Шаблон описания фотографии в устной части ВПР в 7 классе.
консультация по английскому языку (7 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
1 I’d like to describe picture № 1.
2 The picture shows us a family. Friends/ a group of tourists
3 The photo was (probably) taken inside.\outside
4 In this picture the action is taking place in the room.\ in the cinema
5 Looking at this family I get the impression that they are smiling at the camera. \The girl is holding her smartphone
6 The girl`s parents \ She looks like \ they are in their\ in her early thirties.
6 The girl looks like she is about 2 years old.
7 They are wearing\ She is wearing fancy clothes. \casual clothes
8 I guess she is quiet and kind,\ I guess she is cheerful and happy, because she has a beautiful smile.
8 I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful.\enthusiastic воодушевленный
\ busy оживленный\ cheerful \ unusual
9 It makes me think of my family.\of my childhood\ of my friends\ of summer and my future holidays.
1 I’d like to describe picture number 1.
2 The picture shows a girl sitting on her chair in the classroom.
3 I think the girl is at school now.
4 She is drawing something in her copybook during the lesson.
5 She looks happy. We can see that she is smiling.
6 The girl is well-dressed, she is wearing a school uniform.
7 As for me, I like this picture because it makes me think about my school days.
That is all I wanted to say.
1 I’d like to describe picture № 1.
2 The picture shows us a family. Friends/ a group of tourists
3 The photo was (probably) taken inside.\outside
4 In this picture the action is taking place in the room.\ in the cinema
5 Looking at this family I get the impression that they are smiling at the camera. \The girl is holding her smartphone
6 The girl`s parents \ She looks like \ they are in their\ in her early thirties.
6 The girl looks like she is about 2 years old.
7 They are wearing\ She is wearing fancy clothes. \casual clothes
8 I guess she is quiet and kind,\ I guess she is cheerful and happy, because she has a beautiful smile.
8 I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful.\enthusiastic воодушевленный
\ busy оживленный\ cheerful \ unusual
9 It makes me think of my family.\of my childhood\ of my friends\ of summer and my future holidays.
1 I’d like to describe picture number 1.
2 The picture shows a girl sitting on her chair in the classroom.
3 I think the girl is at school now.
4 She is drawing something in her copybook during the lesson.
5 She looks happy. We can see that she is smiling.
6 The girl is well-dressed, she is wearing a school uniform.
7 As for me, I like this picture because it makes me think about my school days.
That is all I wanted to say.
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