. When dinner time came, he was very hungry; but he didn’t go to the dining-room. In the evening he was still more hungry, but when the waiter came to invite him to have supper, the Englishman said that he was ill.

        The next day the Englishman was half-dead and couldn’t stand the hunger any longer. “I shall go and eat even if they kick me out into the sea”, said he to himself. So he went to the ship dining-room and had his dinner. In the evening he had supper but was very much afraid of his future because he didn’t pay for the meals. At last he addressed the waiter and said: “Bring me the bill, please”. – “What bill?” asked the waiter. – “For the supper and dinner I had in your dining-room”. – “Don’t trouble, Sir. You paid for your meals when you bought the ticket”.

  1. The Englishman wanted to go back to England
  1. by air         2. by sea                 3. by car
  2. The Englishman decided not to go to the dining-room because
  1. he wasn’t hungry      2. he cooked meals himself     3. he had no money to pay for meals
  1. When the waiter came to invite him to have supper
  1. the Englishman said that he was ill    2.the Englishman pretended that he was sleeping
  1.  the Englishman didn’t answer
  2. The Englishman was afraid of his future because
  1. the meals were bad        2. he didn’t pay for the meal            3. the storm had begun


  1. Choose the right preposition. Write and translate.

1.Do not do many things … the same time.

a) at    b) on   c) in    d) upon

2. It’s a small town in the south … England.

a) –     b) from     c) to    d) of

3. “Couldn’t we go a little faster? I’m … a hurry.”

a) on    b) in    c) at    d) of

4. You must make… your mind.

a) to    b) behind   c) above   d) up

5. We will still be here … summer.

a) in   b) on  c) at  d) to

  1. Write the verbs in the proper tense form. Name the verb tense.

6. I can’t talk now. I (cook) dinner.

7.Harry always (look) untidy.

8.Jim (buy) an expensive car last year.

9.While Rob read, I (do) my homework.

10.He return the book tomorrow.

11.-Tim is so happy. – Yes, he (win) the competition.

12.When my mum phoned, I (brush) my teeth.

13.Yesterday Peter (play) football at 7 p.m.

14.Let’s go for a party. It (be) fantastic.

15.Bob and Lily (dust) the furniture now.

  1. Rewrite in the Passive Voice.

16. They haven’t finished the house yet.

17. More than a million people read this magazine each week.

18. One of the visitors lost the bag.

19. People will eat a lot of food at the party.

20. The guests are taking pictures.

21. Peter supported the project.

  1. Read the text and choose the right variant. Write the chosen variant and translate. Find, write and translate the proof from the text.

Once upon a time there was an old man who dearly loved his only son. His son enjoyed riding horses and swimming in the swift waters of mountain rivers, but most of all he liked hunting. The old man was proud that his son was full of courage but he was afraid of his passion for hunting. Once in a dream he saw that his son would be killed by a huge lion. The poor father was afraid that this dream would come true and decided to save his only son. The man built a nice big house for his son and set in a high place where he could keep his eye on him. The father didn’t allow the young man to leave the house. In order to please and entertain his son, the old man put paintings of every kind of animal in one of the rooms. There was a buffalo, a wolf, an elephant, a rhino and deer in   the pictures. Among them there was a lion. But looking at all the animals did not distract the young man from his boredom.

One day, he approached the painting and spoke angrily to the lion in it:

“You beast, it’s because of you and my father’s lying dream that I am kept here in this prison. I can’t do what I want. I can neither climb the mountains nor hunt in the forest. It’s your fault. What can I do to you?” And as he said this, he struck his fist against the wall to blind the lion. But a small sharp piece of wood got under his fingernail and the young man could not get it out. The old man called for a doctor but the doctor wasn’t able to help his son. The finger became red and hurt unbearably, it increased to an enormous size. Soon the young man died of the fierce fever. The lion, even though it was only a painted one, had indeed killed the young man, just as his father had foreseen.

