7e Writing skills 10 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)

Кривко Татьяна Витальевна



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Слайд 1

SPOTLIGHT 10. Module 7e.

Слайд 2

Introduction: - type of film - setting Main body: - details about plot - main characters - acting - special effects/ sound effects /graphics Conclusion: - recommendation action adventure/romantic comedy/war film set in … is about…who … Johnny Depp starring Jack Sparrow is… I definitely recommend it ./Don’t miss it! Don’t waste your time watching this film. Style (formal, semi-informal, informal) A lot of adjectives Present Simple

Слайд 3

Fill in the table with the adjectives from the list. Good Funny Exciting Sad Boring Bad tragic dull moving dreadful thrilling superb predictable depressing brilliant hilarious excellent gripping awful brilliant, excellent, superb hilarious thrilling, gripping depressing, moving, tragic dull, predictable awful, dreadful

Слайд 4

Free Willy, directed by Simon Wincer, is a fascinating and moving adventure. It is set on the west coast of North America, The film is about the relationship between a boy and a whale, called Willy. Jason James Richer plays Jesse, a young street child who finds out the meaning of love and friendship. Jesse first meets Willy in the sea park where the whale is kept. They become good friends as they have both been separated from their families. As the story develops Jesse becomes so fond of Willy that he decides to try and free him. All the actors, especially Lori Petty and Michael Madsen are excellent. The film is filled with suspense and emotion. The scenes involving Jesse and Willy teach us how close animals and human beings can be to each other. This is a wonderful film for the whole family. Don't miss it as it will change the way you see life and relationship forever. Read the following film review. Choose the necessary information. type of film setting details about plot main characters acting special effects/ sound effects /graphics recommendation

Слайд 5

Write a film review. You can use ideas from the posters .

Слайд 6

http://s14.postimage.org/tr0bfhtbl/68303297_c091f6609070.png http://zamolxismd.org/m/hermalditaness.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/cinemapopcorn.jpg http://blogimages.seniorennet.be/pieke/957129-34c81ad8d8e0b37d5304467a9e42a30e.jpg http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/3301/pavel-moiseenko.10/0_1b1c3_14c08603_XL.jpg

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