Работа с текстом 10 класс Проблемы экологии. Публицистическая статья.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)
Материал по работе с публицистической статье для 10 класса
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What Are the Top 5 Environmental Concerns for 2019?
Nov 01 2018
We all like to do our bit to help the environment. But as time goes on, we’re seeing new environmental concerns. As the new year approaches, we all need to be ready and prepared to tackle the 5 main environmental threats in 2019.
1. Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the most complex and vital feature of our planet. It is essentially every living thing and ecosystem that makes up the environment. From the tallest giraffe to the smallest microorganism, everything plays an important role in the maintenance of our world.
But with the increase in global warming, pollution and deforestation, biodiversity is in danger. Billions of species are going or have gone extinct all over the world. Some scientists are suggesting that we are in the beginning of a 6th mass extinction, posing issues for our planet and ourselves.
Making sustainable choices can help to keep our planet running smoothly.
2. Water
Water pollution is a huge concern for us and our environment. Not only is polluted water a huge financial strain but is also killing both humans and marine life. With oil spills, an abundance of plastic waste and toxic chemicals entering our waterways, we’re damaging the most valuable resource our planet.
By educating people on the causes and effects of water pollution, we can work together to undo the damage humans have caused. Laws also need to change to make pollution tougher, consistently across national borders.
3. Deforestation
We need plants and trees to survive. They provide oxygen, food, water and medicine for everyone, all over the globe. But if deforestation continues at the rate it’s occurring, we won’t have much of the valuable forestry left.
With natural wildfires, illegal logging and the mass amount of timber being harvested for commercial use, our forests are decreasing at an alarming rate. As well as reducing our supply of oxygen, the loss of forests is contributing around 15% of our greenhouse gas emissions.
To help, you can buy more recycled and organic products, limiting the amount of paper and cardboard you use.
4. Pollution
Pollution is one of the primary causes of many of the other environmental concerns, including climate change and biodiversity. All 7 key types of pollution – air, water, soil, noise, radioactive, light and thermal – are affecting our environment.
All types of pollution, and environmental concerns, are interlinked and influence one another. So, to tackle one is to tackle them all. That’s why we need to work together, as a community, to reduce the impact that pollution is having on our environment.
5. Climate Change
As pointed out by a recent UN report, without ‘unprecedented changes’ in our actions and behaviour, our planet will suffer from global warming in just 12 years. Greenhouses gases are the main cause of climate change, trapping in the sun’s heat and warming the surface of the earth.
An increased ocean temperature is affecting the sea life and ecosystems habituated there. The rise in global sea levels is shrinking our land, causing mass floods and freak weather incidents across the world. If we continue as we are, the world will suffer irreversibly.
Saying no to driving more will reduce your carbon footprint, as will switching off electrical items when they’re not in use. More importantly, we need to educate the world on the effects and severity of global warming, before it’s too late.
Find out more
There are a wide range of initiatives in place to combat the biggest environmental concerns – from recycling schemes to major legislation reforms. Find out more about efforts to measure, model and mitigate air pollution in the article, ‘Air quality networks - simplifying source apportionment, supporting pollution mitigation’.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Find English words by transcription and translate them
[bit] [ɪnˈvʌɪrənm(ə)nt] [əˈlɑːmɪŋ]
[tækl] [ɪnˈkriːs] [əˈfɛktɪŋ]
[kənˈsəːn] [ˈɪʃuːz] [ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]
[ˈkɒmplɛks] [ˈwɔːtəweɪz] [ˈʃrɪŋkɪŋ]
- Find English equivalents for the following words:
глобальное потепление
виды животных
экологически рациональный выбор
биологическое разнообразие видов
исчезновение лесов
органические продукты
привыкший проживать (где-либо)
- Find Russian equivalents for the following words groups and write out the situation in which it is use in the text:
an alarming rate
environmental concerns
to reduce the impact
organic products
a wide range of initiatives
complex and vital feature of our planet
make up the environment
a huge financial strain
greenhouse gas emission
reduce carbon footprint
marine life
- Find synonyms in the text:
loss of forests
spreading of oil over the surface
great amount of plastic waste
to decrease humans’ harm
horrible weather disasters
to teach the population
- Write out all the derivative forms of the following words:
A forest
To extinct
A cause
To recycle
To affect
- Find all the cases of Present Continuous and explain the usage of it.
- Write out all sentences with Modal Verbs and translate them.
- Answer the following questions:
- What is biodiversity? What makes it up?
- Why is biodiversity in danger?
- Why is water pollution a huge problem for our planet?
- What is the valuable resource of our planet?
- What is deforestation? Why is it harmful?
- Which is the main cause of climate change? What’s so bad about it?
- Enumerate 7 main types of pollution. How can people tackle them? Is it possible to tackle only one?
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