1.    The old man’s son was against killing animals.
True             False           Not stated

2.    The son liked staying inside the house.
True           False                Not stated

3.    The old man decorated the house with gold.
True             False          Not stated

4.    The old man failed to save his son.
True               False                Not stated



Вариант 1

Вариант 2


c (by)

a (at)


d (on)

d (of)


b (in)

b (in)


a (for)

d (up)


b (on)

a (in)


a (in)

am cooking (Present Continuous)


helps (Present Simple)

looks (Present Simple)


are flying (Present Continuous)

bought (Past Simple)


will be (Future Simple)

was doing (Past Continuous)


bought (Past Simple)

will return (Future Simple)


was raining, was walking

(Past Continuous)

has won (Present Perfect)


was waiting, was cooking

(Past Continuous)

was brushing (Past Continuous)


have lost (Present Perfect)

was playing (Past Continuous)


heard (Past Simple)

will be (Future Simple)


is not raining (Present Continuous)

are dusting (Present Continuous)


arrived (Past Simple),

was speaking (Past Continuous)

The house has not been finished yet.


The door was scratched by vandals.

This magazine is read by more than a million people each week


A new planet has been discovered by scientists in Rome.

The bag was lost by one of the visitors


The new national museum will be opened by the president

A lot of food will be eaten by people at the party


A new school is being built by a local firm.

Pictures are being taken by the guests.


The swimming pool was not used by many of the guests.

The project was supported by Peter.


The two children were helped by a young man.


His son enjoyed riding horses…. but most of all he liked hunting.


by sea

An Englishman who was in France wanted to go back to England by sea

Not stated/False

But looking at all the animals did not distract the young man from his boredom.


he had no money to pay for the meals

He had so little money that he could pay only for the ticket. As he knew that the trip would last only two days, he decided not to eat during these days.


In order to please and entertain his son, the old man put paintings of every kind of animal in one of the rooms.


the Englishman said that he was ill    

In the evening he was still more hungry, but when the waiter came to invite him to have supper, the Englishman said that he was ill.


The lion, even though it was only a painted one, had indeed killed the young man, just as his father had foreseen.


he didn’t pay for the meal      

In the evening he had supper but was very much afraid of his future because he didn’t pay for the meals


Вариант 1

При проверке работы за задания 1-6 и 17-22 выставляется по 1 баллу, если ответ правильный, и по 0 баллов, если ответ неправильный.

За задания 7-10 и 13-15 выставляется по 2 балла, если выбрана правильная глагольная форма и указано правильное глагольное время.

1 балл выставляется, если верно указано только глагольное время, либо выбрана правильно только глагольная форма.  

За задания 23-26 выставляется по 2 балла, если выбран правильный вариант ответа и выписано из текста предложение, подтверждающее выбранный вариант.

1 балл выставляется, если правильно сделан один из двух пунктов задания.

За задания 11, 12 и 16 выставляется по 4 балла, если выбраны правильные глагольные формы и указаны правильные глагольные времена. За каждый правильно выполненный пункт задания выставляется 1 балл.

0 баллов выставляется, если ответ неправильный

Максимальное количество баллов: 46.

Вариант 2

При проверке работы за задания 1-5 и 16-21 выставляется по 1 баллу, если ответ правильный, и по 0 баллов, если ответ неправильный.

За задания 6-15 выставляется по 2 балла, если выбрана правильная глагольная форма и указано правильное глагольное время.

1 балл выставляется, если верно указано только глагольное время, либо выбрана правильно только глагольная форма.  

За задания 22-25 выставляется по 2 балла, если выбран правильный вариант ответа и выписано из текста предложение, подтверждающее выбранный вариант.

1 балл выставляется, если правильно сделан один из двух пунктов задания.

0 баллов выставляется, если ответ неправильный

Максимальное количество баллов: 39.


Вариант 1


0 - 15


28 - 39







Вариант 2


0 - 12


23- 34







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