Материал у уроку "Five on a Treasure Island"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Данный материала содержит задания к открывку из книнги "Five on a Treasure Island", автор Enid Blyton. Материал предназначен для учащихся 6 -х классов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- A Great Surprise
“Mother, where are we going for our summer holidays?” Julian asked at the breakfast-table.
“You are big and you can have a holiday on your own”, said Mother. “And we are going to send you to your Uncle Quentin’s place. He lives by the sea with his wife Fanny. They have a child. Her name is Georgina, something funny, yes? She is about 11. I think, she will love your company”.
Uncle Quentin was their father’s brother. The children saw him some years ago and they were frightened of him. He was a tall, frowning man.
“Your Aunt Fanny is very nice. She will look after you well. Their house is by the sea. It’s good for children. I think, Georgina will like to play with you,” said Dad.
The children began to feel excited. It is fun to go the sea and stay with an unknown cousin.
“Is it a nice place?” asked Anne.
“It is an interesting place,” said Dad.
“I hope it is all right for us!” said Julian. “Georgina is a funny name, isn’t it? More like a boy’s than a girl’s. She is 11 - a year younger than I am – same age as you, Dick – and a year older than you, Anne. The four of us can have a fine time together.”
“We are going next Tuesday. But you mustn’t disturb your Uncle Quentin. He is a clever scientist. He works very hard. If you are noisy, he will be very angry,” said Daddy.
“We’ll be as quiet as mice in the house!” said Dick.
The children counted the days. At last Tuesday came.
“It has come at last! Isn’t it exciting to go away for a holiday!” said Anne.
They started after breakfast. The car was big. Mother sat with Daddy and the three children sat behind them. The children were very happy. They sang songs all the way.
They had lunch at half past 12. It was a lovely picnic on the top of a hill. The children ate all the sandwiches and continued the journey.
The children were watching the hills, woods and fields.
It was about 6 o’clock in the evening when they saw the blue sea. The three children gave a yell.
“There it is!”
“Oh, I want to swim very much!”
“You’ll see the bay soon. It is called Kirrin Bay. It is big. There is a funny island, “ said Dad.
“I’d like to visit it!” said Dick.
“Here is Kirrin Cottage, Aunt Fanny’s house,” said Daddy and stopped the car in front of the house. “It is about three hundred years old!”
It was a really old house. It was a big house. There was a garden with a lot of flowers. There were a lot of beautiful roses.
- The Strange Cousin
Aunt Fanny saw the car and ran out of the house. The children liked her look. She was a kind woman.
“Welcome to Kirrin!” she cried. “Hello, all of you! It’s lovely to see you! And what big children!”
There were kisses and then the children went into the house. They liked it very much. The house was old and nice.
“Where is Georgina?” asked Anne. She wanted to see her cousin very much.
“She is not at home,” said the Aunt Fanny. “Children, you will find “George” difficult at first. She is always on her own. At first she may not like you. But she will be all right in a short of time.”
“Is her name Georgina or George?” asked Anne.
“George hates being a girl. And we call her George. She will not answer if you call her Georgina,” said Aunt Fanny.
The children wanted to see her cousin, but she was not at home. Their Uncle Quentin came. He was very tall and very angry. He looked at the children. They were frightened.
Mother and Dad left. Aunt Fanny showed the children their bedrooms. The boy’s room was at the top of the house. It had a beautiful view of the bay. The boys were really happy. The girl’s room was smaller. One window looked over the sea. It was a very nice room. Anne was very happy.
“Where is Georgina?” asked Anne her aunt. “I want to see what she is like.”
“She is a funny little girl. She can be very rude. But she is kind at heart. She will make friends with you. She will be your friend,” said Aunt Fanny. “Anne, go to bed and have a long good night.”
All three children went to bed. Then Georgina came. They didn’t hear when she opened Anne’s door.
When Anne woke up in the morning she looked at the other bed.
“Are you Georgina?”
The child in the bed sat up and looked at Anne. She had very short hair. She looked like a boy. Her face was dark-brown. Her eyes were blue. She had a frown like her father’s.
“You must call me George! I hate being a girl. I hate wearing pretty dresses. I don’t like doing the things that girls do. I like doing the things that boys do. I can climb better and swim faster than any boy. I can sail a boat very well. If you don’t call me George, I will not speak to you.”
“All right! George is a nice name. You look like a boy.”
“Do I really? But do you like being a girl?” asked George.
“Yes, of course! I like pretty dresses and I like my dolls very much.”
“Pretty dresses and dolls! Well, you are a baby!”
“You are not very polite. I think my brothers will not like you. They are real boys, not a pretend boy like you,” said Anne.
George jumped out of bed. “I did not want you to come. I’m happy on my own. I don’t want to make friends with a silly girl like you and two stupid boys – cousins!”
It was very bad. The girls didn’t speak any more. The boys knocked at the door. George opened the door and went out. The boys were surprised. She didn’t look at them.
