Викторина по английскому языку
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Войцеховская Анна Валерьевна
-Формирование у учащихся интереса к английскому языку как средству межличностного общения.
-Развитие коммуникативной культуры и компетенции учащихся.
-Эстетическое воспитание средствами иностранного языка 



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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Цели: Формирование у учащихся интереса к английскому языку как средству межличностного общения. Развитие коммуникативной культуры и компетенции учащихся. Эстетическое воспитание средствами иностранного языка Задачи: Проконтролировать знание страноведческого материала по изученным темам. Практиковать учащихся в употреблении в речи лексического материала по темам. Подготовить учащихся к успешной сдаче ПГК и ЕНТ.

Слайд 4

The 1 st stage is: “BAIGA” The 2 nd stage is: “POLIGLOT” The 3d stage is: “ZHORGA” The 4 th stage is “ ORATOR” The 5 th stage is: “KOKPAR”

Слайд 5

THE UNITED KINGDOM Music and film Food and drink Sport and transport Education 100 100 100 100 100 20 0 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400

Слайд 6

The United kingdom 100 What is the capital of the UK? Back

Слайд 7

The United kingdom 200 When is Halloween? Back

Слайд 8

The United kingdom 300 When the great fire of London was broke out? Back

Слайд 9

The United kingdom 400 Do you know when Queen Elizabeth II came to throne? Back

Слайд 10

Music and film 100 Name the person who writers the script of the film Back

Слайд 11

Music and film 200 Name the main mail character of the film ‘the X-files’ Back

Слайд 12

Music and film 300 Name the director of the film ‘War and Peace’ won the Oscar for the best film in 1968? Back

Слайд 13

Music and film 400 Name the time of English group ‘The Beatles’ when they became world famous pop-star. Back

Слайд 14

Food and drink 100 Is hamburger junk food or healthy food? Back

Слайд 15

Food and drink 200 What is the barbecue? Back

Слайд 16

Food and drink 300 What is the traditional Christmas meal? Back

Слайд 17

Food and drink 400 What is the difference between can and tin? Back

Слайд 18

Sport and transport 100 Which is the most popular British sport? Back

Слайд 19

Sport and transport 200 What is the public transport called in England? Back

Слайд 20

Sport and transport 300 What is the English for – стрельба из лука ? Back

Слайд 21

Sport and transport 400 When did the Olympic Games take place in London? Back

Слайд 22

Education 100 At what age do children go to school in Britain? Back

Слайд 23

Education 200 What are 2 main British Universities? Back

Слайд 24

Education 300 What is GCSE? Back

Слайд 25

Education 400 What is one of the most interesting fact about Cambridge University? Back

Слайд 26

Polyglot When people say theatre, music, architecture, literature they mean….

Слайд 27

answer Arts- искусство- өнер

Слайд 28

If you happen to be in Almaty an go to the shop ‘Adidas’ you will buy a lot of sport…

Слайд 29

answer Clothes - спортивные одежды - спорт киімдері

Слайд 30

Imagine you are going to a trip down the coast in a rainy weather, you will wear…

Слайд 31

Answer Raincoat – плащ – плащ

Слайд 32

The universal language of the world is…

Слайд 33

Answer English – английский язык – ағылшын тілі

Слайд 34

Winnie the Pooh is a …

Слайд 35

Answer Bear – медведь – аю

Слайд 36

East or west home is …

Слайд 37

Answer Best – лучше – жақсы

Слайд 38

The books are our …

Слайд 39

Answer Friends – друзья - достар

Слайд 40

Don’t play with …

Слайд 41

Answer Fire – огонь – от

Слайд 42

Өнерлі өрге ...

Слайд 43

Жауабы Жүзер /жүзу – плавать - to swim /

Слайд 44

Алты ұл туған ... “ Ханым” десе болады.

Слайд 45

Ана / мама - a mother /

Слайд 46

... – балаға сыншы.

Слайд 47

Ата /дедушка - a grandfather /

Слайд 48


Слайд 49

1. What is the symbol of Ireland? 2. What is the capital of Australia? 3. Which holiday is celebrated on the 17th of March? 4. Which river does Stratford stand on? 5. Who is the master of the first British opera? 6. Who invented the telephone? 7. What city is the center of cotton goods industry in England? 8. What is the name the British Queen? 9. Who is the Patron Saint of England? 10.What is April 23d connected in England with?

Слайд 50

1. That poet was called “The Father of English Poetry”. Who is he? 2. What competition is held in Wimbledon? 3. Who discovered penicillin? 4. Where was the first underground railway in the world? 5. What is the longest river in Great Britain? 6. Which is the most popular British sport? 7. “Living Question” What style of music do you hear? 8. Where did the Olympic Games begin? 9. Who is the author of the poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands “ 10. “Living Question”(musical extract) Name the author of the composition.

Слайд 51

1. Name 3 parts of London 2. Translate the word “love” into the Kazakh language. 3. When did the Great Fire of London take place? 4. Who discovered Australia? 5. What is the name of the clock in England? 6. What is the Kazakh national instrument(s). 7. What is the name of this London bus? 8. Which street did Sherlock Holmes live? 9. What is the antonym to the word “GOOD”? 10. What is the symbol of Scotland?

Слайд 52

1. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? 2. What is the name of Dickens? / Charles 3. The highest mountain in the British Isles is... 4. What is the Russian for “favorite”? 5. When is Christmas celebrated? 6. What day comes after Sunday? 7. Who is the author of “Romeo and Juliet?” 8. Which street is the residence of the British prime-minister? 9. What is the antonym to the word “BIG”? 10. What is the symbol of Wales?

Слайд 53

1. What is the capital of Scotland? 2. What is the name of Byron? 3. The highest mountain in Wales is... 5. What is the Russian for “famous?” 6. When is Halloween celebrated? 7. What day comes after Saturday? 8. Who is the author of “Oliver Twist “? 9. Name the person whose job is to cut and arrange hair 10. Name “ котлеты ” in English.

Слайд 54

Orator I love my Kazakh language

Слайд 55


Слайд 56

For 1 st player: 1. What is Hollywood? 2. Name « шашлык » in English. 3. What is the most popular British airport? 4. What is the name of the queen? 5. What is the name of the room where we sleep? 6. How many parts are there in UK? 7. What are the Britain’s national flowers? 8. What is the most popular drink in Britain? 9. How is traditional Christmas meal? 10. How often do they have a meal? What are the meals ?

Слайд 57

For 2 nd player: 1. What is « голубцы »? 2. What is the name of Queen’s husband? 3. What cannot we live without? 4. Who in the royal family died in the car crash in 1997? 5. What is the surname of the royal family? 6. What is the capital of Australia? 7. What is the national park in England? 8. What is the official name of GB now? 9. The name of the queen in GB? 10. How many houses are there in the British Parliament?

Слайд 58

Lesson is over! Thank you for your attention!

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