3 курс отделения Лечебное дело, Сестринское дело Текст6 "Причины искривления позвоночника у детей"
план-конспект по английскому языку
3 курс отделения Лечебное дело, Сестринское дело. Задание: Прочесть, перевести, перессказать текст. выписать в словарь медицинские термины и выучить их.
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When the child goes to school everything is changed in his life. The child which goes to the 1st class must sit at the table during 45 minutes and he must not do any activities, as he did at nursery school. The child has 4, 5 lessons a day. The desk is not comfortable as a rule, the chair is hard and the light is not bright in class. The child spends much time doing his hometasks at home he not always observing right position of the body, that is why he is very tired quickly.
But the child is very happy, because he has nice, new bag, modern uniform, all this his parents bought to him. But the bag is heavy, and the child has pain in the back, and his uniform letters movements. But gradually when the child is in 2, 3 class he gets used and doesn’t notice these inconveniences in the meantime the shoulders are on different level shoulders begin to bulge the spine is bent. As a result, at the end of the school year many pupils of primary school when they have violation of posture are appeared which they hadn’t before and all this is caused a concern of their parents. At is explained by many reasons which were mentioned earlier before the wrong choice of the bag, a wrong organization of the workplace, of the pupil at home and at school, uncomfortable school uniform, the increase of the static load to the child.
The problem of violation of posture of pupils in primary school is very relevant. The Students of Essentuki branch of Stavropol State Medical University are interested in prevention of this pathology and they do a research work with the aim of it’s effectiveness, which was carried out on at school “6” Essentuki among the pupils of 3 form. As a respondents the pupils of 8-9 age were attracted. The research work was divided into 3 stages.
Testing was on the first stage. The children were examined in according it the test card for detecting of violation of posture. As a result of testing it was revealed that 60% of pupils have violations of posture.
The most frequent deviations are recorded:
- waist triangle inequality
- excessive blade of lags
- asymmetry of shoulders girdle
- excessive increase in physiological curvature of the spine
- gait deviations
The survey of children was on the second stage. Pupils were divided into 2 groups. The pupils which have violations of posture – were in the 1st group, children which didn’t have violations of posture – were in the 2nd group. The survey should that all children with violations of posture have background of development of this pathology: 35% of children have insufficient lighting of their workplace; 18% of children have uncomfortable school uniform which letters movements; 65% of pupils have heavy bag on the back; 80% of children have pain in the back of motor activity at the lessons. The children which haven’t violations of posture haven’t these problems
The questioning of parents was on the 3 stage. The analyze of results showed that children which haven’t violations of posture do morning exercises every day , they swim and go in for different kinds of sport, and they attend physical load between lessons. Besides, the parents observe the right position of the body of their child when he does his homework, at the dinning table, during motor activity and corrects posture of their child.
The results of research work show that on the following are hygiene recommendations and requirements the organization of workplace of the child to his school uniform and bag and also it the performing prophylactic measures of sport kind following the rational motor requirement the violation of posture of pupils can be avoided.
So during the research work in the main reasons of violations of posture of pupils were identified and analyzed the effectiveness of prophylactic measures it prevention of this pathology was proved
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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