“She will not answer, if you call her Georgina,” said Anne. “She laughed at me and was rude. She didn’t want us to come.”
They ran down the stairs for breakfast. They said good morning to their aunt. Their uncle was sitting at the table. He was reading a newspaper. He nodded the children. George was there. The children sat down at the table.
“I hope you made friends,” said Aunt Fanny. “George, take your cousins to see the bay this morning. Show them the best place to swim.”
“I’m going fishing,” said George and looked angrily at the children.
“George, show good manners and take your cousins to the bay. Do you hear me?” said Uncle Quentin.
“Yes,” said George.
So, after breakfast the children went to the beach. George went with them. Anne Julian and Dick were very happy.
Julian thought that George was rude. But he liked the little girl with short hair and blue eyes. He looked at her.
“I don’t make friends with people just because they are my cousins. I make friends with people if I like them,” said George.
“So do we,” he said.
Anne liked the blue bay. There was a rocky island. And there was a ruined castle on the top of it.
“What is the name of the island?” asked Anne.
“It is called Kirrin Island, “ said George.
“Whose island is it?” asked Julian.
“It belongs to me. It is my island and my castle! If I like you, I will take you there some day. But I will not promise.”
III. A Visit to the Island
The next day the weather was nice. The sun was shining and everything was fine.
“Isn’t it a nice day?” said Anne to George as they got up.
Let’s go to the island!”
“I think we should not go,” said George.
“Oh, but why?” cried Anne.
“I think there will be a storm,” said George.
“The sky is blue. There are no clouds!” said Anne.
“The wind is wrong. Can’t you see the little white caps on tops of the waves? That is a bad sign,” said George.
“Oh, George, let’s go today!” said Anne.
“All right. We will go. But if a storm comes, you won’t be afraid and cry,” said George.
They went down to breakfast.
“Good morning! Are you going to the beach today?” asked Aunt Fanny.
“We are going to my island,” said George.
“I am pleased to hear it. Would you like to take your dinner and spend a day on the island? It is a long way,” said Aunt Fanny.
“It is wonderful!” said the children.
They wanted to take Tim, the dog with them.
“I think you will be safe with George. She can sail very well. Now girls, help me make sandwiches, and you boys go to the garden and pick some apples.”
The children were very happy. They had two bags with food. Soon they saw Tim. The dog ran to the children. He jumped round them. Then they went to the boat. They went into the boat and George pushed off. A fisher-boy waved to them.
“There is going to be a storm,” said the fisher-boy.
“I know. We will get back before it begins,” said George.
In some time they landed on the yellow sand. George was very happy. Her eyes were as bright as the sea. It was the first time she took someone to her island. She enjoyed it.
“We are really on the island!” said Anne. “Let’s explore the island!” said Anne. The children followed her. It was an exciting place.
“There is the castle!” said Julian. “Shall we explore it now?”
“Yes, we will,” said George.
The children saw the walls of the ruined castle. They came into the castle. They found themselves in a dark room. The room looked mysterious. Then they went to the other side of the castle.
“Thunder!” said George. “That’s the storm!”
IV. What the Storm Did
It was so interesting to explore the old castle that the children didn’t notice the change in the weather. They saw a bright flash. The wind was howling. Tim began to bark. It started raining. “Thunder!” said George. “That’s the storm!”
“Hurry up! Let’s shelter somewhere!” said Julian.
The children looked at the sea. The waves were very high.
“It will be a very bad storm,” said George. The children sheltered in one of the rooms of the castle. It was dark there. They decided to make a fire. The room was lighted by flames. It was very dark and noisy outside. The sea was roaring.
“Let’s have our dinner,” said Dick.
“Yes, let’s,” said the others.
“It’s fun to have a picnic in this room,” said Anne.
They all felt better when they were eating sandwiches. It became colder. The children went out for sticks in turn. Anne was frightened. She didn’t want to show that.
Julian came out of the castle and saw the sea. The waves were like grey walls. Suddenly he noticed something dark. It looked like a ship. He ran back to the room.
“Dick! George! Come on and see!” They followed Julian out into the rain. The children climbed up to watch the sea.
At first they saw nothing. Suddenly George saw a ship. “It is a big ship!”
As they stood a ray of sunshine came. The children looked upwards. “Good! The sun will appear soon,” said Dick.
George looked at the ship. “It’s my wreck! It is the old wrecked ship!” said George.
It was old and dark. It was lifted up from the bottom of the sea and put on the rocks nearby.
“George! We can explore it! We can find the gold!” shouted Julian.
- Answer the questions. Use the words: mother, brother, cousin, nephew, aunt, daughter.
1). Who is dick?
Dick is Ann’s ............... ;
Georgina’s …………… ;
Aunt Fanny’s ………….. .
2). Who is Georgina?
Georgina is Anne’s ………….. ;
Uncle Quentin’s ………….. .
3). Who is Aunt Fanny?
Aunt Fanny is Georgina’s ………….. ;
Anne, Dick and Julian’s …………… .
- Answer the questions.
What did Georgina like doing? What did she hate doing?
being a girl,
sailing a boat,
wearing pretty dresses,
playing with dolls,
doing the things that boys do,
spending time on the beach.
- Say what you enjoy doing and what you don’t like doing.
What do you have in common with George?
- I enjoy…………………………………………………………… .
We both enjoy …………………………………………………………. .
- I don’t like ……………………………………………………….. .
We both don’t like ……………………………………………….. .
- I don’t like …………………………………………………………... .
But George likes …………………………………………………… .
- Answer the question “Who did it?”
- ……………… wanted to see her cousin very much.
- …………….. showed the children their rooms.
- …………….. didn’t want to make friends with her cousins.
- ……………. thought that Georgina was rude.
- …………… went to the garden to pick some apples.
- …………… went to the children and jumped round them.
- Match. Use because or that’s why .
- The children were frightened of Uncle Quentin because/ that’s why
___ (p. 1)
- “Where is Georgina?” asked Anne because/ that’s why ___ (p. 3)
- The boy’s room had a beautiful view of the bay because/ that’s why
___ (p. 4)
4. The boys were surprised because/ that’s why ___ (p. 5)
5. Georgina went to the beach with her cousins because/ that’s why ___ (p. 6)
6. It was so interesting to see the old castle because/ that’s why ___
(p. 8)
7. It became cold because/ that’s why ___ (p. 9)
- the children went out for sticks.
- he was a tall, frowning man.
- she wanted to see her cousin very much.
- the children didn’t notice the change in the weather.
- Anne, Julian and Dick were very happy.
- Georgina didn’t look at them.
- they were really happy.
- Make a timeline of all the events in the story.
____ Georgina looked like a boy.
____ The children wanted to see her cousin but she didn’t come that evening.
____ After breakfast the children went to the beach.
____ It was a really old castle.
__1__ Julian, Anne and Dick went to the Uncle Quentin’s place.
____ Suddenly Georgina saw a ship.
____ It was the first time Georgina took her cousins to the island.
____ The waves were very high. It started raining.
____ It was dark the children decided to make a fire.
Task 1
Answer the questions. Use the words: mother, brother, cousin, nephew, aunt, daughter.
1). Who is dick? Dick is Ann’s ............... ;
Georgina’s …………… ;
Aunt Fanny’s ………….. .
2). Who is Georgina? Georgina is Anne’s ………….. ;
Uncle Quentin’s ………….. .
3). Who is Aunt Fanny? Aunt Fanny is Georgina’s ………….. ;
Anne, Dick and Julian’s …………… .
Listen to me. Whose characteristics are these?
- She was a kind woman.
- He was a tall frowning man.
- She liked her pretty dresses and dolls very much.
- He was the oldest of the children
- She could be rude. But she was kind at heart.
Task 2
Answer the questions.
What did Georgina like doing? What did she hate doing?
being a girl,
sailing a boat,
wearing pretty dresses,
playing with dolls,
doing the things that boys do,
spending time on the beach.
Task 3
Say what you enjoy doing and what you don’t like doing.
What do you have in common with George?
- I enjoy…………………………………………………………… .
We both enjoy …………………………………………………………. .
- I don’t like ……………………………………………………….. .
We both don’t like ……………………………………………….. .
- I don’t like …………………………………………………………... .
But George likes …………………………………………………… .
Your home task was to ask Georgina 2 – 3 questions.
What would you like to ask her?
Task 4
Answer the question “Who did it?”
- ……………… wanted to see her cousin very much.
- …………….. showed the children their rooms.
- …………….. didn’t want to make friends with her cousins.
- ……………. thought that Georgina was rude.
- …………… went to the garden to pick some apples.
- …………… went to the children and jumped round them.
Task 5
Match. Use because or that’s why .
- The children were frightened of Uncle Quentin because/ that’s why
___ (p. 1)
- “Where is Georgina?” asked Anne because/ that’s why ___ (p. 3)
- The boy’s room had a beautiful view of the bay because/ that’s why
___ (p. 4)
4. The boys were surprised because/ that’s why ___ (p. 5)
5. Georgina went to the beach with her cousins because/ that’s why ___ (p. 6)
6. It was so interesting to see the old castle because/ that’s why ___
(p. 8)
7. It became cold because/ that’s why ___ (p. 9)
- the children went out for sticks.
- he was a tall, frowning man.
- she wanted to see her cousin very much.
- the children didn’t notice the change in the weather.
- Anne, Julian and Dick were very happy.
- Georgina didn’t look at them.
- they were really happy.
Task 6
Make a timeline of all the events in the story.
____ Georgina looked like a boy.
____ The children wanted to see her cousin but she didn’t come that evening.
____ After breakfast the children went to the beach.
____ It was a really old castle.
__1__ Julian, Anne and Dick went to the Uncle Quentin’s place.
____ Suddenly Georgina saw a ship.
____ It was the first time Georgina took her cousins to the island.
____ The waves were very high. It started raining.
____ It was dark the children decided to make a fire.
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